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粮油科技文摘,2019(3)粮油储运部分 2019-8-23
张 威,詹 展,周 涛,等
质谱联用技术(HS-SPME-GC-MS)研究储藏初期(2017年8月至2018年2月)稻谷霉菌带菌量及挥发性成分的变化规律。结果表明:从2017年8月入储到次年2月,稻谷粮温呈现出与气温、仓温相一致的下降趋势;稻谷水分在储藏期存在波动,但均低于籼稻安全储藏水平上限(13.5%);稻谷初始霉菌带菌量为4.67 lg cfu/g,储藏至11月时降至3.00 lg cfu/g,继续储至次年2月时变化不大;稻谷挥发性成分中,酯类检出种类及含量在11月时明显增加,但次年2月又大幅下降,壬醛在储至次年2月时含量明显增加。
俞晓静,王远成,戚禹康,石天玉,魏 雷
24 m大跨度平房仓稻谷储藏中的应用。结果表明:大跨度平房仓采用横向谷冷通风技术后,通风路径为传统通风系统的4倍以上,冷热交换更加充分,谷冷通风降温耗能低。降温后粮堆温度均匀性好,粮堆高度方向粮温基本一致,沿谷冷通风的气流前进方向温度梯度差平均不大于0.3 ℃/m。在大跨度平房仓稻谷储藏中应用横向谷冷通风技术冷却效率和降温均匀性更好。研究横向谷冷通风技术在36 m。
研究了细叶亚菊挥发油的化学组成及其对两种常见粮储害虫—赤拟谷盗和烟草甲成虫的杀虫活性及趋避作用。采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取挥发油,GC/MS法分析挥发油的成分及其相对含量;采用熏蒸、触杀、趋避三种不同的测试方法评价挥发油对害虫的防治作用。从细叶亚菊挥发油中鉴定出了17种化合物,主要成分为(+)-樟脑(28.92%)、1,8-桉油精(23.64%)、冰片(6.52%)。挥发油对赤拟谷盗和烟草甲表现出较强熏蒸活性,分别为15.88 mg/L和25.67 mg/L;同时,对两种昆虫表现出一定触杀活性,分别为52.37 μg/头和17.56 μg/头;测试浓度下作用2h或4h后,对赤拟谷盗均具有与阳性对照DEET相近的趋避效果,对烟草甲作用2h后具有一定趋避活性。研究结果提示,细叶亚菊挥发油对赤拟谷盗和烟草甲具有较好防治作用,能够为细叶亚菊挥发油防治常见粮食仓储害虫提供一定的理论依据。
探讨小麦被蛀食性害虫侵害过程中其挥发性物质的变化,为建立害虫预警机制寻找一种新的途径。以一般虫粮要求密度10头/kg的3种主要蛀食性害虫侵害小麦为研究对象,每30 d取样测定小麦挥发性成分。结果表明:米象侵害小麦后共检测出64种挥发性物质,玉米象侵害小麦后共检测出77种挥发性物质,谷蠹侵害小麦后共检测出69种挥发性物质,对照样和感染米象、玉米象和谷蠹的小麦样品中的挥发性成分主要为烃类、醇类、醛类、酮类和酯类等其他物质,随着侵害时间的延长,其中烷烃类物质含量先下降后上升,烯烃类和酮类物质含量整体呈上升趋势,醛类物质含量波动下降,醇类和酯类变化相对不明显。感染3种蛀食性害虫的小麦挥发性成分中的十六烷、十九烷、壬醛、椰子醛和邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯均呈现出明显下降趋势,感染米象和玉米象的小麦挥发性成分中的红没药烯和雪松烯的含量呈上升趋势,在感染后期较为明显,感染玉米象的小麦挥发性成分中的十二烷和十三烷含量在第60天时明显上升。这些物质的含量随着小麦储藏稳定性呈现较明显变化,可以考虑参考它们的数值来预测小麦品质变化。
为明确缓步威伪蝎对储粮害虫的捕食作用与效果,评价捕食性天敌在仓储行业使用的可行性,采用行为学和模拟功能反应的方法研究缓步威伪蝎对几种主要的储藏物害虫的捕食作用及捕食行为。结果发现:缓步威伪蝎捕食谱广泛,能捕食9种常见的储藏物害虫,尤其偏好捕食赤拟谷盗和嗜卷书虱,对烟草甲的捕食作用最差;缓步威伪蝎对赤拟谷盗捕食行为过程分为寻找、捕获(钳住猎物)、麻痹、吸食汁液和休息5个过程;缓步威伪蝎对赤拟谷盗3龄幼虫日捕食量最大为19.0头/d,对3龄烟草甲日捕食量最小为1.2头/d;缓步威伪蝎对3龄嗜卷书虱的捕食功能反应研究结果表明,嗜卷书虱在10~160头的密度范围内符合Holling II模型,其中理论最大捕食量为78.7头,发现域为0.03 m2。说明了缓步威伪蝎对常见的储粮害虫均有一定的捕食作用,可以有效地防治赤拟谷盗和储粮书虱。
对两种水分含量(13.80%、15.30%)玉米在4个储藏温度(15、20、25、30℃)进行180 d的模拟试验。研究表明:在相同储藏期内,水分含量越高、储藏温度越高,游离脂肪酸含量和菌落总数越高,发芽势和发芽率越低;粮食水分、储粮温度对玉米的储藏品质影响明显。随着储藏时间的延长,玉米籽粒中的过氧化氢酶活性呈现下降趋势,且水分含量15.30%的玉米籽粒在25℃、30℃时各指标的变化要比水分含量13.80%的更快,而在15℃、20℃时,两种水分玉米籽粒的变化趋势相对缓和。因此,玉米脂肪酸值在不同储存条件下的超标控制点不同,水分含量15.30%的玉米在20℃、水分含量13.80%的玉米在25℃下的安全储藏期为180 d。本研究为应用"表干内湿、控温保水"储粮新工艺保存偏高水分玉米提供了理论依据与技术支持。
杨晓帆,章 铖,宋宏铭,何 荣
邱 平,冀浏果,刘雍容,严云修
以黑育I号玉米为试材,研究不同温度对玉米储藏品质的影响。结果表明:随着储藏时间的延长,玉米蛋白质、淀粉和脂肪含量逐渐下降,脂肪酸值增加。低温储藏可明显延缓玉米营养物质的流失速度,抑制α-淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力。储藏22 d后,在20℃储藏的玉米的α-淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力分别为在-18℃储藏的玉米的2.3和4.4倍。
针对磷化氢熏蒸害虫产生抗性,而氮气气调的气密改造和运营成本高的问题,研究了氮气和磷化氢联合熏蒸对粉食性储粮害虫的杀虫效果。选用采自全国6个省份8个地区的赤拟谷盗、锈赤扁谷盗、嗜虫书虱作为试虫,每个虫种各选用磷化氢抗药性不一致的三个品系进行试验。使用纯的氮气钢瓶气体和排水集气法制得的磷化氢气体作为熏蒸气体。试验结果表明,采用95%以上氮气和200 mL/m3以上磷化氢联合熏蒸的方法,适当的增加熏蒸用时,可杀死全部害虫,取得理想的熏蒸效果。
打造“智慧粮库” 助力军粮企业发展
将横向通风风网系统的所有支风道开孔,连接20 cm直径的PVC管并伸出粮面,将平房仓空间空调制冷的冷气利用自然交换的方法均匀引入仓房南北檐墙的支风道,在粮堆表层形成冷气帘,克服粮堆'热表皮'现象,以期达到延缓粮温上升目的。结果表明:开启空调的5~9月,粮堆面层粮温低1.0℃,南檐墙低1.3℃,北檐墙低0.7℃,整体平均粮温低0.9℃,年最高平均粮温20.5℃和21.7℃,可以达到一定的控温效果。
粮油仓储科技通讯,2019(1): 46-49
粮油仓储科技通讯,2019(1): 50-53
粮食加工,2019(3): 63-67
粮食加工,2019(3): 68-70
粮食加工,2019(3): 71-74
为了解决小麦长时间储存后出库时的水分减量问题,通过自行研发设计的增湿调质机进行实仓增湿调质试验,试验结果证明该增湿调质机在8 d的时间内将试验仓小麦最低水分由11.0%提升至11.82%,全仓平均水分由11.43%提升至12.13%,全仓水分梯度差由0.90%缩减至0.76%,具备较好的增湿调质效果,同时提升了全仓小麦的水分均匀度。
粮食加工,2019(3): 75-77
采用送风式通风方式,支通风管的连接方式为"U"形,开展了支通风管不同开孔率对模拟马铃薯贮藏窖通风系统均匀性通风的影响研究。结果表明,送风式通风系统支通风管开孔率大小与通风孔口的风速和风压大小成反比,距离风机越近,通风孔口的风速和风压越大,反之则越小;当支通风管的开孔率为80%~90%时,两条支通风管远、中、近三处位置通风孔口的风速均保持在3~5 m/s之间,该风速为马铃薯贮藏期间进行强制通风的适宜风速。
粮食加工,2019(3): 78-81
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 23-27
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 28-31
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 71-73
通过分析东北4种优势品种粳稻在5个温度(35℃、30℃、25℃、20℃、15℃)条件下储藏120d的品质变化规律,指出储藏温度、时间与指标间的关系,确保储藏期安全。结果表明,高温使粳稻的脂肪酸值上升速率加快,增加量为11.33~18.66mgKOH/100g,低温下脂肪酸值增加量仅为2.45~5.68mgKOH/100g;高温下脂肪酶活性变化量为4.8~9.2mg/g,低温下脂肪酶活性变化量为1.0~3.9mg/g。30℃下4个品种粳稻电导率值均达到最大,随着储藏时间增加,电导率值逐渐增大。温度对a*值和b*影响显著,初始水分含量对L*值影响显著。对粳稻的脂肪酸值(F)、脂肪酶活动度(X)、电导率值(P)与储藏温度(T)和储藏时间(D)进行双因素方差分析和二元线性回归方程拟合,结果表明,储藏温度和时间是影响这些指标的极显著因素,且都符合W/F/X/P=aT+bD+c(P <0.01)的二元线性关系,可用于粳稻储藏过程中相关指标的模型预测。
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 71-87
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 71-87
粮食科技与经济,2019(3): 94-96
重点研究动态温湿度环境对不同水分含量糙米中色度及叶黄素含量的影响。初始水分含量分别为14.4%、16.6%、18.7%、20.5%的糙米动态温湿度储藏150 d,每隔30 d测定叶黄素含量及色度值。结果表明,糙米中叶黄素含量随储藏时间的增加均呈下降趋势。在相同储藏时间下,糙米水分含量越高,叶黄素含量下降越快。温度对糙米中叶黄素含量影响极显著(p<0.01),水分含量对糙米中叶黄素含量影响显著(p<0.05)。L*值与糙米中叶黄素含量极显著正相关(p<0.01),a*、b*值均与糙米中叶黄素含量极显著负相关(p<0.01)。实验表明,过高的温度不利于糙米中叶黄素的保留,通过控制糙米在低温下(15℃)储藏,并保持低水分含量(14.4%),可减缓糙米中叶黄素含量的流失。
以不同质量浓度的白砂糖、食盐、食醋为原料配制保鲜液,对鲜食玉米进行常温保鲜研究。通过单因素实验分别确定白砂糖、食盐、食醋的最佳浓度,利用正交实验确定复合保鲜液的最佳浓度配比,并对鲜食玉米进行保鲜。分析贮藏过程中,感官品质、失重率、弹性及气味的变化。结果表明,复合保鲜液质量浓度配比为白砂糖3 g/L、食盐10 g/L、食醋5 g/L时,贮藏30 d,鲜食玉米气味变化较小,籽粒饱满度较好,保鲜效果显著。
Predicting soybean losses using carbon dioxide monitoring during storage in silo bags
H.I. Taher, H.A. Urcola, M.G. Cendoya, R.E. Bartosik
The rapid increase of the overall grain production of Argentina resulted with a storage capacity deficit in permanent structures of 40–50 million tons, and this context favored the rapid adoption of the silo bag technology. Silo bag allows differing grain selling from harvest time, taking advantage of the seasonal price changes and, hence, improving farmers’income. However, storing grain in silo bag could be risky if inadequate planning, handling or monitoring is implemented. Thus, the objective of this article was to develop a prediction model for soybeanlosses in silo bag storage based on monitoring CO2 concentration and other sensible variables. During 2013, an experiment was conducted in 13 soybean silo bags placed at farms and grain elevators in Balcarce area, South East of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, since May to December. Grain samples were collected and grain quality was evaluated. Storage variables, such as moisture content and interstitial atmosphere gas composition were also recorded, and at the end of storage, physical grain losses were quantified for each silo bag (kg of spoiled grain not commercialized). The results showed that there was not generalized quality loss in any silo bag, but localized losses were observed. These losses occurred due to water entrance in the silo bag through openings which resulted in spoiled grain from 140 to 4320?kg, representing from 0.07% to 2.16% in a 200 ton silo bag. Next, a correlation to predict grain losses was developed, which considered grain moisture and a predictor related to the CO2 concentration at the silo bag closing end as independent variables. This correlation explained 73% of the grain losses variability, allowed to model different levels of losses, and was consistent with biological concepts.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):1-8
Using immobilization as a quick diagnostic indicator for resistance to phosphine
Christos G. Athanassiou, Nickolas G. Kavallieratos, Daniel L. Brabec,et al
In the present study, we evaluated a quick diagnostic test for resistance to phosphine in stored-product beetle species. We collected different populations of thirteen species, obtained from different laboratories in different counties, i.e., USA, Greece, Australia, Germany and Spain. There were also tested populations that have been sampled from different facilities (field populations). We used the Detia Degesch Phosphine Tolerance Test Kit (DDPTTK), which is based on the exposure of the insects on a high concentration of phosphine for shorter exposure periods. The tested concentrations to phosphine were 1000 and 3000?ppm. Briefly, 20 adults of the tested populations were placed in a 100?ml plastic syringe. The observations were taken every 2 ?min and the exposed adults were classified as either walking normally or being immobilized (knocked down), i.e., not walking normally. In light of our findings, the time to reach knockdown of all adults was notably reduced at 3000?ppm in comparison with 1000?ppm. For the majority of the species and laboratory populations tested, at 3000?ppm, the time required for knockdown ranged between 8 and 14?min. In contrast, for some of the field populations, knockdown did not reach 100% even after 300?min of exposure, at either 1000 or 3000?ppm. Based on the results of the present study, we recommend that the DDPTTK can be operated at 3000?ppm, and we provide the critical threshold times per species for the characterization of tolerance/resistance.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):17-26
P. Agrafioti, C.G. Athanassiou, M.K. Nayak
The use of phosphine has been effective against a wide range of stored-productpests in different types of commodities and facilities. However, its continuous and improper use has led to resistance development in -several major insect species. Although phosphine resistance has been reported from many countries across the globe, reports from Europe have been very limited. In the present study, we determined phosphine resistance in insect populations that had been collected from a range of storages across Greece, using two different diagnostic protocols. Apart from the traditional Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) protocol, a field test kit (known as the Detia Degesch Tolerance Test Kit, DDTTPK) was utilized, for “same day” determination of the resistance status of field collected insects. In total, 53 populations belonging to Rhyzopertha dominica, Sitophilus oryzae, Sitophilus granarius, Cryptolestes ferrugineus, Tribolium confusum, Tribolium castaneumand Oryzaephilus surinamensis were tested. For the majority of the species and populations tested, both FAO and DDPTTK provided similar results, for the susceptibility to phosphine and thus, the quick test could be used with success for an initial same day screening of phosphine resistance. Among the tested species, the populations recorded with the most frequent survival at the FAO testing dose of phosphine was that of R. dominica. The dissimilar evaluation and characterization of resistance to phosphine between diagnostic protocols is particularly important, as it poses risks in the over or underestimation of the resistance status of a given population. Our data indicate that the DDPTTK could be used to determine resistance to phosphine in the field, before the initiation of fumigations to disinfest stored commodities.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):40-47
T.M. Schinabeck, F. Weigler, J. Mellmann, C. Idler, E. Flöter
To predict the storability of grain, detailed information is required on the moisture distribution within the grain bulk since a significant variance can be expected in the moisture content between individual grain kernels during storage. Therefore, it is important to consider and determine the single kernel moisture content distribution. The aim of this work was to investigate mass transfer processes that occur during long-term and intermediate storage of grain. For it, the method of particle moisture distribution analysis by means of the Time Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy was used. For this purpose, fundamental laboratory-scale experiments were conducted in small storage containers. As these storage experiments revealed, the width of the particle moisture distribution decreased noticeably when there was enough air available in the container for moisture exchange. Thereafter, the storage experiments were extended to pilot-scale using barrels to store grain for months in the scope of about 90?kg per batch. These experiments were performed without ventilation so as to simulate dead zones of airflow that often occur under industrial-scale flat storage conditions. In the closed barrels, no equalization of the particle moisture content was observed even after eleven months of storage. The knowledge gained from the experiments conducted at the micro and meso levels facilitates the understanding of the mass transfer processes that occur during macro scale storage, which are difficult to examine as an entity.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):54-66
Renita Sewsaran, Ayub Khan, Reynold Stone, Keshwar John
Pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan, is a rich source of human dietary protein and carbohydrate as well as an income generator for farmers especially in developing countries. However, a major limiting factor to the viable production and post-harvest preservation of pigeonpea is infestation by the cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus. An experiment to screen for resistance in 14 newly developed C. cajancultivars from The University of the West Indies (UWI) was conducted. The experiment compared oviposition preference based on eight parameters, namely, testa thickness, testa hardness, seed sphericity, surface area, total adult emergence, larval + pupal mortality, seed hardness and surface roughness. Four of the pigeon pea cultivars screened were resistant and could be ranked in the order of decreasing resistance as: A16 = A66PL1> A112 > A196PL2. Seed surface roughness, seed testa hardness and seed grain hardness were all found to play a major role in oviposition deterrence with seed roughness being the most effective deterrent. The results suggest that breeding for pigeonpea cultivars with rougher seed coats, harder seed testa and harder grains could enhance pigeonpea seed resistance to C. maculatus by reducing infestation and damage while in storage.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):67-72
Tesfaye Melak Tadesse, Bhadriraju Subramanyam
Efficacy of filter cake and Triplex powders was evaluated against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst); saw-toothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis(L.); and Indian meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). Mortality of T. castaneumand O.surinamensis was determined 14?d after exposing 20 adults to 100?g of maize and wheat treated with 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, and 3?g/kg of filter cake and 0, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 10?g/kg of Triplex. Adult progeny production was determined at 42?d. Live larvae at 21?d and adults of P.interpunctella that emerged at 42?d were determined by exposing 100 eggs to 0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, and 3?g/kg of filter cake and 0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 8?g/kg of Triplex treated maize and wheat. On both grains, 100% mortality of T.castaneum and O.surinamensis adults was observed after exposure to 2–3 and 1–3?g/kg of filter cake, respectively. On wheat, 100% mortality only of O.surinamensis was observed in 2–3?g/kg Triplex treatment. Adult progeny production of T.castaneum and O.surinamensis was completely suppressed on both grains treated with 0.7–3 ?g/kg of filter cake. Adult progeny production of T.castaneum was completely suppressed at 1–3?g/kg of Triplex treated grains, whereas complete suppression of O.surinamensis was achieved only on maize treated with 2–3?g/kg of Triplex. Both live larvae at 21?d and adults of P.interpunctella that emerged at 42?d were completely suppressed when eggs were exposed to 2–3 and 0.5–3?g/kg filter cake treated maize and wheat, respectively, and on 6–8 and 3?g/kg Triplex treated maize and wheat, respectively. Filter cake was more efficacious compared to Triplex on both grains.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):73-80
Micha? Krzy?owski, Jacek Francikowski, Bartosz Baran,et al
The presented research focuses on the assessment of the changes in the behavioral and physiological parameters of Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), treated with amorphous diatomaceous earth (DE) (Perma- Guard™). During the experiments, parameters such as stimulated and spontaneous locomotor activity, oxygen consumption and fecundity were tested. Increasing DE concentration caused significant inhibition in both oxygen consumption and locomotor activity. Moreover, the treated insects had significantly lower fecundity, due to decreased egg laying, lower number of infested beans as well as lowered hatchability. By limiting the progeny number, DE possibly prevents or at least reduces the size of the C.maculatus outbreak. Additionally, scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs revealed that DE particles accumulate especially in joints or hairy regions of the insect body close to the sensilla. This, along with data on locomotor activity, indicates a possible presence of additional, previously undescribed, mode of DE action - as an irritant. In conclusion, the presented results contribute to the understanding of the insecticidal activity of DE and provide novel data on the potential application of oxygen consumption as a pesticide efficiency marker.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):110-115
Tomas Vendl, Vaclav Stejskal, Radek Aulicky
Oryzaephilus surinamensis and Cryptolestes ferrugineus are serious secondary pests that infest commodities and packaged food. Both species differ in their climbing ability on smooth surfaces, such as the surfaces of packages or grains. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that tarsal and inter-claw adhesive structures of the species differ significantly. To test this hypothesis, we morphologically described and compared (quantitatively and qualitatively) the claws and setal structures on the tarsi and claws of O.surinamensis and C.ferrugineus using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The main difference found was in the presence and/or quantity of tarsal and inter-claw adhesive structures between O.surinamensis and C.ferrugineus. The profound morphological differences regarding the presence and higher quantity of adhesive structures can explain why O.surinamensis is a better climber than C.ferrugineus on inclined smooth surfaces. The shape of the claws was similar in both species, but those of C.ferrugineus were slightly shorter and sharper (i.e.,claw tip radius?=?1.17?μm) than those of O.surinamensis (tip radius?=?1.63?μm), indicating that C.ferrugineus is better morphologically adapted to move over rough material with smaller asperities. The obtained results suggest that the presence or absence of adhesive tarsal structures can be used for assessment of the ability of various pests to move on smooth surfaces of packaging or grains. The outcomes of the work may also provide inspiration to material and biomimetic scientists to improve pest-proof packaging material with anti-adhesive properties.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3): 116-122
Trans-2-hexen-1-ol as a tool for the control of Fusarium verticillioides in stored maize grains
Vanessa Daniela Brito, Fernanda Achimón, José Sebastian Dambolena,et al
Fusarium verticillioides infects stored maize grains. In the present study, we first evaluated the effects of ten volatile organic compounds on F. verticillioides growth in culture medium. Subsequently, based on the antifungal activity obtained in the present study and the insecticidal effect against Sitophilus zeamais reported previously, trans-2-hexen-1-ol was selected to analyzed its effect on the fungus in stored maize. All the compounds tested showed inhibitory activity on fungal development, being the most active compounds geraniol, nerol, isovaleraldehyde and linalool, followed by trans-2-hexen-1-ol, cis-3-hexen-1-ol, cis-2-hexen-1-ol and trans-3-hexen-1-ol. Besides its antifungal activity against F.verticillioides, trans-2-hexen-1-ol inhibited FB1 production. In this study it was also demonstrated that S.zeamais favors F.verticillioides dispersion, confirming the importance of these insects as mechanical vectors of fungal spores. These results reveal the ability of trans-2-hexen-1-ol as a potential tool to control F.verticillioides in a natural approach as an alternative to synthetic pesticides.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3): 123-130
Fuzzy controller based E-nose classification of Sitophilus oryzae infestation in stored rice grain
Shubhangi Srivastava, Gayatri Mishra, Hari Niwas Mishra
Fuzzy controller artmap based algorithms via E-nose selective metal oxides sensor (MOS) data was applied for classification of S. oryzae infestation in rice grains. The screened defuzzified data of selective sensors was further applied to detect S. oryzaeinfested rice with PCA and MLR techniques. Reliability of data was cross validated with reference methods of protein and uric acid content. Out of 18 MOS, 6 sensors namely P30/2, P30/1, T30/1, P40/2, T70/2 and PA/2 showed maximum resistivity change. Defuzzified score of 62.17 for P30/2 and 59.33 for P30/1 MOS further confirmed validity studies of E-nose sensor response with reference methods. The PCA plots were able to classify up to 84.75% of rice with variable degree of S. oryzaeinfestation. The MLR values of predicted versus reference values of protein and uric acid content were found to be fitting with R2 of 0.972, 0.997 and RMSE values of 2.08, 1.05.
Food chemistry,2019,283(6-2):604-610
粮油科技文摘,2019(3)粮油加工部分 2019-8-23
对沙米复合粉进行双螺杆挤压处理,全面探讨了不同挤压条件对仪器性能及产品特性的影响,为挤压膨化生产营养早餐粉及沙米的综合利用提供参考。结果显示:扭矩利用率和模头压力随螺杆转速、挤压温度、α-淀粉酶添加量增大而减少,随喂料速度增大有增大的趋势。加酶预处理使挤压复合粉的膨胀率和水溶性指数升高,吸水性指数略有下降,单位机械能显著低于未加酶样品。挤压后沙米复合粉颜色明显变暗,黏度值显著下降。综合考虑挤压机系统参数、膨化产品特性及挤压沙米复合粉的理化及糊化特性,选择螺杆转速为130 r/min、挤压温度为130 ℃、喂料速度为16 r/min、α-淀粉酶添加量为0.5%作为生产沙米复合营养早餐粉的较适宜加工条件。
通过单因素实验考察了酶用量、淀粉溶液pH值、反应温度、反应时间等四个因素对水解产物中直链淀粉含量的影响;在此基础上采用Box-Behnken实验设计,优化了异淀粉酶法制备高直链银杏淀粉的制备工艺,结果表明:在异淀粉酶用量130 U/L、pH值4.8、反应温度47℃、反应时间210 min条件下,水解产物直链淀粉含量为76.32%,与理论预测值之间误差仅为0.78%,表明采用响应面法优化得到的高直链银杏淀粉最佳工艺参数准确可靠。淀粉和碘复合物紫外–可见吸收光谱分析表明水解产物中生成了大量的直链淀粉,证实异淀粉酶对银杏淀粉具有较强的脱支作用,是制备高直链银杏淀粉的良好途径。
以芭蕉芋淀粉为原料,三偏磷酸钠为交联剂,对芭蕉芋淀粉进行交联以制备芭蕉芋交联淀粉。以沉降积为指标,碱性硫酸钠用量、反应时间、反应温度和三偏磷酸钠用量为因素,采用正交试验设计进行交联反应的工艺优化,并对交联淀粉的理化性质和结构进行分析。试验结果表明:当硫酸钠加入量为15 %(质量分数,下同),温度35 ℃,反应时间5 h,三偏磷酸钠用量为0.5%时,淀粉的交联度最好;芭蕉芋交联淀粉在拉曼光谱中有明显的磷酸基团吸收峰,具有良好的冻融稳定性、抗老化性、凝胶质构特性和假塑性,可提高体系的弹性与剪切稳定性,为其在食品中应用提供理论依据。
将辛烯基琥珀酸酐(OSA)与水溶性大豆多糖(SSPS)进行酯化反应,并通过超滤膜分离技术对酯化后的大豆多糖进行分离纯化从而得到相对分子质量更加集中的酯化水溶性大豆多糖(OSA-SSPS).利用超滤膜对酯化后的大豆多糖进行分离得到OSA-SSPS,并对比了SSPS与OSA-SSPS的红外光谱、粒径、Zeta电位、黏度.结果表明:OSA-SSPS在1733 cm-1处有明显的吸收峰,说明SSPS与OSA发生了酯化反应生成了OSA-SSPS;OSA-SSPS的粒径及电位绝对值均高于SSPS;OSA-SSPS的黏度也高于SSPS.酸性乳饮料稳定性及形貌学分析表明,同SSPS相比,OSA-SSPS具有更优越的蛋白分散稳定性,微滴分布均匀.研究表明,SSPS与OSA的酯化反应过程中,SSPS侧链增长,电位发生变化,空间位阻增强。
华南理工大学学报(自然科学版) ,2019(3): 78-84
对水酶法提取椰子油的工艺进行了研究,并分析了椰子油的理化指标。在单因素实验的基础上,通过正交实验优化得到水酶法提取椰子油的最佳工艺条件为料液比1∶1、复合酶比(纤维素酶与木瓜蛋白酶质量比)1∶1、酶解温度55 ℃、加酶量0.25%、酶解时间16 h,在此条件下椰子油提取率可达83.2%。所提取的椰子油的酸价(KOH)和过氧化值分别为0.56 mg/g和0.36 mmol/kg,均优于行标NY/T 230—2006。
研究超临界CO2萃取花椒油的最优工艺条件。通过单因素实验考察了萃取温度、萃取压力和萃取时间对花椒油萃取率的影响,采用响应面法进行优化。结果表明:花椒油最优萃取工艺条件为萃取温度42℃、萃取压力19.8 MPa、萃取时间90 min,在此条件下花椒油平均萃取率为16%。
以大豆为原料,采用冷榨技术制取大豆油,以出油率为评价指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验优化纤维素酶与碱性蛋白酶结合应用提高冷榨大豆出油率工艺条件。结果表明:复合酶冷榨大豆油的最佳工艺参数为物料粒径40目、水分含量13%、冷榨温度80℃、螺杆转速36 r/min、复合酶(纤维素酶液与碱性蛋白酶液体积比1∶?2)用量0.2%,在此条件下大豆出油率为70.6%,优于未经酶处理的常规冷榨工艺的大豆出油率(68.5%),出油率提高了2.1个百分点。所得大豆油具有大豆油特有的气味和滋味,呈棕红色,且澄清、无杂质,酸价(KOH)为0.8 mg/g、过氧化值为6.1 mmol/kg。
以新制负载型固体酸Zr(SO4)2-Ti(SO4)2/SiO2催化合成椰子油脂肪酸1,6-己二醇酯为探针反应,优化带水剂种类及用量、酸醇物质的量比、催化剂用量、反应时间等椰子油脂肪酸酯的合成工艺条件。然后采用其他5种不同分子结构的醇合成了相应的椰子油脂肪酸酯,并通过FTIR表征以上6种合成产物的酯基结构。实验获得的优化合成工艺条件为:带水剂(甲苯)用量8 mL (相对于0.02 mol 1,6-己二醇),酸醇物质的量比2.5∶1,催化剂用量6%(以反应物总质量计),反应时间4.5 h。在最佳条件下,椰子油脂肪酸1,6-己二醇酯合成反应的酯化率高达98.6%。该固体酸催化剂催化合成椰子油脂肪酸一元醇酯的活性较高(酯化率99.1%),但其对四元醇酯的催化活性相对较低(酯化率80.3%)。随着醇分子中羟基个数的逐渐增加,固体酸的酯化催化活性降低;当醇羟基数相同时,醇分子支链减少或支链碳数减小都有利于提高固体酸的催化活性。
采用富含月桂酸的椰子油与富含多不饱和脂肪酸的鱼油为原料,对椰子油进行酶法改性,通过酯交换反应合成Sn-2位富含长链多不饱和脂肪酸(EPA,DHA)的结构脂。以此结构脂为基料油,γ-谷维素与β-谷甾醇的混合物作为凝胶剂制备油脂凝胶。以熔点和机械稳定性为指标,确定了γ-谷维素和β-谷甾醇制备结构脂凝胶油的最优工艺条件,并研究了油脂凝胶的质构、流变性质及微观形态。结果表明:改性椰子油Sn-2位的不饱和脂肪酸含量达到66.62%;制备油脂凝胶的最优工艺条件为γ-谷维素与β-谷甾醇质量比6∶4、凝胶剂含量8%、加热温度90℃、冷却温度5℃。在最优工艺条件下,油脂凝胶的熔点为35℃,机械稳定性达到95.3%,硬度为60.61 g,固体脂肪含量为1.33%。该油脂凝胶表现出假塑性流体特性,样品的表观黏度-剪切速率的关系符合幂律方程关系,在频率扫描范围内,油脂凝胶体系的G′明显大于G″,样品形成较为紧密的凝胶结构,具有较好的涂抹性和可塑性。样品微观网络结构分析表明,晶体呈现玫瑰状形态,形成了完整致密的三维超分子网络结构。
通过改良的Osboren法对脱脂椰子粉进行分级提取,得到清蛋白、球蛋白、醇溶蛋白和谷蛋白,并对4种椰子蛋白进行氨基酸组成分析和SDS-PAGE电泳分析。在单因素实验基础上,利用正交实验对4种椰子蛋白提取条件进行优化。结果表明,4种椰子蛋白最佳提取工艺条件为:在液料比10∶1、提取时间4 h、提取温度50℃条件下,清蛋白提取率为49.05%,纯度为57.1%;在液料比10∶1、提取时间4 h、提取温度50℃条件下,球蛋白提取率为46.65%,纯度为70.8%;在液料比10∶1、提取时间5 h、提取温度55℃、乙醇体积分数75%条件下,醇溶蛋白提取率为18.01%,纯度为32.7%;在液料比10∶1、提取时间4 h、提取温度50℃、碱溶pH 10.0条件下,谷蛋白提取率为26.78%,纯度为70.4%。椰子清蛋白、球蛋白和谷蛋白中谷氨酸、精氨酸和天冬氨酸的含量明显高于其他氨基酸。除了清蛋白有2条谱带相对分子质量较大,其他3种椰子蛋白相对分子质量都相对较小,整体来说椰子蛋白是一种较为优质的蛋白质。
以大豆为原料,研究大豆水溶性蛋白最佳提取工艺。采用单因素实验研究料液比、提取温度、提取时间对大豆水溶性蛋白含量的影响。采用正交实验优化大豆水溶性蛋白提取工艺条件。结果表明:在料液比 1∶40、提取时间120 min、提取温度 30℃条件下,大豆水溶性蛋白含量可达34.63%。
为了考察粗酶水相提取大豆油过程中蛋白酶解和油脂释放状态,监测酶解过程中总油、总蛋白提取率以及蛋白相对分子质量变化,同时采用扫描电镜、考马斯亮兰与苏丹红Ⅲ染色显微观察技术研究酶解过程中油脂和蛋白在豆粉、水解液、乳状液中的分布状态。结果表明:随酶解时间延长,蛋白酶解程度加深,油脂释放量提升,水解蛋白中相对分子质量大于33 000 Da的多肽含量逐渐降低,而相对分子质量小于5 500 Da的短肽含量增加。酶解6 h时,总蛋白和总油提取率均达到最高,分别为90.1%和94.2%,此时蛋白水解液中短肽(<5 500 Da)含量最高,占49.63%,相对分子质量大于33 000 Da的多肽仅占21.15%。扫描电镜图显示由于酶解作用豆粉内的蛋白和油脂逐渐被分解和释放,原本充盈的细胞转变为空的残渣。光镜图显示,伴随豆粉酶解,水解液中蛋白含量逐渐增加,释放的油脂在水解液和乳状液中均有分布,随酶解时间延长油滴数量增加、粒径增大。
探索了以紫色红曲霉固态发酵豆渣产红曲色素的可行性。从5种不同原料中筛选出豆渣为产红曲色素的最适固态发酵基质;在单因素实验的基础上,采用正交实验优化法得出紫色红曲霉固态发酵豆渣产红曲色素的最佳培养基组成为基质初始含水量50%、甘油6%、NaNO3 0.04%、KH2PO4 0.3%、MgSO4 0.2%、抗坏血酸2.2%,最佳培养条件为湿度60%~65%、接种量8%、30?℃培养12 d,在此条件下红曲色素的含量为(6.03±0.11)mg/g。研究认为,以紫色红曲霉固态发酵豆渣产红曲色素的工艺可行,可实现豆渣的高值化发酵再利用。
2018年我国稻谷加工科研回顾与展望 |
林家永, 谭 云, 陈文雅 |
以小米糠为原料,研究了碱性蛋白酶水解小米糠蛋白制备多肽的工艺技术,并对其清除DPPH·能力进行测定。通过单因素实验明确了时间、温度、加酶量和溶液pH值对水解度和DPPH·清除率的影响。再根据Box-Behnken中心组合实验设计,采用3因素3水平响应面分析,建立了影响因素与响应值DPPH·清除率的回归方程预测模型,确定了小米糠多肽的最佳工艺参数:时间2 h、温度41℃、加酶量1 100 U/g、pH10,在此条件下,小米糠多肽DPPH·清除率达到48.12%。
以内蒙古胡麻籽为原料,采用水酶法提取胡麻籽油。在单因素试验的基础上,采用响应面分析优化工艺条件,并分析了胡麻籽油的品质。试验得到胡麻籽油的最佳提取工艺条件为料液比1∶14.34(g/mL)、pH 4.9、酶解温度48.9℃、酶解时间3 h、加酶量2.16%,在此条件下胡麻籽油的提取率为64.0%。经测定,水酶法提取的胡麻籽油气味、滋味纯正,水分及挥发物含量为0.132%,酸价(KOH)为1.21 mg/g。
以新鲜米糠为原料,制备脱脂米糠。采用正交试验法研究以纤维素酶酶解脱脂米糠作为前处理,辅助碱溶酸沉法提取米糠蛋白的最佳工艺。结果表明:酶的添加量为0.25%、温度为40℃、时间为1 h、pH为4.0时纤维素酶处理后米糠蛋白的提取率最高为48.97%,纯度为74.43%。与碱溶酸沉法进行对比,纤维素酶对米糠细胞壁的裂解,使部分蛋白质暴露有助于提高提取率,降低了碱溶酸沉时的碱溶时间和碱液浓度,减少有毒物质生成,抑制了蛋白质褐变。
以大豆蛋白粉为基质,添加油脂、单甘脂,采取热凝胶法制备凝胶。以凝胶持水性为评价指标,在单因素试验的基础上,采用Box-Behnken试验设计方法优化试验条件。结果可知:在油脂添加量8%、单甘脂添加量1%、超声波功率200 W的条件下,大豆分离蛋白凝胶持水率最高为90.85%。
采用单因素试验研究稻壳中总黄酮的最佳提取工艺,并考察了pH、金属离子、糖类、食品添加剂等因素对稻壳黄酮稳定性的影响。结果表明:稻壳黄酮在乙醇浓度60%,料液比为1∶25 (g/mL),浸提温度为70℃,浸提时间为25 min时的提取量为最佳,稻壳总黄酮提取量达2.33 mg/g。稻壳总黄酮提取液在弱酸条件下稳定性较好,但易受金属离子、糖类化合物以及食品添加剂的影响。
采用稀碱法制备燕麦淀粉(OS),研究用HCl/KOH沉淀法制备燕麦淀粉-硬脂酸复合物(OS-S)的工艺,比较了燕麦淀粉及其复合物的微观结构、热特性、溶解度及膨胀度。结果表明:燕麦淀粉与硬脂酸形成复合物的最佳工艺条件为燕麦淀粉与硬脂酸的质量比为12∶1、结晶温度为60℃、0.1 mol/L HCl添加量为12 mL、保温时间为30 min,最佳复合指数为39.86%;相比于OS,OS-S的红外光谱图在波数为1705 cm-1处有一个明显特征峰;DSC研究表明,复合物的To、Tp、Tc均略有升高,ΔH下降;复合物的溶解度和膨胀度均有所降低。
将黑米粉按一定比例替代部分面包粉制作黑米吐司面包,通过单因素和正交试验确定的最佳配方:以面包粉和黑米粉总质量为基准(100%),面包粉与黑米粉质量比为93∶7、酵母1.2%、起酥油10%、白砂糖11%、烘焙专用粉2.5%、改良剂0.6%、鸡蛋10%、盐1%、水43%。烘焙条件:上火180℃、下火175℃,烘烤时间35 min。按此工艺研制出的黑米吐司面包,外形饱满完整,呈棕紫色,内部组织细密均匀,有弹性,切片后不断裂,松软适口,有黑米吐司面包独有的风味,并兼有黑米特殊的营养价值和保健功能,且起酥油和白砂糖添加量均比基础配方有所降低,更符合现代人低脂低糖的健康饮食理念。
油茶籽油中富含不饱和脂肪酸和多种活性物质,为了增强其氧化稳定性,用麦芽糊精和大豆分离蛋白为壁材将其微胶囊化。在单因素试验的基础上,采用正交试验对油茶籽油微胶囊制备工艺进行优化,结果显示:在乳化剂添加量为1.4%、壁材比为1∶1(g/g)、芯壁比为3∶5(g/g)条件下制得的微胶囊成品为洁白细腻的粉末,其水分含量为3.13%、堆积密度为0.42 g/cm3、表面含油量为1.95%、平均粒径为13.5μm,散落性、溶解性及感官评定结果良好。红外光谱结果显示芯材与壁材之间并未发生化学反应,包埋效果较理想。热重分析结果表明油茶籽油在微胶囊化后稳定性增加;扫描电镜结果显示微胶囊成品呈球形和椭球形,表面结构致密,无破裂现象。
通过研究影响脱胶的主要因素来确定最适高油酸双低油菜籽油的脱胶工艺,采用响应面法对脱胶工艺进行优化,确定了脱胶的最佳工艺条件:834 mg/kg聚合氯化铝添加量4.0%,在46.6℃,保温静置2.5 h。在此条件下,磷脂残留量为(0.206±0.005) mg/g。
采用Box-Behnken响应面试验设计,以木薯全粉为原料,探讨了盐、热水加入量(温度> 95℃)及花生油加入量对通心粉最佳蒸煮时间及蒸煮损失率的影响。结果表明,最优配方为100 g木薯全粉、1.0 g盐、65.0 g热水、1.5 g花生油。在此条件下,木薯全粉通心粉的蒸煮损失率为7.08%,小麦面粉通心粉的蒸煮损失率为7.32%;色差分析中木薯全粉通心粉的黄度值(b*)更高,颜色更好;质构特性指标上无明显差异。研究结果可为采用木薯全粉生产无面筋通心粉提供参考。
以碘蓝值为指标,单因素试验和响应面法相结合,研究制备甘薯全粉的最佳热处理工艺参数。结果表明:制备甘薯全粉的最佳热处理条件为预煮温度61℃,预煮时间15 min,蒸制时间12 min,热风干燥温度61℃,在此条件下制备的甘薯全粉碘蓝值最低(9.23)。
粮食加工,2019(3): 1-4
粮食加工,2019(3): 11-14
粮食加工,2019(3): 15-17
粮食加工,2019(3): 20-23
粮食加工,2019(3): 5-10
为了进一步提高糙米的营养价值,将糙米进行发芽,采用单因素和正交实验,以发芽糙米的GABA含量、感官评分、质构、还原糖含量及色度为评价指标,基于模糊数学的评价方法评价发芽糙米的品质,确定了糙米的最优发芽工艺:浸泡时间为16 h、浸泡温度25℃、发芽时间26 h、发芽温度37℃,此时发芽糙米中GABA含量为149.8 mg/100 g,是未发芽糙米的2.2倍,并研究了不同干燥工艺对发芽糙米品质的影响,确定真空冷冻干燥为最佳干燥工艺,能够最好保持发芽糙米的感官品质,此时发芽糙米中GABA含量约为171.6 mg/100 g,是未发芽糙米的2.52倍,其还原糖含量为2 389.9 mg/100 g,是未发芽糙米的2.80倍。
粮食加工,2019(3): 28-38
现代面粉工业,2019(2): 28-33
现代面粉工业,2019(2): 34-36
为研究一种新型天然酸性豆腐凝固剂,以柠檬汁制备豆腐,以感官评价和持水力为指标,采用单因素和正交实验,结合模糊数学评价法优化柠檬豆腐的加工工艺。结果表明:柠檬豆腐的最佳加工工艺组合为豆水比为1∶10,柠檬汁添加量为55%,点浆温度为70℃,养花时间为20 min,此工艺组合下制得的柠檬豆腐有浓郁的豆香味与柠檬香气,无酸涩味,断面光滑细腻,弹性好,持水力最好。
为得到大豆芽花生内酯豆腐最优制备工艺,以绥化寒地黑土地产大豆、花生为主要原料,大豆经发芽脱腥、花生经烘烤处理,以葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯(GDL)作为凝固剂制作一种新型内酯豆腐。采用单因素和正交试验研究基料(大豆芽和花生)与水比例、大豆发芽时间、凝固剂(葡萄糖酸-δ-内酯)添加量,以内酯豆腐的感官评分和失水率为评价标准确定最佳工艺配方。结果表明:大豆芽与花生配比为4∶1,基料与水配比为1∶6,大豆发芽时间为48 h,GDL添加量为2.3%,并采用感官定量描述分析(QDA)方法对比最佳工艺配方条件下生产的大豆芽花生内酯豆腐与市售内酯豆腐的风味特性(豆香味、花生香味、顺滑、细腻、弹性、涩味、酸味),结果表明:大豆芽花生内酯豆腐表面组织较均匀细腻、洁白、口感较好、营养丰富、且具有大豆和花生特有的香味。
以发芽糙米为主料,红豆、枣、核桃和山药为辅料,开发一款富GABA发芽糙米方便营养粥。首先,以感官评分为指标,通过单因素试验和四因素三水平L9(34)正交试验,确定了发芽糙米方便营养粥的最佳制备条件,即发芽糙米添加量70%,浸泡时间50 min,料液比1∶12,蒸煮时间15 min。然后对在此条件下制得的发芽糙米方便营养粥进行理化分析,其GABA含量为35.4 mg/100 g,蛋白质含量为11.7%,微生物指标合格。
通过风味蛋白酶对黑芸豆蛋白进行酶解制备黑芸豆肽,并以此为主要原料研制黑芸豆肽饮料。通过响应面分析优化了黑芸豆蛋白酶酶解的工艺条件,基于正交试验优化了黑芸豆肽饮料的配方。结果表明,当酶添加量4%,酶解温度55℃,酶解时间180 min时,黑芸豆蛋白的酶解度最高,黑芸豆肽的抗氧化性最强;当黑芸豆肽添加量60%,白砂糖添加量15%,柠檬酸添加量0.03%时,黑芸豆肽饮料的口感最佳。
针对大豆油常规低压氢化反应速度慢、反式脂肪酸大量生成的弊端,对大豆油氢化条件进行优化改进。主要考查了反应氢气压力、反应温度、反应时间、搅拌速度对氢化大豆油中碘值、反式脂肪酸含量的影响。通过正交试验,优化得出最佳氢化反应条件为氢气压力2.5 MPa,反应温度110℃,反应时间120 min,搅拌速度300 r/min,催化剂添加量1.5%。在此工艺条件下,氢化产品中反式脂肪酸含量为17.39%,与常规氢化相比,反式脂肪酸含量降低了16%左右。
以大豆和核桃为原料制成植物蛋白浆液,大豆于120℃下烤制20 min,再于80℃下浸泡10 h,核桃仁于70℃下在质量分数0.3%碳酸氢钠溶液中搅拌6 min去皮,二者质量比为2∶1,料料比为1∶10,在70℃下,pH值为8时磨浆,最后过150目的滤筛,通过选择乳化剂、稳定剂等以改善复合植物蛋白饮料分层不稳定性等问题,通过改变均质压力、均质次数、杀菌温度和杀菌时间,获得稳定性最好、感官评定最优且符合商品化标准的大豆-核桃复合植物蛋白饮料。
以籼型糙米为原料,研究发酵糙米糕的制作工艺。单因素试验结果表明:乳酸菌前发酵阶段对发酵糙米糕风味影响较大,糙米浆中添加1.2%的乳酸菌在28℃发酵4 h,米糕风味较好。而酵母添加量、混合发酵温度和混合发酵时间对发酵糙米糕质构品质影响显著。正交试验结果表明:以硬度最小、粘附性最低、弹性最大为考核指标筛选出后发酵阶段三种最优发酵组合,分别为A2B3C3、A3B3C3、A2B1C3。对正交试验结果进行感官分析得出最佳发酵条件为:糙米浆中添加1.2%的乳酸菌在28℃下发酵4 h,再加入2.5%的酵母在32℃发酵2 h。
以河北石家庄玉桥传统发酵宫面面团为研究对象,利用16S rDNA测序和18S rDNA测序技术研究面团中微生物菌群的多样性,测序结果显示,宫面面团样品中细菌主要有:魏斯氏菌、发酵乳杆菌、乳酸乳球菌、棉籽糖乳球菌、嗜热链球菌和一些不能培养的细菌;面团中含有的酵母菌主要有:热带假丝酵母、异常威克汉姆酵母、东方伊萨酵母和一些不能培养的酵母。另外,对宫面面团中的乳酸菌和酵母菌进行了平板划线分离鉴定,鉴定得到发酵乳杆菌、嗜热链球菌、乳酸乳球菌、异常威克汉姆酵母和东方伊萨酵母。
以大豆11S球蛋白为原料,通过胰蛋白酶水解制备活性肽,在单因素试验的基础上,采用响应面法确定最佳酶解条件,并检测大豆肽溶液的体外抗氧化性。结果表明,底物浓度2 mg/mL时的最佳水解条件为:酶和底物比4 900 U/g,pH8.1,温度44℃,水解时间2.6 h,此条件下经验证试验得到大豆肽的水解度为89.25%。大豆肽溶液对超氧阴离子自由基(O2-·)和羟自由基(·OH)都具有良好的清除效果,随着大豆肽溶液浓度的增加,O2-·和·OH的清除率也随之增加。当肽液浓度为12 mg/mL时,对O2-·的清除率最高达到46.86%;当肽液浓度为0.5 mg/mL时对·OH的清除率最高,达到33.73%。
为提高马铃薯的综合利用价值,以低筋面粉、马铃薯泥为主要原料,基于单因素和Box-Behnken试验设计,采用主成分分析法和响应面优化马铃薯面条配方。结果表明,马铃薯泥添加量为15%、食盐添加量3.6%、和面时间15 min时最优;在此条件下获得的马铃薯面条的综合得分值为0.774 5,与理论综合评分值0.781 7接近。由主成分分析得到的规范化综合评分为响应值建立的二次多项式回归模型效果显著,且拟合度较好(p<0.001,R~2=0.951 2)。试验表明,响应面结合主成分分析法优化主成分分析法对马铃薯面条的品质的综合优化具有较好的效果。
使用植物乳杆菌2-18和枯草芽孢杆菌Y、枯草芽孢杆菌Y4-2联合蛋白酶共同水解大米蛋白,测定大米蛋白的水解溶出率及脱除液的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制活性。在利用菌酶联合水解大米蛋白的组合中,植物乳杆菌2-18+风味蛋白酶/菠萝蛋白酶+胃蛋白酶/酸性蛋白酶组合对大米蛋白的水解溶出率最高,蛋白脱除率为(91.32±1.60)%。大米蛋白水解溶出液中必需氨基酸占总氨基酸含量的39.62%。通过对分子量分布分析,大米蛋白水解溶出液的多肽分子量分布主要在1 kDa~1.5 kDa部分。经植物乳杆菌2-18+风味蛋白酶/菠萝蛋白酶+胃蛋白酶/酸性蛋白酶组合对大米蛋白的水解溶出液ACE抑制率达(91.95±1.63)%,具有良好的ACE抑制活性。
以麦麸细粉为主要原料,辅以小麦粉、大米粉、玉米粉、麦芽糖浆、鲜洋葱、紫薯粉等原料,采用双螺杆挤压技术结合远红外焙烤的方式,在单因素试验的基础上,开展正交试验研究。以麦麸膨化食品的感官评分为评价指标,获得优化的工艺配方参数:麦麸细粉的添加量为28%,麦麸细粉粒度为80目,鲜洋葱用量为4%,紫薯粉添加量为1.8%,第一阶段双螺杆挤压机设定温度95℃,转速为3 500 r/min:第二阶段焙烤温度120℃,焙烤时间15 min。在此条件下得到的麦麸休闲食品在感官评价以及质构特性上面均具有较优的品质。
粮食科技与经济,2019(3): 78-81
以玉米淀粉(CS)和蛋壳粉(ESP)为主要成膜基材制备CS/ESP复合膜。研究CS质量浓度、ESP添加量、丙三醇(Gly)添加量3个因素对CS/ESP膜抗拉强度TS)、断裂伸长率(EB)、水蒸气透过系数(WVP)和氧气透过率(OP)的影响。在此基础上采用主成分分析法对膜性能进行综合评价,并通过响应面法优化试验得到CS/ESP膜制备的最佳工艺参数,具体如下:CS质量浓度4.9 g/100 mL、Gly添加量49%(m/m)、ESP添加量1.9%(m/m),对应CS/ESP膜的TS、EB、WVP和OP分别为4.97 MPa、109.12%、1.31×10-12g/(cm·s·Pa)和1.19×10-5cm3/(m2·d·Pa)。傅里叶变换红外光谱分析表明ESP和CS具有较好的相容性。X射线衍射和热重分析结果表明ESP的添加提高了CS/ESP膜的结晶度和热稳定性。扫描电子显微镜分析表明CS/ESP膜具有光滑的表面和断面形貌,没有明显的突起和腔。
以豌豆低聚肽和亚硒酸钠为原料,采用正交法研究了制备豌豆低聚肽硒螯合物的最佳工艺,结果表明,在温度为80℃,豌豆低聚肽质量浓度为50 g/L,肽盐质量比为2∶1,pH=9时,螯合30 min,产物得率为27.87%,螯合率为57.23%。通过紫外全波长扫描、扫描电镜、傅里叶红外光谱分析豌豆低聚肽螯合前后结构特征变化,定性结果表明,螯合前后物质的结构发生了变化,对光吸收性能加强,硒离子与低聚肽中NH2+以及—COO—形成配位键。
以超微绿茶粉为原料进行茶面包的制作,采用色彩色差仪辅助感官评定法,通过单因素和正交试验研究超微绿茶粉添加量、发酵时间、烘烤温度、烘烤时间对绿茶面包色泽变化和感官品质的影响,优化得出绿茶面包的最佳加工工艺条件:超微绿茶粉添加量4%,发酵时间90 min,烘烤温度190℃,烘烤时间8 min。在此工艺条件下加工的绿茶面包感官评分达到93分,色差值10.89,具有茶叶独特的口感风味和外观色泽。同时考察绿茶面包加工过程中茶多酚含量的变化,探明茶多酚含量损失主要发生在发酵和烘烤工序中。贮藏稳定性试验表明,超微绿茶粉的添加能延长面包的保质期且对面包的色泽变化差异影响不大。
The bread making process of ancient wheat: A semi-structured interview to bakers
Lorenzo Guerrini, Ottavia Parenti, Giulia Angeloni, Bruno Zanoni
The importance of bread made from ancient wheat flours is currently increasing. In literature, several works examine the cultivation phase of ancient wheats, as well as their positive effects on human health. On a technological level, their bread-making process is hindered by the poor workability of these flours, but there are only few scientific studies aimed to enhance their technological performance. However, bakers developed several strategies to improve ancient wheat flour processability. We chose the semi-structured interview as instrument to investigate these strategies, evaluating them according to the existent literature. The study revealed that ancient wheats are usually stone milled, and processed as brown flours. Bread doughs are often prepared with flour blends, resulting from the cultivation of grain mixtures or obtained as flour mix.
The choice of slow mixers, an accurate monitoring of the final leavening phase and the use of sourdough, as well as the selection of flour blends have been proposed as solutions to partially improve the technological performance of ancient wheat flours. Finally, ancient wheat varieties are usually processed following several “good working practices” (i.e. use of non-refined flours, sourdough, organic cultivations) which probably play a role in enhancing their beneficial effects on human health.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):9-17
Whole cereal protein-based Pickering emulsions prepared by zein-gliadin complex particles
Xiao Liu, Yun-Qi Huang, Xiao-Wei Chen,et al
Zein and gliadin are both cereal proteins, indicating that they are highly compatible. In this study, gliadin was firstly added to zein to achieve different zein/gliadin ratios in aqueous ethanol solution, then we synthesized zein-gliadin complex particles (ZGCP) via an antisolvent approach and investigated their efficiency as stabilizers to fabricate Pickering emulsions. The addition of gliadin affected the self-assembly, aggregation and wettability of ZGCP. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that spherical zein particles were transformed into aggregation of nano-sized ZGCP, and FTIR results indicated that weak flocculation behavior of ZGCP involved in intermolecular β-sheet interactions. Furthermore, relatively hydrophilic gliadin was used to modify the hydrophobic property of zein, resulting in formation of near-neutral wettability of ZGCP. Compared with zein or gliadin, ZGCP tend to form a dense interfacial layer around droplet and smaller emulsion droplet size, endowing ZGCP-stabilized emulsions with higher viscoelastic attributes and much better stability against coalescence. This finding may develop theoretical and technical supports for the utilization of the whole cereal protein-based Pickering emulsions as novel natural ingredients in food industry.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):46-51
Mitigation of arsenic in rice grains by polishing and washing: Evidencing the benefit and the cost
Tatiana Pedron, Fabiana Roberta Segura, Fernanda Pollo Paniz, et al
Arsenic (As) mitigation strategies are necessary to decrease As in rice grains. Polishing and washing are important methods to achieve the Codex Alimentariuslimits for As. This investigation evaluated a procedure for As-mitigation by removing it from rice grains by polishing and washing for potential implementation in food-industries. It was evaluated the conditions of washing-time, rice:water ratio, temperature, and pH, in which the values were 8 h, 1:2, 35 ℃, and 6, respectively. The benefits of the processes, polishing and polishing+washing, were the removal of 13.8/40.5%, 15.6/37.9%, and 41.3/54.6% of As in grains polished during 20s, 40s, and 60s, respectively. Approximately 38.8% of As was removed from the husked grains by simple washing. The As-speciation showed a maximum elimination of inorganic As for grains washed+polished 60s. Regarding Cd and Pb, by comparing non-washed husked grains and washed+polished 60s, the removals were 17% and 66%, respectively. The cost of this procedure was the removal of essential elements. Approximately 83%, 95%, 78%, 58%, 45%, and 33% of Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, and Se, respectively, were removed. Therefore, it is necessary a balance between benefit and cost when using polishing and washing for As-mitigation, especially for populations that have high rice consumption.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):52-58
Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the hydration and physicochemical properties of brewing rice
Sen Li, Zhen Luo, Xiao Guan, Kai Huang,et al
The influence of ultrasonic treatment on the hydration and physicochemical properties of rice was investigated. We found that the water absorption velocity of rice was increased obviously accompanied with the raising of ultrasonic power. Low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF-NMR) demonstrated that the mobility of water protons in rice was influenced by ultrasonic treatment, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs of the rice showed the loosening of matrix and the formation of microspores on rice surface, which may lead to accelerated hydration and decreased hardness. X-ray diffraction revealed that ultrasonic treatment didn't alter the crystalline pattern of rice, but slightly decreased the relative crystallinity. Furthermore, we found that the rice treated with ultrasonic had higher water binding capability, shorter cooking time and better gelatinization degree than untreated one. Our study indicates that ultrasonic treatment is benefit for shortening the soaking and boiling time of rice in Chinese rice wine brewingprocess.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):78-84
Effect of different hydrocolloids on gluten proteins, starch and dough microstructure
Jinxin Li, Madhav P. Yadav, Jinlong Li
The possible interaction of six hydrocolloids with gluten proteins and starch has been investigated. It has been found that λ-carrageenan, high methoxyl orange pectin, guar gum and konjac glucomannan could form complexes with gluten proteins and induce more disordered but less crosslinked protein structures through electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bonding. In general, the effect of hydrocolloid on gluten is due to both interaction and incompatibility between hydrocolloids and gluten proteins. The results of dough microstructure also confirmed this statement. These four hydrocolloids also have strong hydrogen bonding capacity with starch, and show remarkable effect on starch gelatinization and retrogradation. The hydrogen bonding between hydrocolloids and starch also play a key role on starch thermal properties besides the physicochemical properties of hydrocolloids.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):85-90
Effect of iron-enrichment on the antioxidant properties of wheat flour and bread
Akram Ranjbar, Ali Heshmati, Javad Karami Momtaz, Aliasghar Vahidinia
The enrichment of wheat flour with iron attracted notable attention in some countries in order to prevent anaemia. For the first time, the current study was aimed to investigate the effects of iron enrichment on change trend of the antioxidant compounds and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of wheat flour during storage and bread baking. In this regard, the Folin–Ciocalteu and aluminium chloride methods were used to measure the phenolic acid and flavonoidconcentrations, respectively. Also, the TAC was evaluated by using the DPPH and FRAP methods. According to results, during storage, no significant change in the concentrations of flavonoid and phenolic acid in the unenriched and iron-enriched flour samples was observed. However, TAC reduction of the iron-enriched flour samples was higher than that of the iron-unenriched samples. Moreover, no change in antioxidant attributes as a result of fermentation was noted. There was a decline in levels of phenolic acid, flavonoid, and TAC during bread baking, while in the iron-enriched samples, the observed decrease was more pronounced probably due to further losses in reducing the power of antioxidant components as well as pro-oxidant properties of iron. Obtained findings could be useful for making decisions on the continuation of iron enrichment.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):98-102
Effect of ultra-high pressure on quality characteristics of parboiled rice
Xiaonan Xu, Weilong Yan, Zhikai Yang,et al
Quality characteristics of parboiled rice pre-treated by ultra-high pressures (UHP, 100–600?MPa) were investigated in this study. The LF-NMR results and morphologies of parboiled rice grain showed that UHP treatment promoted uniform distribution of water in rice grain and effectively eliminated “white-core” grain. The total colour difference (ΔE*) increased with increasing treatment pressures. DSC results showed that onset gelatinization temperature (To) of rice flour was increased after soaking but decreased after UHP treatment. And the degree of starch gelatinization (DSG) presented an increase at 100 and 200?MPa, but opposite trends were found at 200–600?MPa. Scanning electron microscopic images showed that the morphology of starch in rice changed a little after UHP treatment but lost polygonal shape after steaming. RVA results showed that the viscosity of rice flour increased after soaking and whether rice flour or parboiled rice flour's viscosity decreased with increasing pressures.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):117-123
Improvement of the quality and shelf life of wheat bread by a maltohexaose producing α-amylase
Lei Zhang, Zhoukun Li, Yan Qiao, et al
Starch modification by amylolytic enzymes has been proved feasible in restraining aging behavior during the starchy food storage. The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of a maltohexaose (G6) producing α-amylase AmyM to the anti-staling properties of bread. Hydrolyzed wheat starch with different degree of hydrolysis (DH) was related to anti-retrogradation from the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, and complete inhibition of retrogradation when starches were hydrolyzed to >25.5% DH with increased malto-oligosaccharides (Mw?<?5?kDa). Rheological measurements showed that the use of small enzyme fraction (0.02?mg/kg) was enough to enhance the viscous characteristics of whole bread dough with increased tan?δ and decreased G’. During 12 days storage of the prepared bread, there was a clear increase in hardness and chewiness from the control sample, while the bread from AmyM treatment exhibited slow trend with 733 and 602?at day 12, respectively. The extend shelf life and improved quality from AmyM treatment (0.02?mg/kg) were comparable to the commercial amylase with recommended usage (5?mg/kg). These results indicate that AmyM could be considered as an alternative anti-staling agent in the baking industry.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):165-171
Jingpeng Li, Marwan M.A. Rashed, Li Deng, Zhengyu Jin, Aiquan Jiao
We compare modification effects of thermostable and mesophilic α-amylases (i.e. TS-αA and MS-αA) under high-performance extrusion treatment. As confirmed by size exclusion chromatography, a portion of the wheat starch extracted from extruded noodles (ENs) was modified into a water-soluble mixture of oligosaccharides and dextrin. X-Ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimeter investigations demonstrated that the appropriate concentrations of both enzymes promote starch gelatinisation, whilst their excess usage presents negative effects due to the difficulty of overlaying or adhering to starch fragments. From these findings, innovative ENs with a well-developed porous structure was successfully created to enhance the rehydration and palatability of ENs. Compared with the overall TS-αA modification results, the use of MS-αA concentration of 1.6‰ is recommended as the optimum choice for producing ENs. The current study is the first to compare the modification effects of TS-αA and MS-αA during the high-performance extrusion and to illustrate their promising applications in ENs.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):248-257
Yanpeng Zhang, Bin Wang, Weinong Zhang, et al
This research focused on enhancing protein extraction from defatted rice bran(DRB) by using ultrasound combined with dilute sulfuric acid-soaking pretreatment. The extraction yield of protein was increased from 53.1% to 72.8% when the DRB was pretreated by ultrasound combined with 0.9% sulfuric-acidsoaking at 90?℃. Untreated and pretreated DRB were then characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). The physicochemical analysis showed that combined pretreatment could significantly cause changes of chemical structure and reduce the thermalstability indicating the destruction of matix structue of DRB. This destruction would improve the accessibility of solvent to protein resulting in increase of protein extraction yield. Overall, the consequences of this investigation demonstrate that combined pretreatment is a comparatively effective process to extract protein from DRB, and the obtained results also prove a valuable insight into mechanism of protein extraction.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):318-324
Quality of wheat flour and pan bread as influenced by the tempering time and milling system
Mohammed Abo‐Dief,Taisser Abo‐Bakr,Mohammed Youssef,et al
The effect of the tempering time and milling system (normal vs. hard) on the quality of wheat flour and pan bread was investigated for Australian and Russian wheat. Tempering was carried out for 12, 24, and 36 hr. Tempered kernels were milled by a system controlled by a Bühler automatic programmable logic controller.
Hard milling resulted in a significantly (p≤0.05) higher extraction rate, ash content, and milling efficiency index than normal milling. Normal milling resulted in a significantly higher (p≤0.05) gluten index (99.20–99.65). The amount of damaged starch in the two wheat cultivars was increased significantly (p≤0.05) by hard milling. The highest stability times (18.5 and 7 min) were observed for normal milled Australian and Russian wheat tempered for 36 and 24 hr, respectively. Alveograph data illustrated the superiority of Australian over Russian wheat flour.
To produce high‐quality flour and consequently highly acceptable pan bread, kernels of Australian and Russian wheat should be tempered for 12 and 24 hr, respectively. Normal milling was superior to hard milling for both Australian and Russian wheat.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):429-438
Characterization of a novel folic acid‐fortified ready‐to‐eat parboiled rice
Elizabeth D. Wahengbam,Brian D. Green,Manuj K. Hazarika
A low‐amylose rice, chokuwa, known for yielding no‐cooking rice on parboiling, is subjected to brown rice parboiling. During the soaking step, brown rice was soaked in aqueous solutions of folic acid (FA) at five different concentrations (0.25–4.0 g/L). FA‐fortified parboiled rice was milled for 30 and 60 s and investigated for the effects of FA fortification and milling on product characteristics.
Folic acid content in the unmilled fortified product was as high as 1.091 g/kg for FA concentration in soak water of 4.0g/L. On rehydration for 25 min at 60 ℃, different products soften to hardness values of 152–172g. A V‐type diffraction pattern was observed. Fortification improved the pasting properties, and a slight increase in yellowness was observed. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed an O–H bond stretching at the band range of 3,000–3,600 cm−1, and a very small peak at the band range of 1,740–1,750 cm−1 which was attributed to C=O bond stretching.
Fortification elevated the total FA content in the parboiled product. The product retained its no‐cooking characteristics, and textural and physicochemical properties remain favorable with slight yellowing effects upon FA fortification.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):439-446
Preparation and characterization of rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsion by using ultrasound homogenization
Li‐Hui Sun,Shi‐Wen Lv,Ci‐Hang Chen,Can Wang
The ultrasound homogenization, an emerging technology with cost‐effectiveness, is widely used in food industry. Rice bran protein is a high‐quality protein with hypoallergenic and attracts a growing interesting in exploring its application. In this study, ultrasound homogenization was used to produce rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsions and the effects of ultrasound power and ultrasound time on characterizations of emulsion were then investigated.
Results indicated that the emulsions prepared by ultrasound homogenization at 20% power for 20 min had a higher interfacial protein concentration and a smaller droplet size, leading to an increase in stability against creaming. Subsequently, the effects of environmental conditions on emulsion stability were explored, and results demonstrated that emulsion exhibited excellent tolerance for high concentration of NaCl (500 mM) and high temperature (90℃). However, emulsion stability was destroyed under acid conditions.
The ultrasound homogenization technique was an effective method to prepare rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsion, and the emulsions prepared by ultrasound homogenization at 20% power for 20 min possessed good stability against creaming.
Significance and novelty
Rice bran protein isolate showed good emulsifying properties. Ultrasound homogenization could produce an emulsion with good stability and tolerance for high concentration of NaCl and high temperature.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):478-486
Wet milling technique applied to deoxynivalenol‐contaminated wheat dry‐milled fractions
Ana M. Magallanes López,Frank A. Manthey,Senay Simsek
The consumption of wheat contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON), a highly water‐soluble Fusarium mycotoxin, represents a health threat to animals and humans. Dry milling does not destroy or remove DON from the grain but physically separates the bran and germ from the endosperm. Information is limited concerning the effectiveness of wet milling processes in removing DON from contaminated wheat dry milling fractions (farina/semolina, shorts, bran). The aim of this research was to determine the extent of DON removal from these wheat fractions during wet milling using the Martin process.
After wet milling farina and semolina containing 2.76–5.07 mg/kg and 3.53–10.39 mg/kg DON, respectively, gluten extracted from hard red spring wheat (HRSW) contained low levels of DON<0.60 mg/kg, while gluten extracted from durum wheat (DW) contained no detectable DON. The remainder of DON was found in the water‐soluble fraction. After wet milling shorts, DON levels were only detected in the freeze‐dried water‐soluble fraction. After wet milling the bran fraction, DON was found in isolated starch and destarched bran from HRSW and DW; the highest DON concentration was found in the freeze‐dried water‐soluble fraction accounting 83% and 88% in HRSW and DW, respectively.
Results indicated that wet milling was effective in removing DON from the studied dry‐milled fractions.The implementation of the wet milling technique could be useful in reducing or eliminating DON from dry milling products, which would allow them to be used in animal and human food.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):487-496
Solvent retention capacity application to assess soft wheat flour quality for making white‐salted noodles
Soojeong Jeon,Byung‐Kee Baik,Meera Kweon
Gluten development of wheat flour under a limited amount of water is essential for dough sheeting and cutting in preparation of noodle, and for cooking and textural properties of noodles. Soft wheat flour of relatively high gluten strength, low damaged starch content, and low water absorption could be suitable for the requirement. The study was aimed at exploring the potential uses of solvent retention capacity (SRC) test for evaluation of soft wheat flour quality for making white‐salted noodles.
Ten soft wheat varieties exhibited large differences in SRC values. Lactic acid SRC and gluten performance index (GPI) showed significant correlations with weight gain and firmness of the cooked noodles. Among the flour characteristics, GPI appeared to be the best predictor of cooked noodle firmness, with the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.96, p<0.010).
Flour SDS sedimentation volume, lactic acid SRC, and GPI were significantly correlated with weight gain and texture of cooked noodle. Soft wheat flours with GPI>0.60 were found to be suitable for making white‐salted noodles.
Solvent retention capacity analysis could be successfully applied for selecting soft wheat cultivars suitable for white‐salted noodles. For this sample set, among the flour quality parameters, GPI was the most reliable predictor for firmness of cooked noodles and could be effectively used for identification of noodle wheat varieties and grains by wheat breeding programs and noodle manufacturers.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):497-507
Milling and baking quality of hexaploid spring wheat starch synthase IIa (ssIIa) mutants with elevated amylose content
Andrew C. Hogg,Michael J. Giroux
Triple ssIIa mutant haplotypes yielded significantly less flour that had a higher protein and ash content, decreased brightness, and increased yellowness and redness compared to controls. Solvent retention capacity tests on flour from ssIIa mutant lines had significant increases in water, sucrose, and sodium bicarbonate absorption but similar lactic acid absorption and poor gluten performance indexes compared to controls. Flour dough made from ssIIa mutants had increased water absorption with increased mixing tolerance and produced bread with significantly reduced loaf volume, crumb grain score, and crumb brightness with increased crumb yellowness and redness. Attempts to restore loaf volume using up to 6% vital wheat gluten were unsuccessful.
High amylose ssIIa triple mutants have significant decreases in flour yields as a result of their diminished starch content and seed size. The unique composition of flour from ssIIa triple mutants does not readily lend itself to producing a functional dough for bread making and resultant bread has significant decreases in loaf volume.Our results demonstrate that flour with increased amylose levels can be used to create bread with increased protein and dietary fiber.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):532-544
Effect of added sugars and amino acids on acrylamide formation in white pan bread
Yanting Shen,Gengjun Chen,Yonghui Li
The products of the Maillard reaction formed from reducing sugars and amino groups are attracting increasing interests as an important dietary antioxidant source. However, acrylamide is also formed during the process, which is a potential carcinogenic substance. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of various types and amounts of added sugars and amino acids on the formation of acrylamide in white pan bread. Breads were prepared with five sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, and ribose) at three levels (0, 6, and 12 g/100g flour) and seven amino acids (lysine, alanine, proline, glycine, arginine, threonine, and asparagine) at three levels (0, 0.1g, and 0.3 g/100 g flour), and the acrylamide content was analyzed by GC‐MS for both the crust and the crumb.
Bread with 6 g/100g flour fructose had the highest crust acrylamide content of 102.6 μg/kg as compared with other sugars, while the addition of ribose caused the lowest crust acrylamide content (41.0μg/kg). The addition of asparagine into the bread formula dramatically increased the acrylamide content of crust as expected, while the addition of glycine and proline decreased crust acrylamide. Significant contents of acrylamide were also detected in bread crumbs.Both the type and amount of added sugars and amino acids in bread formulas affect the amount of acrylamide produced in bread products.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):545-553
Functional properties of endosperm protein from size‐fractionated broken rice kernels generated after milling of parboiled and nonparboiled rice
Rebecca M. Bruce,Griffiths G. Atungulu,Navam S. Hettiarachchy,et al
Whole kernels and medium brokens of nonparboiled rice recorded the highest quantity and yield of protein isolate, while the lowest was recorded in large brokens. A strong negative correlation existed between sample protein content and the size of parboiled brokens. Parboiled samples had decreased protein extractability than nonparboiled samples. Emulsifying activity (EA) of parboiled rice had a significantly strong negative linear association with size of brokens. Emulsifying stability (ES) on the other hand had a significantly strong positive linear association with size of brokens, and about 82% of the variation in ES was explained by size. The trend was opposite in the nonparboiled stream with ES having a strong negative linear association with size. A very strong positive linear association existed between foaming capacity (FC), foaming stability (FS), and size of nonparboiled samples. Surface hydrophobicity (SH) was significantly different among parboiled and nonparboiled rice, with weak positive correlations existing between SH and size of parboiled and nonparboiled samples. Solubility curves in nonparboiled stream were more uniform than the parboiled stream. Strong significant positive correlations existed between peak, trough, breakdown, final, setback viscosities, and ES. A strong positive linear association was observed between peak, trough, final viscosities, and FS. Differences in protein contents of whole kernels and size‐fractionated brokens may be attributed to either the variations in the distribution of inherent components of the kernel or variations in milling efficiency. Results in this research are specific for long‐grain hybrid rice and may vary depending on cultivar and environmental factors.
Proteins influence the pasting properties of brokens. Understanding the functional properties of size‐fractionated broken rice kernels from parboiled and nonparboiled streams is essential in directing the right kind of brokens to the right end‐use.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):590-604
The Whole Grain Partnership—How a Public–Private Partnership Helped Increase Whole Grain Intake in Denmark
Sofia Lourenço, Gitte Laub Hansen
In less than a decade, the average whole grain intake of Danes increased from 36 to 63 g/10 MJ/day. In this article the history, organization, and results of the long-lasting Danish Whole Grain Partnership are described. The evidence providing the foundation of the partnership’s work, important lessons learned, and key strategic elements are also discussed. The ultimate aim is to gather recommendations for the international community on how to engage in public–private partnerships with the purpose of promoting healthy diets.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Public–Private Collaboration: Fortification of Grain Flours to Improve Nutrient Intake in Africa
Rizwan Yusufali,Tobi Durotoye
Food fortification is widely recognized as a cost-effective strategy for addressing micronutrient malnutrition at scale. It is particularly applicable when considering the potential role of wheat flour in addressing this health epidemic. The Strengthening African Processors of Fortified Foods Project (SAPFF) seeks to increase the range and availability of fortified foods by enhancing the capacity of food processors, including wheat flour millers, to meet national food fortification standards. Working with select food vehicles, the project has been implemented in Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. SAPFF has two critical components: 1) strengthening the ability of food processors to comply with food fortification standards; and 2) strengthening the food fortification-enabling environment. In addition to the initial assumption by SAPFF that gaps in technical know-how were critical barriers to fortification, the theory of change has evolved to focus on behavior changes within targeted food companies. To most effectively utilize resources while maximizing impact, SAPFF has identified market share, compliance, and attitude as key determinants of potential impact and ease of engagement and focused its efforts accordingly. The project continues to support th ability of processors to fortify food products through tools such as sector-wide training, a matching grants fund, and CEO forums, but with a renewed understanding of how these tools also build commitment. SAPFF remains committed to adaptive management, incorporating lessons learned into program implementation in real time and developing insights to support future fortification programs targeting industry players.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Whole Grains, Health, and Sustainability
Nicola M. McKeown and Timothy S. Griffin
Despite shifts toward increasing whole grain intake, consumption of whole grains by Americans remains low. Because whole grains can greatly improve the nutritional profile of diets, increasing whole grain intake is a potential modifiable behavior that could lead to improvements in health at both the individual and population levels. In addition, modeling of dietary patterns suggests that substantial increases in consumption of whole grains, which, unlike refined grains, retain the entire content of the kernel, would result in a decrease in the amount of land needed to meet global dietary energy and nutrition demands. To sustainably meet increased demand for grains, a “sustainable intensification” approach is required to dramatically increase yields in areas of the world where smallholder farm production is also the primary livelihood. As research exploring the mechanisms behind the observed health benefits of whole grains grows, it will be important for health professionals to focus on disseminating information to the public, with an emphasis on translating the science into actual public health practice and behavioral changes.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Hairul Abral,Riyan Soni Satria,Melbi Mahardika,et al
The objective of this work is to study the physical and tensile properties of jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus) starch film prepared using three different methods. First, a film is prepared from starch granules after sifting using a sieve shaker. A second film is prepared from starch granules after ultrasonication. Another film is made by sonicating the starch gel. Ultrasonication is performed using an ultrasonic probe. These three different methods have a significant effect on the properties of the film (p ≤ 0.05). The film from the starch granules after sifting using 63 μm mesh size and ultrasonication (labeled as S‐63U film) shows the optimum properties. Opacity for S‐63U film is almost half (48.6%) that of the equivalent non‐sonicated film. S‐63U film has the highest tensile strength (3.1 MPa), the lowest moisture absorption (18% after 8 h in a humid chamber) and water vapor permeability. FESEM morphology of the fracture surface of the sonicated film display a more homogeneous structure compared to films without ultrasonication.
Synthesis and Characterization of Corn Starch Crosslinked with Oxidized Sucrose
Pengkai Wang,Feng Sheng,Shang Wen Tang,et al
In this study, oxidized sucrose is employed to crosslink corn starch at 100, 110, and 120 ℃. The cross‐linked starch is analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. The X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that cross‐linked starch exhibits a “V” crystal structure after modification. Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis demonstrates that the destruction of the crystal structure increases the thermoplasticity of the starch. A decrease in the viscosity of the cross‐linked starch using a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) is noted. However, compared with native starch, the swelling power of cross‐linked starch shows a negative correlation with treatment temperature. Furthermore, the cross‐linked starch that is treated at 100 ℃ experiences a fivefold increase in both swelling ratio and water binding capacity, compared with native starch. Additionally, low‐field nuclear magnetic resonance (low‐field NMR) analysis verifies the excellent hydrophilic properties of the cross‐linked starch. The oxidized sucrose‐modified starch (OSMS) is an alternative for improving starch‐based products, potentially in turn guiding further advancements in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
Saeed A. Asiri,Marco Ulbrich,Eckhard Flöter
Potato starch (PS) is enzymatically modified using α‐amylase and comprehensively characterized. Modified PS is prepared by adding different amounts of α‐amylase (0.04, 0.08, 0.16, and 0.33 mL of an enzyme solution (LpHera, Novozymes A/S) to 400 g of a 40% w/v aqueous starch suspension and reacting for 15 min at 40 ℃. Morphological characteristics (SEM), pasting (viscosity profile, thermal behavior‐DSC) and molecular properties (SEC‐MALS‐DRI), carbohydrates solubility, hot paste shear viscosity, and gel strength are analyzed. The morphological characteristics are significantly affected by the α‐amylase. The surface of the granules shows small cracks and holes. In regard to the characteristic pasting parameters, there are significantly decreased values after hydrolysis. However, the DSC gelatinization properties are slightly impacted by the modification. The solubility of the starch polymers is increased by the increase of both the enzyme dosage and the disintegration temperature applied (95 and 145 ℃). Moreover, the molecular composition of the solubilized starch is impacted, too. The investigation of molecular dispersed solutions demonstrates the strong degradation of both amylose (AM) and amylopectin (AP). An increasing enzyme concentration led to a systematically decreased Mw in the samples. The degradation within the amorphous areas is presumed to be faster, similar to acid hydrolysis in native granular starch. However, gelation properties of the enzymatically modified starches are not perceptible. The gradual depolymerization effected the reduction of the hot paste viscosity accordingly.
The Effect of Acid Treatment and Freeze‐Thaw Cycle on Textural Properties and Microstructure of Cooked Aged Rice
Kamonrat Trithavisup, Sanguansri Charoenrein
This research aims to improve frozen cooked aged rice's textural properties using lime juice, citric acid, and ascorbic acid solutions. Aged (12 months) rice is cooked and freeze‐thawed up to 3 cycles. Cooked fresh rice (0.7 months) is used as a reference. Addition of acid significantly decreases hardness but significantly increases stickiness for freeze‐thawed, cooked, aged rice (p ≤ 0.05). Scanning electron micrographs show a rough surface on cooked rice after repeated freeze‐thaw cycles, especially for cooked aged rice. However, the microstructure of acid treated cooked aged rice has a smoother surface than untreated. These results correlate with decreased starch retrogradation in acid treated cooked aged rice. Gel electrophoresis shows disulfide bond formation in aged rice protein which restricted granular swelling and gelatinization. Addition of acid did not cleave aged rice protein's disulfide bonds but reduces protein content. These results demonstrate addition of acid improves frozen cooked aged rice's texture.
Olive Oil Processing: Current Knowledge, Literature Gaps, and Future Perspectives
Eleni P. Kalogianni,Despoina Georgiou,Jahongir H. Hasanov
Olive oil quality is determined through a series of steps starting from the olive oil tree and ending to the consumer. Among these steps, olive oil processing plays a decisive role in determining quality. This work reviews current olive oil‐processing technology and compares available technologies for the unit operations involved. Furthermore, for each unit operation involved in olive oil processing, the effect of process variables on the parameters determining olive oil quality is presented and discussed. Process efficiency and environmental impact are also presented and discussed for specific unit operations. Through this review, the gaps in current knowledge are highlighted. Finally, future perspectives on olive oil processing and further research required for olive oil quality optimization are presented.
Characterization of the Chemical Composition of Chinese Moringa oleifera Seed Oil
Beibei Zhao, Hua Li, Tao Lan,et al
This work focused on physicochemical property assaying, fatty acid composition, triacylglycerol (TAG) profiles, and unsaponifiable matter composition of the Chinese Moringa oleifera seed oil. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in approximate nutritional components between M. oleifera seeds from China and India, while variations in the mineral element contents are significant. Both the Soxhlet extraction method and the aqueous enzymatic extraction method were adopted to extract oil from Chinese M. oleifera seeds. Oil yield obtained using the Soxhlet extraction method was higher than that obtained using the aqueous enzymatic extraction method. While both the iodine value and unsaponifiable matter content of the aqueous enzymatic extracted oil were a little higher than that of the Soxhlet extracted oil. Both oils possess a very low acid value and peroxide value, suggesting their good quality as edible oil. Fatty acid composition results indicated that this oil was especially high in oleic acid. Characterization of the TAG composition was achieved by a two‐dimensional high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupling of nonaqueous reverse‐phase and silver ion HPLC with the atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry method. A total of 22 TAG including 16 regioisomers were determined. Composition results of unsaponifiable matters revealed that this oil possesses a number of phytosterols, in which β‐sitosterol and stigmasterol are most predominant.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):523-533
Utilization of Beeswax Oleogel‐Shortening Mixtures in Gluten‐Free Bakery Products
Formulating gluten‐free bakery products with acceptable physical properties generally requires a high amount of fat. As the fat used in these products is often high in saturated fatty acids, the objective of this study was to evaluate beeswax (BW) containing oleogels for partial replacement of the shortening in gluten‐free aerated products. Oleogels prepared with BW were cocrystallized with a commercial cake shortening in the laboratory scale crystallization unit. Then, the resulting blends were evaluated in the gluten‐free cake formulations. When the BW oleogel was used alone, the overrun values of the batter samples decreased, indicating reduced air‐holding ability. Product porosity and specific volume of the samples were also diminished with complete replacement of the shortening with BW oleogel. Nevertheless, 45%, 30%, and 15% replacement of the shortening with BW oleogel resulted in batter and baked product properties comparable to those of the control products. Rheological and textural measurements, microscopy, and bubble size distribution suggested that gradual replacement of shortening with oleogels may be an alternative method for a partial reduction of saturated fat without altering the physical properties of gluten‐free aerated products.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):545-554
Formulation and Characterization of Human Milk Fat Substitutes Made from Blends of Refined Palm Olein, and Soybean, Olive, Fish, and Virgin Coconut Oils
Teimoor Mohammadi,Jamshid Farmani, Zahra Piravi‐Vanak
The simplest and the most cost‐effective way of human milk fat substitute (HMFS) production is formulating of suitable vegetable oils at proper ratios. To do this, the D‐optimal mixture design was used to optimize the HMFS formulation. The design included 25 formulations made from refined palm olein (35–55%), soybean oil (5–25%), olive oil (5–20%), virgin coconut oil (5–15%), and fish oil (0–10%). Samples were produced in laboratory and characterized in terms of fatty acid and triacylglycerol (TAG) compositions, free fatty acid content, peroxide value, iodine value, and oxidative stability index (OSI). HMFS samples were also compared with Codex Alimentarius (CA) and Iran National Standards Organization (INSO) standards. Each characteristic of HMFS samples was then expressed as a function of ingredient ratio using regression models. Finally, using numerical optimization, four optimized blends (PB1‐PB4) were selected, made in the laboratory (HMFS1‐HMFS4), characterized, and compared with CA and INSO standards. The properties of all the optimized blends (except the palmitic acid content of HMFS2 and the monounsaturated fatty acid [MUFA] content of HMFS3) met the standards. HMFS4 showed the highest OSI in Rancimat and the lowest oxidation rate in Schaal oven tests. POL (19.53–21.73%), PPO (20.77–21.73%), OOO (9.11–11.16%), and OPO (8.84–9.46%) were the main (totally about 60%) TAG species found in HMFS samples. In conclusion, the HMFS4 formula (55% palm olein, 13.5% soybean oil, 16% refined olive oil, 15% virgin coconut oil, and 0.5% fish oil) was suggested as the best formula for HMFS production.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):555-569
Potential Vegetable‐Based Diesel Fuels from Perkin Condensation of Furfuraldehyde and Fatty Acid Anhydrides
Lawrence C. Baldwin, Matthew C. Davis, Alicia M. Hughes,et al
Domestically produced biofuels may help to reduce dependence on imported oil for powering transportation and infrastructure in the future. In this report, we reacted medium‐chain and long‐chain fatty anhydrides (capric, caprylic, lauric, and palmitic) with furfuraldehyde by the Perkin condensation to produce 2‐n‐alkenylfurans. In the second step, the 2‐n‐alkenylfurans were hydrogenated to form 2‐n‐alkyltetrahydrofurans. Basic fuel property testing (melting point, density, kinematic viscosity, derived cetane number, and calorific value) of the 2‐n‐alkyltetrahydrofurans indicates they are potentially useful as fuels for diesel engines. The mixture composed of 2‐octyl‐ and 2‐decyltetrahydrofuran had the best combination of fuel properties including a low melting point (−39 ℃), high cetane number (63.1), high flash point (98.2 ℃), and low viscosity (2.26 mm2 s−1, 40 ℃), which compares favorably with specifications for diesel #2 and biodiesel.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):571-583
Soybean Oil Fatty Acid Ester Estolides as Potential Plasticizers
Lucas J. Stolp,Patrick J. Gronlund,Dharma R. Kodali
Fatty acid ester estolides were synthesized from soybean oil and evaluated for plasticizer functionality in poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). The plasticization ability of the fatty acid ester estolides depends upon the molecular features such as polarity, molecular weight, and branching. The structure of the fatty acid derivatives was modified at the ester head group with various alcohols and the estolide branch was created at the site of unsaturation. Soy fatty acid esters of methanol, iso‐butanol, 2‐ethylhexanol, and glycerol were prepared to vary the size and polarity at the ester head group. Estolides of these fatty acid esters were prepared using two synthetic routes. In the first route, the fatty acid ester was condensed with an aliphatic acid at the site of unsaturation in the presence of a strong mineral acid. In the second route, the fatty acid ester double bonds were converted to epoxy groups, which were ring opened and acetylated to form acetate estolides. The first synthetic route resulted in low‐average estolide content per fatty acid chain while the second route resulted in a higher estolide content per fatty acid chain. The fatty acid ester estolides compounded with PVC showed good plasticizer properties as evidenced by the rheological properties and reduction in glass transition temperature. The fatty acid ester estolides with a higher estolide content had better plasticizer functionality, comparable to commercial controls.
JAOCS, 2019,96(6):727-738
Umeo Takahama, Sachiko Hirota, Emiko Yanase
Adzuki bean is often cooked with non-glutinous rice in Japan, and the dish is called adzuki-meshi. By the cooking, flavonoids in adzuki bean are transferred to rice, and the color of the rice becomes pale red. However, it has not been reported on starch digestion of the rice of adzuki-meshi. The purpose of this study is to elucidate that the transferred flavonoids, especially procyanidins could slow down the digestion of rice starch. The principal results obtained are (1) that pancreatin-induced starch digestion, which was observed as the liberation of reducing sugars and starch fragments from the rice, was slower in the pale red rice of adzuki-meshi than the rice cooked without adzuki bean, (2) that the starch fragments liberated from the rice of adzuki-meshi were digested slowly, and (3) that procyanidins and the oxidation products, which were not extracted by methanol, were present in the pale red rice. From the results, it was concluded that adzuki bean procyanidins and the oxidation products, which bound to rice starch during cooking, could contribute to slow down the starch digestion.
Food research international,2019,119(5):187-195
Xin Zhang, Peng Wang, Dandan Xu, Wenping Wang, Yan Zhao
Beijing rice vinegar is a typically traditional Chinese cereal vinegar and prevalent in the northern part of China. In this study, the volatile aroma analysis of different fermentation stages of Beijing rice vinegar was carried out by headspace-solid phase micro-extraction coupled with gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS). The aroma could be classified into acids, alcohols, esters, aldehydes, ketones, polyphenols and heterocyclic compounds. The aroma constituents varied at each fermentation stage. Principle component analysis (PCA) was employed to distinguish the specific aroma compounds. At the alcoholization stage, alcohols were mainly ethanol (1993.10?μg/100?mL, 70%), and phenyl-ethyl alcohol (588.64?μg/100?mL, 20%). The ethyl ester meanwhile started to be produced and was the most prevalent ester. The high contents of ethanol, 3-methyl-butanol and phenyl-ethyl alcohol could be the potential aroma biomarker for the alcoholization stage. At the vinegarization stage, ethanol was largely consumed, as well as i-butanol and i-amyl alcohol. The concentration of volatile acids was 1948.01?μg/100?mL with acetic acid the most dominant one (>90%). Acetic acid and 3-hydroxy-2-butanone were representative compounds for vinegarization stage and could be the potential biomarkers. Furthermore, the aroma comparison of 7 kinds of classic cereal vinegars was carried out. PCA results indicated that the specification of aroma biomarkers for each type of vinegar was practical, serving as the indicators or predictors for both the vinegar fermentation stage identification, vinegar sensory evaluation, and offering a potential for vinegar identification and quality improvement. The assessment strategy was also used to compare the typical Chinese and other important western vinegars.
Food research international,2019,119(5):398-410
Hyeon Woo Park, Jin Sil Yoo, Hwabin Jung, Won Byong Yoon
In this study, a grading system for ears of corn was developed to design sterilization process of the ear of corn using fuzzy c-mean (FCM) clustering. Three grades (A, B, and C) of corn found by FCM (the m-value and the c-value were 1.15 and 3, respectively) were used to design the sterilization process of the ear of corn. The heat transfer simulation model was successfully developed to determine the locations of the cold point for the three different grades of corn during sterilization (RMSE?=?0.104℃). Among the 3 different temperature used in this study (111.1, 121.1, and 131.1℃), 121.1℃ found to be the optimum sterilization temperature based on the analysis of texture properties of corn. The heating time to reach the target F0-value (5?min) for grades A, B, and C was 61, 49, and 36?min, respectively. When the longest heating time (61?min) was applied, the quality of the overheated corn (grades B and C) was significantly decreased (p?<?0.05), whereas the quality of the corn at the optimum sterilization condition for each grade showed no significant difference. The heat transfer simulation model was successfully combined with the grading system developed by FCM to optimize the sterilization process of packaged whole corn. The texture properties and sensory attributes of sterilized corn were improved by applying the optimum sterilization processes which was adjusted based on the size and weight of corn ears.
Journal of Food Engineering,2019,249(5-2):55-65
Lu Zhang, Anneloes van Boven, Jorinde Mulder, et al
Arabinoxylans- (AX-) enriched fractions were separated from wheat bran by dry fractionation and utilized for fiber fortification in bread. The obtained AX-enriched fractions (AXF) contained 39.2–55.8% arabinoxylans (dry basis). To produce bread with various AX-fortification levels, wheat flour was partially replaced with AXF in the recipe, i.e., 2%, 5% and 10% of flour weight. Results indicate 10% AX fortification led to decreased specific volume, harder and coarser crumb and darker color of bread, while 2% and 5% showed no significant influence. Next, the bread recipe was adjusted based on Farinograph water absorption and the AXF was pre-soaked in water (with or without xylanase) at 40 ○C for 16?h before dough mixing. The recipe and process adjustment reduced the detrimental effects of a high-level AX-fortification on bread quality. Bread with 10% AXF showed comparable quality properties as the control and its fiber content (11.75% dry basis) was found twice higher than the control (5.48% dry basis). However, usage of xylanase did not further improve the bread quality under tested conditions. In conclusion, this study shows that AX-enriched fractions from wheat bran have valorization potential for application in food.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):1-8
The bread making process of ancient wheat: A semi-structured interview to bakers
Lorenzo Guerrini, Ottavia Parenti, Giulia Angeloni, Bruno Zanoni
The importance of bread made from ancient wheat flours is currently increasing. In literature, several works examine the cultivation phase of ancient wheats, as well as their positive effects on human health. On a technological level, their bread-making process is hindered by the poor workability of these flours, but there are only few scientific studies aimed to enhance their technological performance. However, bakers developed several strategies to improve ancient wheat flour processability. We chose the semi-structured interview as instrument to investigate these strategies, evaluating them according to the existent literature. The study revealed that ancient wheats are usually stone milled, and processed as brown flours. Bread doughs are often prepared with flour blends, resulting from the cultivation of grain mixtures or obtained as flour mix.
The choice of slow mixers, an accurate monitoring of the final leavening phase and the use of sourdough, as well as the selection of flour blends have been proposed as solutions to partially improve the technological performance of ancient wheat flours. Finally, ancient wheat varieties are usually processed following several “good working practices” (i.e. use of non-refined flours, sourdough, organic cultivations) which probably play a role in enhancing their beneficial effects on human health.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):9-17
Whole cereal protein-based Pickering emulsions prepared by zein-gliadin complex particles
Xiao Liu, Yun-Qi Huang, Xiao-Wei Chen,et al
Zein and gliadin are both cereal proteins, indicating that they are highly compatible. In this study, gliadin was firstly added to zein to achieve different zein/gliadin ratios in aqueous ethanol solution, then we synthesized zein-gliadin complex particles (ZGCP) via an antisolvent approach and investigated their efficiency as stabilizers to fabricate Pickering emulsions. The addition of gliadin affected the self-assembly, aggregation and wettability of ZGCP. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that spherical zein particles were transformed into aggregation of nano-sized ZGCP, and FTIR results indicated that weak flocculation behavior of ZGCP involved in intermolecular β-sheet interactions. Furthermore, relatively hydrophilic gliadin was used to modify the hydrophobic property of zein, resulting in formation of near-neutral wettability of ZGCP. Compared with zein or gliadin, ZGCP tend to form a dense interfacial layer around droplet and smaller emulsion droplet size, endowing ZGCP-stabilized emulsions with higher viscoelastic attributes and much better stability against coalescence. This finding may develop theoretical and technical supports for the utilization of the whole cereal protein-based Pickering emulsions as novel natural ingredients in food industry.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):46-51
Mitigation of arsenic in rice grains by polishing and washing: Evidencing the benefit and the cost
Tatiana Pedron, Fabiana Roberta Segura, Fernanda Pollo Paniz, et al
Arsenic (As) mitigation strategies are necessary to decrease As in rice grains. Polishing and washing are important methods to achieve the Codex Alimentariuslimits for As. This investigation evaluated a procedure for As-mitigation by removing it from rice grains by polishing and washing for potential implementation in food-industries. It was evaluated the conditions of washing-time, rice:water ratio, temperature, and pH, in which the values were 8 h, 1:2, 35 ℃, and 6, respectively. The benefits of the processes, polishing and polishing+washing, were the removal of 13.8/40.5%, 15.6/37.9%, and 41.3/54.6% of As in grains polished during 20s, 40s, and 60s, respectively. Approximately 38.8% of As was removed from the husked grains by simple washing. The As-speciation showed a maximum elimination of inorganic As for grains washed+polished 60s. Regarding Cd and Pb, by comparing non-washed husked grains and washed+polished 60s, the removals were 17% and 66%, respectively. The cost of this procedure was the removal of essential elements. Approximately 83%, 95%, 78%, 58%, 45%, and 33% of Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, and Se, respectively, were removed. Therefore, it is necessary a balance between benefit and cost when using polishing and washing for As-mitigation, especially for populations that have high rice consumption.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):52-58
Effect of iron-enrichment on the antioxidant properties of wheat flour and bread
Akram Ranjbar, Ali Heshmati, Javad Karami Momtaz, Aliasghar Vahidinia
The enrichment of wheat flour with iron attracted notable attention in some countries in order to prevent anaemia. For the first time, the current study was aimed to investigate the effects of iron enrichment on change trend of the antioxidant compounds and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of wheat flour during storage and bread baking. In this regard, the Folin–Ciocalteu and aluminium chloride methods were used to measure the phenolic acid and flavonoidconcentrations, respectively. Also, the TAC was evaluated by using the DPPH and FRAP methods. According to results, during storage, no significant change in the concentrations of flavonoid and phenolic acid in the unenriched and iron-enriched flour samples was observed. However, TAC reduction of the iron-enriched flour samples was higher than that of the iron-unenriched samples. Moreover, no change in antioxidant attributes as a result of fermentation was noted. There was a decline in levels of phenolic acid, flavonoid, and TAC during bread baking, while in the iron-enriched samples, the observed decrease was more pronounced probably due to further losses in reducing the power of antioxidant components as well as pro-oxidant properties of iron. Obtained findings could be useful for making decisions on the continuation of iron enrichment.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):98-102
Effect of ultra-high pressure on quality characteristics of parboiled rice
Xiaonan Xu, Weilong Yan, Zhikai Yang,et al
Quality characteristics of parboiled rice pre-treated by ultra-high pressures (UHP, 100–600?MPa) were investigated in this study. The LF-NMR results and morphologies of parboiled rice grain showed that UHP treatment promoted uniform distribution of water in rice grain and effectively eliminated “white-core” grain. The total colour difference (ΔE*) increased with increasing treatment pressures. DSC results showed that onset gelatinization temperature (To) of rice flour was increased after soaking but decreased after UHP treatment. And the degree of starch gelatinization (DSG) presented an increase at 100 and 200?MPa, but opposite trends were found at 200–600?MPa. Scanning electron microscopic images showed that the morphology of starch in rice changed a little after UHP treatment but lost polygonal shape after steaming. RVA results showed that the viscosity of rice flour increased after soaking and whether rice flour or parboiled rice flour's viscosity decreased with increasing pressures.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):117-123
Improvement of the quality and shelf life of wheat bread by a maltohexaose producing α-amylase
Lei Zhang, Zhoukun Li, Yan Qiao, et al
Starch modification by amylolytic enzymes has been proved feasible in restraining aging behavior during the starchy food storage. The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of a maltohexaose (G6) producing α-amylase AmyM to the anti-staling properties of bread. Hydrolyzed wheat starch with different degree of hydrolysis (DH) was related to anti-retrogradation from the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis, and complete inhibition of retrogradation when starches were hydrolyzed to >25.5% DH with increased malto-oligosaccharides (Mw?<?5?kDa). Rheological measurements showed that the use of small enzyme fraction (0.02?mg/kg) was enough to enhance the viscous characteristics of whole bread dough with increased tan?δ and decreased G’. During 12 days storage of the prepared bread, there was a clear increase in hardness and chewiness from the control sample, while the bread from AmyM treatment exhibited slow trend with 733 and 602?at day 12, respectively. The extend shelf life and improved quality from AmyM treatment (0.02?mg/kg) were comparable to the commercial amylase with recommended usage (5?mg/kg). These results indicate that AmyM could be considered as an alternative anti-staling agent in the baking industry.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):165-171
Min Zou, Runqiang Yang, Zhenxin Gu, Pei Wang
Effect of heating from 25 to 95?℃ on the microstructure, surface topography and thermal characteristic of fresh and frozen gluten stored for 30 and 60?d were comparatively investigated. Micro-morphology analysis showed that the size of mesh pores and the molecular height of frozen gluten were greater than the fresh gluten when the temperature exceeded 70?℃. The heat triggered polymerization was weakened for frozen gluten: the particle size and Huggins constant (K’) of frozen gluten were significantly lower than the fresh one upon heating. Thermal analysis revealed that the degradation temperature of frozen gluten protein decreased while its weight loss increased, which reflected the disordered and weak structures in frozen gluten. It was also showed that frozen storage mainly weakened the aggregation ability of protein aggregates (Mw, 130–200?kDa), high molecular weight glutenin subunits (Mw, 75–120?kDa) and α/β-gliadin (28–40?kDa) when the temperature reached 70?℃, as the weakened band intensities were detected for the glutenin-gliadin crosslinkings in the heated frozen gluten compared with that of the fresh gluten.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):185-193
Renáta Németh, Alexandra Farkas, Sándor Tömösközi
Baking quality of the wheat flours was tested on micro- and macro-scale using a semi-automatic test baking methodology developed by our department and Labintern Ltd. Standard straight-dough baking test was performed according to ICC Nr. 131 Standard Method. Characterization of baking performance included the determination of baking loss and specific volume, as well as digital image analysis and texture profile analysis of the bread crumb.
The presented semi-automatic test baking method qualifies as one of the first instrumental laboratory bread baking methodologies, which enables the implementation of baking tests both on macro (250?g flour/loaf)- and micro-scale (10?g flour/loaf). The results of macro and micro baking tests obtained by the instrument were comparable with the standard method mainly in crumb properties such as crumb hardness. The methods basically differed in specific volume and crust color, which may indicate some fundamental differences between these methodologies.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):239-247
Jingpeng Li, Marwan M.A. Rashed, Li Deng, Zhengyu Jin, Aiquan Jiao
We compare modification effects of thermostable and mesophilic α-amylases (i.e. TS-αA and MS-αA) under high-performance extrusion treatment. As confirmed by size exclusion chromatography, a portion of the wheat starch extracted from extruded noodles (ENs) was modified into a water-soluble mixture of oligosaccharides and dextrin. X-Ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimeter investigations demonstrated that the appropriate concentrations of both enzymes promote starch gelatinisation, whilst their excess usage presents negative effects due to the difficulty of overlaying or adhering to starch fragments. From these findings, innovative ENs with a well-developed porous structure was successfully created to enhance the rehydration and palatability of ENs. Compared with the overall TS-αA modification results, the use of MS-αA concentration of 1.6‰ is recommended as the optimum choice for producing ENs. The current study is the first to compare the modification effects of TS-αA and MS-αA during the high-performance extrusion and to illustrate their promising applications in ENs.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):248-257
Yanpeng Zhang, Bin Wang, Weinong Zhang, et al
This research focused on enhancing protein extraction from defatted rice bran(DRB) by using ultrasound combined with dilute sulfuric acid-soaking pretreatment. The extraction yield of protein was increased from 53.1% to 72.8% when the DRB was pretreated by ultrasound combined with 0.9% sulfuric-acidsoaking at 90?℃. Untreated and pretreated DRB were then characterized by scanning electron microscope (SEM), fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and thermogravimetry analysis (TGA). The physicochemical analysis showed that combined pretreatment could significantly cause changes of chemical structure and reduce the thermalstability indicating the destruction of matix structue of DRB. This destruction would improve the accessibility of solvent to protein resulting in increase of protein extraction yield. Overall, the consequences of this investigation demonstrate that combined pretreatment is a comparatively effective process to extract protein from DRB, and the obtained results also prove a valuable insight into mechanism of protein extraction.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):318-324
Quality of wheat flour and pan bread as influenced by the tempering time and milling system
Mohammed Abo‐Dief,Taisser Abo‐Bakr,Mohammed Youssef,et al
The effect of the tempering time and milling system (normal vs. hard) on the quality of wheat flour and pan bread was investigated for Australian and Russian wheat. Tempering was carried out for 12, 24, and 36 hr. Tempered kernels were milled by a system controlled by a Bühler automatic programmable logic controller.
Hard milling resulted in a significantly (p≤0.05) higher extraction rate, ash content, and milling efficiency index than normal milling. Normal milling resulted in a significantly higher (p≤0.05) gluten index (99.20–99.65). The amount of damaged starch in the two wheat cultivars was increased significantly (p≤0.05) by hard milling. The highest stability times (18.5 and 7 min) were observed for normal milled Australian and Russian wheat tempered for 36 and 24 hr, respectively. Alveograph data illustrated the superiority of Australian over Russian wheat flour.
To produce high‐quality flour and consequently highly acceptable pan bread, kernels of Australian and Russian wheat should be tempered for 12 and 24 hr, respectively. Normal milling was superior to hard milling for both Australian and Russian wheat.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):429-438
Characterization of a novel folic acid‐fortified ready‐to‐eat parboiled rice
Elizabeth D. Wahengbam,Brian D. Green,Manuj K. Hazarika
A low‐amylose rice, chokuwa, known for yielding no‐cooking rice on parboiling, is subjected to brown rice parboiling. During the soaking step, brown rice was soaked in aqueous solutions of folic acid (FA) at five different concentrations (0.25–4.0 g/L). FA‐fortified parboiled rice was milled for 30 and 60 s and investigated for the effects of FA fortification and milling on product characteristics.
Folic acid content in the unmilled fortified product was as high as 1.091 g/kg for FA concentration in soak water of 4.0g/L. On rehydration for 25 min at 60℃, different products soften to hardness values of 152–172g. A V‐type diffraction pattern was observed. Fortification improved the pasting properties, and a slight increase in yellowness was observed. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy revealed an O–H bond stretching at the band range of 3,000–3,600 cm−1, and a very small peak at the band range of 1,740–1,750cm−1 which was attributed to C=O bond stretching.
Fortification elevated the total FA content in the parboiled product. The product retained its no‐cooking characteristics, and textural and physicochemical properties remain favorable with slight yellowing effects upon FA fortification.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):439-446
Water‐soluble carbohydrates during fermentation and baking of composite wheat and lentil flour—Implications for enhanced functionality
Drew Portman,Chris Blanchard,Pankaj Maharjan,et al
We investigated changes in water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) composition during the dough fermentation phase of bread making and quantified the residual WSC in the bread. As expected, the addition of lentil flour increased the WSC profile of the resulting composite flours which included raffinose, stachyose, ciceritol, and verbascose. A threefold decrease was observed only for verbascose during the dough mixing phase; however, during fermentation, raffinose and stachyose decreased, but ciceritol was not affected.
The baking process may reduce the effects of IBS suffered by some individuals who consume lentil products prepared by traditional methods. Our study concluded that bread prepared from wheat–lentil flour results in a more complex carbohydrate profile and may potentially enhance the prebiotic functionality compared with bread made from wheat alone.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):447-455
Damaged starch in pea versus wheat flours: Fragmentation behavior and contribution of fine and coarse fractions
Anne‐Flore Monnet,Alexandre Eurieult,Sophie Berland,et al
Particle size distribution and damaged starch content have a major impact on flour quality because they influence the behavior of flour during hydration in processing. Particle size distribution and starch damage of legume flours and their relationship during grinding have not been evaluated. The standard enzymatic method for the measurement of damaged starch content (AACC 76‐31) was used to find a new calibration equation for the rapid amperometric method (SDmatic, AACC 76‐33.01) for legume flours. Changes in particle size distribution and starch damage during regrinding in a commercial pea flour were compared with those in a commercial wheat flour.
Legume flours had a smaller damaged starch content (0.8–4.7 SD%) than wheat flours (2.2–7.0 SD%). The bimodal particle size distribution of flours was linked to structural elements as confirmed by environmental scanning electron microscopy and laser granulometry. Particle size distribution and starch damage varied concomitantly during regrinding in the commercial pea flour as in the commercial wheat flour. The main factor responsible for the increase in damaged starch content was an increase in the proportion of the fine fraction in the flour. Fine fractions contained higher damaged starch contents than coarse fractions.
Hypotheses concerning differences in fragmentation mechanisms in the two flours were formulated, suggesting that pea flour has a higher likelihood for fracture but less tendency to produce damaged starch than wheat flour.
The amperometric method (AACC 76‐33.01) can be used for a rapid estimation of the damaged starch content in legume flours. Furthermore, the results suggest a lower hardness of pea flour material compared to wheat flour material that would have a significant impact on milling strategies.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):465-477
Preparation and characterization of rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsion by using ultrasound homogenization
Li‐Hui Sun,Shi‐Wen Lv,Ci‐Hang Chen,Can Wang
The ultrasound homogenization, an emerging technology with cost‐effectiveness, is widely used in food industry. Rice bran protein is a high‐quality protein with hypoallergenic and attracts a growing interesting in exploring its application. In this study, ultrasound homogenization was used to produce rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsions and the effects of ultrasound power and ultrasound time on characterizations of emulsion were then investigated.
Results indicated that the emulsions prepared by ultrasound homogenization at 20% power for 20 min had a higher interfacial protein concentration and a smaller droplet size, leading to an increase in stability against creaming. Subsequently, the effects of environmental conditions on emulsion stability were explored, and results demonstrated that emulsion exhibited excellent tolerance for high concentration of NaCl (500 mM) and high temperature (90℃). However, emulsion stability was destroyed under acid conditions.
The ultrasound homogenization technique was an effective method to prepare rice bran protein‐stabilized emulsion, and the emulsions prepared by ultrasound homogenization at 20% power for 20 min possessed good stability against creaming.
Significance and novelty
Rice bran protein isolate showed good emulsifying properties. Ultrasound homogenization could produce an emulsion with good stability and tolerance for high concentration of NaCl and high temperature.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):478-486
Wet milling technique applied to deoxynivalenol‐contaminated wheat dry‐milled fractions
Ana M. Magallanes López,Frank A. Manthey,Senay Simsek
The consumption of wheat contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON), a highly water‐soluble Fusarium mycotoxin, represents a health threat to animals and humans. Dry milling does not destroy or remove DON from the grain but physically separates the bran and germ from the endosperm. Information is limited concerning the effectiveness of wet milling processes in removing DON from contaminated wheat dry milling fractions (farina/semolina, shorts, bran). The aim of this research was to determine the extent of DON removal from these wheat fractions during wet milling using the Martin process.
After wet milling farina and semolina containing 2.76–5.07 mg/kg and 3.53–10.39 mg/kg DON, respectively, gluten extracted from hard red spring wheat (HRSW) contained low levels of DON < 0.60 mg/kg, while gluten extracted from durum wheat (DW) contained no detectable DON. The remainder of DON was found in the water‐soluble fraction. After wet milling shorts, DON levels were only detected in the freeze‐dried water‐soluble fraction. After wet milling the bran fraction, DON was found in isolated starch and destarched bran from HRSW and DW; the highest DON concentration was found in the freeze‐dried water‐soluble fraction accounting 83% and 88% in HRSW and DW, respectively.
Results indicated that wet milling was effective in removing DON from the studied dry‐milled fractions.The implementation of the wet milling technique could be useful in reducing or eliminating DON from dry milling products, which would allow them to be used in animal and human food.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):487-496
The structural evolution of water and gluten in refined and whole grain breads: A study of soft and hard wheat breads from postmixing to final product
Freshly mixed doughs demonstrated the greatest β‐sheet content (53%–57%) compared to any other dough stage. Refined HW doughs demonstrated continual relaxation of β‐sheets to β‐turns through dough processing (−13% to panning), whereas relaxed SW doughs (−6% to 10%) partially reverted to sheets during punching and panning (1%–3%). The data also confirmed earlier findings that the presence of bran triggers the formation of additional β‐sheets (+4% to 5%) in both HW and SW doughs. Doughs with bran exhibited less structural relaxation (−3% to 6% β‐sheets) during processing. Interestingly, HW doughs exhibited only 1%–2% more β‐turns and only 1%–4% fewer β‐sheets than SW doughs. Analysis of the bread during baking revealed that SW generates a larger sheets:turns ratio compared to HW in refined bread, 21.3 versus 3.6, respectively, that grows to 129 versus 5.3 on addition of bran.
Gluten structural relaxation takes place during proofing in optimally hydrated doughs and largely follows water relaxation trends. The ratio of sheets:turns increases rapidly as water is lost during baking. The extent of this build‐up in the ratio is dependent on the wheat source for the flour (hard vs. soft wheat), presence/absence of bran, and the water loss (i.e., denaturation).
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):520-531
Flour from Triticum polonicum L. as a potential ingredient in bread production
El?bieta Suchowilska,Anna Szafrańska,El?bieta S?owik,Marian Wiwart
The experiment involved 35 lines of Triticum polonicum, three common wheat cultivars, and one durum wheat cultivar.Triticum polonicum lines were characterized by significantly higher protein (17.33%) and ash (2.30%) content than Triticum aestivum (11.65 and 1.90%, respectively). Despite the high gluten content of T. polonicum (37.1%), its gluten index (11%) and falling number (182 s) were lower in comparison with T. aestivum (82% and 397 s, respectively). The dough and bread made from T. polonicum flour were characterized by high yield and high crumb moisture. The loaves of bread baked from T. polonicum flour were generally less risen, and in some cases, they were flatter in shape and had less fluffy crumb with somewhat larger and thicker‐walled pores than the breads made from common wheat and durum wheat flour.T. polonicum bread had more desirable sensory properties than the products made with the flour of common wheat and durum wheat. The flour from T. polonicumgrain can be an interesting alternative for bread production.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):554-563
Effect of sulfur dioxide and lactic acid in steeping water on the extraction of anthocyanins and bioactives from purple corn pericarp
Qian Li,Vijay Singh,Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia,et al
Steeping water with 2,000 ppm SO2 contained total monomeric anthocyanins (TA) equivalent of 20.5±1.5 mg cyanidin‐3‐O‐glucoside (C3G)/g pericarp, higher than using only water (7.1±0.6 mg C3G/g pericarp). In the treatment with SO2 and 5,000 ppm lactic acid, TA concentration was 22.9±0.2 mg C3G/g pericarp. This was due to increased extraction of C3G and condensed forms of anthocyanins. Polyphenols and tannins were higher in SO2 treatments while flavonoid concentration was not different. Chroma was positively correlated with anthocyanins (r=0.999) and tannins (r=0.994). Ball milled pericarp fractions yielded the highest amount of anthocyanins.Anthocyanin recovery from purple corn pericarp can be significantly increased using a milling step prior to SO2‐based extraction.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):575-589
Functional properties of endosperm protein from size‐fractionated broken rice kernels generated after milling of parboiled and nonparboiled rice
Rebecca M. Bruce,Griffiths G. Atungulu,Navam S. Hettiarachchy,et al
Whole kernels and medium brokens of nonparboiled rice recorded the highest quantity and yield of protein isolate, while the lowest was recorded in large brokens. A strong negative correlation existed between sample protein content and the size of parboiled brokens. Parboiled samples had decreased protein extractability than nonparboiled samples. Emulsifying activity (EA) of parboiled rice had a significantly strong negative linear association with size of brokens. Emulsifying stability (ES) on the other hand had a significantly strong positive linear association with size of brokens, and about 82% of the variation in ES was explained by size. The trend was opposite in the nonparboiled stream with ES having a strong negative linear association with size. A very strong positive linear association existed between foaming capacity (FC), foaming stability (FS), and size of nonparboiled samples. Surface hydrophobicity (SH) was significantly different among parboiled and nonparboiled rice, with weak positive correlations existing between SH and size of parboiled and nonparboiled samples. Solubility curves in nonparboiled stream were more uniform than the parboiled stream. Strong significant positive correlations existed between peak, trough, breakdown, final, setback viscosities, and ES. A strong positive linear association was observed between peak, trough, final viscosities, and FS. Differences in protein contents of whole kernels and size‐fractionated brokens may be attributed to either the variations in the distribution of inherent components of the kernel or variations in milling efficiency. Results in this research are specific for long‐grain hybrid rice and may vary depending on cultivar and environmental factors.
Proteins influence the pasting properties of brokens. Understanding the functional properties of size‐fractionated broken rice kernels from parboiled and nonparboiled streams is essential in directing the right kind of brokens to the right end‐use.
Cereal chemistry, 2019, 96(3):590-604
Improving Nutrition through Biofortification: Preharvest and Postharvest Technologies
G. Michael Listman, Carlos Guzmán, Natalia Palacios-Rojas,et al
More than 2 billion people worldwide suffer from “hidden hunger,” wherein they fail to obtain enough nutrients or micronutrients from the foods they eat. Biofortification—the development of micronutrient-dense staple crops using traditional breeding practices and modern biotechnology—is a promising approach to improve nutrition, as part of an integrated, food systems strategy. In work begun in the late 1990s, the CGIAR institutions HarvestPlus, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), together with numerous national research organizations and scaling partners, have in recent years developed and released in 19 countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America more than 60 improved varieties of maize and wheat whose grains feature enhanced levels of the essential micronutrients zinc or provitamin A. Use of these varieties is spreading among farmers and consumers, many of whom have diets that lack micronutrients because they cannot afford diverse foods and depend heavily on foods made from staple crops. Eating provitamin A-rich maize has been shown to be as effective as supplementation, and a 2018 study in India found that using zinc-biofortified wheat to prepare traditional foods can significantly improve children’s health.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Improving Nutrition through Biofortification: From Strategy to Implementation
Jenny Walton
Global forecasts predict that by 2050 there will be enough calories produced to feed the global population, but that there will not be enough nutrients to nourish it. A multithemed action plan is necessary to not only ensure that calorie intake is balanced to avoid both stunting and obesity (the double burden), but to ensure that the foods consumed contain enough micronutrients. To date, efforts have been focused on consumer education and encouraging the food industry to reformulate and subsidize access to affordable and nutritious foods. This article presents biofortification (the process of breeding food crops to create crops that are richer in micronutrients) as an evidence-based nutrition strategy for increasing the intake of micronutrients of major concern (e.g., zinc, iron, and vitamin A) through diets in both developed and developing countries. Given that 60% of the calories consumed worldwide are obtained from wheat, rice, or maize food products, more efforts should be made to enhance the micronutrient contents of these staple crops.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
The Whole Grain Partnership—How a Public–Private Partnership Helped Increase Whole Grain Intake in Denmark
Sofia Lourenço,1,2 Gitte Laub Hansen,3
In less than a decade, the average whole grain intake of Danes increased from 36 to 63 g/10 MJ/day. In this article the history, organization, and results of the long-lasting Danish Whole Grain Partnership are described. The evidence providing the foundation of the partnership’s work, important lessons learned, and key strategic elements are also discussed. The ultimate aim is to gather recommendations for the international community on how to engage in public–private partnerships with the purpose of promoting healthy diets.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Public–Private Collaboration: Fortification of Grain Flours to Improve Nutrient Intake in Africa
Rizwan Yusufali and Tobi Durotoye
Food fortification is widely recognized as a cost-effective strategy for addressing micronutrient malnutrition at scale. It is particularly applicable when considering the potential role of wheat flour in addressing this health epidemic. The Strengthening African Processors of Fortified Foods Project (SAPFF) seeks to increase the range and availability of fortified foods by enhancing the capacity of food processors, including wheat flour millers, to meet national food fortification standards. Working with select food vehicles, the project has been implemented in Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. SAPFF has two critical components: 1) strengthening the ability of food processors to comply with food fortification standards; and 2) strengthening the food fortification-enabling environment. In addition to the initial assumption by SAPFF that gaps in technical know-how were critical barriers to fortification, the theory of change has evolved to focus on behavior changes within targeted food companies. To most effectively utilize resources while maximizing impact, SAPFF has identified market share, compliance, and attitude as key determinants of potential impact and ease of engagement and focused its efforts accordingly. The project continues to support th ability of processors to fortify food products through tools such as sector-wide training, a matching grants fund, and CEO forums, but with a renewed understanding of how these tools also build commitment. SAPFF remains committed to adaptive management, incorporating lessons learned into program implementation in real time and developing insights to support future fortification programs targeting industry players.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Whole Grains, Health, and Sustainability
Nicola M. McKeown and Timothy S. Griffin
Despite shifts toward increasing whole grain intake, consumption of whole grains by Americans remains low. Because whole grains can greatly improve the nutritional profile of diets, increasing whole grain intake is a potential modifiable behavior that could lead to improvements in health at both the individual and population levels. In addition, modeling of dietary patterns suggests that substantial increases in consumption of whole grains, which, unlike refined grains, retain the entire content of the kernel, would result in a decrease in the amount of land needed to meet global dietary energy and nutrition demands. To sustainably meet increased demand for grains, a “sustainable intensification” approach is required to dramatically increase yields in areas of the world where smallholder farm production is also the primary livelihood. As research exploring the mechanisms behind the observed health benefits of whole grains grows, it will be important for health professionals to focus on disseminating information to the public, with an emphasis on translating the science into actual public health practice and behavioral changes.
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Synthesis and Characterization of Corn Starch Crosslinked with Oxidized Sucrose
Pengkai Wang,Feng Sheng,Shang Wen Tang,et al
In this study, oxidized sucrose is employed to crosslink corn starch at 100, 110, and 120 ℃. The cross‐linked starch is analyzed by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. The X‐ray diffraction (XRD) analysis reveals that cross‐linked starch exhibits a “V” crystal structure after modification. Thermogravimetric (TG) analysis demonstrates that the destruction of the crystal structure increases the thermoplasticity of the starch. A decrease in the viscosity of the cross‐linked starch using a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA) is noted. However, compared with native starch, the swelling power of cross‐linked starch shows a negative correlation with treatment temperature. Furthermore, the cross‐linked starch that is treated at 100 ℃ experiences a fivefold increase in both swelling ratio and water binding capacity, compared with native starch. Additionally, low‐field nuclear magnetic resonance (low‐field NMR) analysis verifies the excellent hydrophilic properties of the cross‐linked starch. The oxidized sucrose‐modified starch (OSMS) is an alternative for improving starch‐based products, potentially in turn guiding further advancements in the pharmaceutical and food industries.
Saeed A. Asiri,Marco Ulbrich,Eckhard Flöter
Potato starch (PS) is enzymatically modified using α‐amylase and comprehensively characterized. Modified PS is prepared by adding different amounts of α‐amylase (0.04, 0.08, 0.16, and 0.33 mL of an enzyme solution (LpHera, Novozymes A/S) to 400 g of a 40% w/v aqueous starch suspension and reacting for 15 min at 40 ℃. Morphological characteristics (SEM), pasting (viscosity profile, thermal behavior‐DSC) and molecular properties (SEC‐MALS‐DRI), carbohydrates solubility, hot paste shear viscosity, and gel strength are analyzed. The morphological characteristics are significantly affected by the α‐amylase. The surface of the granules shows small cracks and holes. In regard to the characteristic pasting parameters, there are significantly decreased values after hydrolysis. However, the DSC gelatinization properties are slightly impacted by the modification. The solubility of the starch polymers is increased by the increase of both the enzyme dosage and the disintegration temperature applied (95 and 145 ℃). Moreover, the molecular composition of the solubilized starch is impacted, too. The investigation of molecular dispersed solutions demonstrates the strong degradation of both amylose (AM) and amylopectin (AP). An increasing enzyme concentration led to a systematically decreased Mw in the samples. The degradation within the amorphous areas is presumed to be faster, similar to acid hydrolysis in native granular starch. However, gelation properties of the enzymatically modified starches are not perceptible. The gradual depolymerization effected the reduction of the hot paste viscosity accordingly.
Bin Jia, Yajing Yao, Jianfu Liu,et al
The effects of Tartary buckwheat flour (TBF)/wheat flour ratio on the physical properties, and starch digestion, of noodles are investigated. Incorporation of TBF significantly changes the physical character of noodles. As TBF levels increase in noodles, the color of dough sheet become darker and noodle texture is affected deleteriously. Starch gelatinization temperature increases with TBF inclusion, and the relaxation time by low‐field nuclear magnetic resonance (LF‐NMR) system (including T21, T22, and T23) decreases due to the close combination of water with macromolecule such as protein and starch. Near‐infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) results in all of the cooked noodles show that both energy, and protein content, decrease significantly. Compared with noodles without substitution, TBF noodles reduce the production of reducing sugar released during an in vitro starch digestion. These findings suggest that incorporation of TBF in noodles could improve noodle nutrition but care is required to ensure appropriate textural characteristics are maintained.
Post-harvest practices for aflatoxin control: Evidence from Kenya
Alexia Pretari, Vivian Hoffmann, Lulu Tian
We assess the impact of a package of post-harvest technologies on aflatoxincontamination of maize through a randomized trial in rural Kenya. Some elements of this package (training and provision of plastic sheets for sun-drying) were provided free of charge to all participants in treatment villages and were widely adopted. Others (a mobile drying service and hermetic storage bags) were provided free to a subset of randomly selected farmers in treatment villages while others had to pay. Overall, the intervention reduced aflatoxin contamination by over 50%. Most of this reduction appears to be due training and the use of drying sheets, the lowest-cost of all the technologies offered.
Journal of Stored Products Research,2019,82(3):31-39
Olive Oil Processing: Current Knowledge, Literature Gaps, and Future Perspectives
Eleni P. Kalogianni,Despoina Georgiou,Jahongir H. Hasanov
Olive oil quality is determined through a series of steps starting from the olive oil tree and ending to the consumer. Among these steps, olive oil processing plays a decisive role in determining quality. This work reviews current olive oil‐processing technology and compares available technologies for the unit operations involved. Furthermore, for each unit operation involved in olive oil processing, the effect of process variables on the parameters determining olive oil quality is presented and discussed. Process efficiency and environmental impact are also presented and discussed for specific unit operations. Through this review, the gaps in current knowledge are highlighted. Finally, future perspectives on olive oil processing and further research required for olive oil quality optimization are presented.
Utilization of Beeswax Oleogel‐Shortening Mixtures in Gluten‐Free Bakery Products
Formulating gluten‐free bakery products with acceptable physical properties generally requires a high amount of fat. As the fat used in these products is often high in saturated fatty acids, the objective of this study was to evaluate beeswax (BW) containing oleogels for partial replacement of the shortening in gluten‐free aerated products. Oleogels prepared with BW were cocrystallized with a commercial cake shortening in the laboratory scale crystallization unit. Then, the resulting blends were evaluated in the gluten‐free cake formulations. When the BW oleogel was used alone, the overrun values of the batter samples decreased, indicating reduced air‐holding ability. Product porosity and specific volume of the samples were also diminished with complete replacement of the shortening with BW oleogel. Nevertheless, 45%, 30%, and 15% replacement of the shortening with BW oleogel resulted in batter and baked product properties comparable to those of the control products. Rheological and textural measurements, microscopy, and bubble size distribution suggested that gradual replacement of shortening with oleogels may be an alternative method for a partial reduction of saturated fat without altering the physical properties of gluten‐free aerated products.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):545-554
Formulation and Characterization of Human Milk Fat Substitutes Made from Blends of Refined Palm Olein, and Soybean, Olive, Fish, and Virgin Coconut Oils
Teimoor Mohammadi,Jamshid Farmani, Zahra Piravi‐Vanak
The simplest and the most cost‐effective way of human milk fat substitute (HMFS) production is formulating of suitable vegetable oils at proper ratios. To do this, the D‐optimal mixture design was used to optimize the HMFS formulation. The design included 25 formulations made from refined palm olein (35–55%), soybean oil (5–25%), olive oil (5–20%), virgin coconut oil (5–15%), and fish oil (0–10%). Samples were produced in laboratory and characterized in terms of fatty acid and triacylglycerol (TAG) compositions, free fatty acid content, peroxide value, iodine value, and oxidative stability index (OSI). HMFS samples were also compared with Codex Alimentarius (CA) and Iran National Standards Organization (INSO) standards. Each characteristic of HMFS samples was then expressed as a function of ingredient ratio using regression models. Finally, using numerical optimization, four optimized blends (PB1‐PB4) were selected, made in the laboratory (HMFS1‐HMFS4), characterized, and compared with CA and INSO standards. The properties of all the optimized blends (except the palmitic acid content of HMFS2 and the monounsaturated fatty acid [MUFA] content of HMFS3) met the standards. HMFS4 showed the highest OSI in Rancimat and the lowest oxidation rate in Schaal oven tests. POL (19.53–21.73%), PPO (20.77–21.73%), OOO (9.11–11.16%), and OPO (8.84–9.46%) were the main (totally about 60%) TAG species found in HMFS samples. In conclusion, the HMFS4 formula (55% palm olein, 13.5% soybean oil, 16% refined olive oil, 15% virgin coconut oil, and 0.5% fish oil) was suggested as the best formula for HMFS production.
JAOCS, 2019,96(5):555-569
Soybean Oil Fatty Acid Ester Estolides as Potential Plasticizers
Lucas J. Stolp,Patrick J. Gronlund,Dharma R. Kodali
Fatty acid ester estolides were synthesized from soybean oil and evaluated for plasticizer functionality in poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC). The plasticization ability of the fatty acid ester estolides depends upon the molecular features such as polarity, molecular weight, and branching. The structure of the fatty acid derivatives was modified at the ester head group with various alcohols and the estolide branch was created at the site of unsaturation. Soy fatty acid esters of methanol, iso‐butanol, 2‐ethylhexanol, and glycerol were prepared to vary the size and polarity at the ester head group. Estolides of these fatty acid esters were prepared using two synthetic routes. In the first route, the fatty acid ester was condensed with an aliphatic acid at the site of unsaturation in the presence of a strong mineral acid. In the second route, the fatty acid ester double bonds were converted to epoxy groups, which were ring opened and acetylated to form acetate estolides. The first synthetic route resulted in low‐average estolide content per fatty acid chain while the second route resulted in a higher estolide content per fatty acid chain. The fatty acid ester estolides compounded with PVC showed good plasticizer properties as evidenced by the rheological properties and reduction in glass transition temperature. The fatty acid ester estolides with a higher estolide content had better plasticizer functionality, comparable to commercial controls.
JAOCS, 2019,96(6):727-738
Novel breads of non-wheat flours
Aleksandra Torbica, Miona Belovi?, Jelena Tomi?
The aim of this study was to provide new approach in creating gluten-containing and gluten-free breads without additives by combining thermal and hydrothermal pretreatments of flours (rye, oat, sorghum and millet).
The applied methodology included determinations of chemical composition of flours and breads, water absorption index, empirical and fundamental rheological measurements, and scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, colour, textural and sensory evaluations of breads.
Novel rye, oat, sorghum and millet breads based on the blend of heat treated and extruded corresponding flours in ratio 70:30 were produced by conventional breadmaking process. All breads were characterized by increased fibre content and had appearance similar to common wheat bread. Gluten-free breads were harder, less elastic with more granular structure due to higher degree of starch crystallinity. Mixolab curves indicated on many possible ways for further breads optimisation.
Food chemistry,2019,282(6-1):134-140
Young-Tack Lee, Min-Jung Shim, Hye-Kyung Goh,et al
Germinated brown rice (GBR) flours were prepared by hammer milling and jet milling. The effect of the milling on the physicochemical and pasting properties of the resultant flours were investigated. The jet milling of GBR resulted in flour with different particle sizes, which were air-classified into coarse and fine size fractions. As the particle size decreased, the amount of damaged starch increased. The WAI, WSI, and oil absorption of the jet-milled GBR flour was slightly lower than that of the hammer-milled flour. Increased α- and β-amylase activities were observed in the coarse fraction of the jet-milled GBR flour compared with the hammer-milled and jet-milled fine fractions. The RVA viscosity profiles of the fine fraction of the jet-milled GBR flour were significantly higher than those of the hammer-milled or the coarse fraction of the jet-milled GBR flour. Compared with the hammer-milled flour, jet milling increased in vitro starch hydrolysis.
Food chemistry,2019,282(6-1):164-168
Alyne F.K. Minakawa, Paula C.S. Faria-Tischer, Suzana Mali
Starch nanoparticles (SNP) were produced employing a simple ultrasound method without chemical additives from cassava, corn, and yam starches, which contain 18%, 25% and 30% amylose, respectively. Simultaneously, starch microparticles (SMP) were also obtained, which were significantly smaller than the native starch granules. The yield of the process for all starch sources was 12?±?1% SNP and 88?±?5% SMP, starting with aqueous starch suspensions at 10% and 30?min of sonication. Yam starch (higher amylose content) resulted in smaller SMP (1–3?μm) and SNP (8–32?nm) than did those obtained from corn (SMP?=?3–6?μm; SNP?=?36–68?nm) and cassava (SMP?=?3–7?μm; SNP?=?35–65?nm) starches. Nanoparticles from all starch sources had lower crystallinity and lower thermal stability than did the native starches or SMP. Ultrasonication was efficient to yield SNP and SMP without the addition of any chemical reagent or employing a purification step.
Food chemistry,2019,283(6-2):11-18
Hongyan Li, Lu Yu, Wenwen Yu, Haiteng Li, Robert Gilbert
Autoclave cooking is used to produce “convenience” rice. In this study, autoclaving effects on sensory properties are investigated, and mechanistic explanations in terms of the underlying molecular structure are explored by analyzing this structure by size-exclusion chromatography and fitting the results with models based on biosynthetic processes. Compared to steam cooking, autoclaving produces stickier texture, and slightly affects hardness. It is found that molecular sizes of leached starch of both autoclaved and steam cooked rice are similar, but significantly smaller than that of the parent grain starch; model fitting parameters of leached amylopectin and amylose structures between autoclaved rice and steam cooked rice display no large variations. The amount of leached amylopectin (an important texture-controlling parameter) of autoclaved rice is higher than that of steam cooked rice. Correlation analysis indicates that, compared to steam-cooked rice, the stickier texture of autoclaved rice is caused by more amylopectin leaching during autoclaving.
Food chemistry,2019,283(6-2):199-205
Complexation of Amylosucrase‐Modified Waxy Corn Starch with Fatty Acids: Determination of Their Physicochemical Properties and Digestibilities
Joo Hee Lim, Ha Ram Kim, Seung Jun Choi,et al
Starch–lipid complexes were prepared using normal corn starch (NC) and amylosucrase‐modified waxy corn starch (ASWC) with myristic acid (C14:0) and palmitic acid (C16:0). The amylosucrase modification elongated branch chains in waxy corn starch leading to an increase of apparent amylose content (29.7%) similar to that of NC (29.0%). The X‐ray diffraction of starch–lipid complexes revealed a V‐type pattern, a clear indication of complex formation. The ability of the ASWC to complex with fatty acids was greater than that of NC. Interestingly, the changes in relative crystallinity, thermal parameters, and digestion properties according to the complexation showed opposite patterns in NC and ASWC. This study found that the structure of ASWC contributes to the formation of starch–fatty acid complexes and suggested that the ASWC can be preferred over NC in a delivery system.
Amylopectin has been considered to be incapable of forming complexes with fatty acids due to its short chain length and steric hindrance. Through this study, an appropriate enzymatic modification of the molecular structures of waxy starches could make a complexation of waxy starches with fatty acids possible. The findings of this study suggest a promising perspective for utilization of waxy starch as a carrier material of lipophilic molecules.
Journal of Food Science,2019,84(6):1362-1370
I. Gede Wenten, Agnes Veronica Victoria, Grace Tanukusuma,et al
Clarification and dehydration processes are generally employed to produce high-quality crude palm oil (CPO). In this work, superhydrophobic hollow fiber polypropylene (PP) membrane is used to perform a simultaneous clarification and dehydration. The effect of transmembrane pressure (TMP), temperature, and water content on the membrane performance are investigated. Results indicate that the permeate flux was increased with the increase of TMP and temperature. However, the permeate flux was decreased with the increase of water content. Meanwhile, the water removal was slightly affected by those parameters. The superhydrophobic PP membrane can produce CPO with 59% non-dissolved solid removal, >99% water removal, and 47% clarity improvement (at 40℃ and 2?bar TMP). In addition, it was found that the fouling mechanism was dominated by cake filtration. Air scouring could be effectively used to recover the membrane flux with a flux recovery ratio of 90% (backflush duration?=?5?min, filtration cycle?=?2).
Journal of Food Engineering,2019,248(5-1):23-27
粮油科技文摘,2019(3)粮油质量安全部分 2019-8-26
建立了固相萃取-高效液相色谱对植物油中9种微量酚酸类化合物进行测定的方法。从提取及净化方式、流动相组成、流动相流速以及色谱柱温度等条件优化9种酚酸类化合物的检测方法。结果表明,样品经正己烷溶解,二醇基固相萃取柱(Diol-SPE)净化,甲醇-水为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速0.3 mL/min,检测波长为280 nm时,9种酚酸类化合物的检测结果最好,该检测方法的回收率在91.35 % - 103.21 %之间,日内及日间精密度的RSD范围分别在0.3 % - 0.9 %和0.6 % - 1.1 %之间。该方法快速、准确,具有较好的重复性及稳定性,适合对植物油样品中9种酚酸类化合物的检测;此外,通过对16批植物油中微量酚酸类化合物的种类及含量进行分析及对比,为植物油的分类及真假判定提供了理论基础。
实验建立了超高效液相色谱-三重四级杆-串联质谱法(UPLC-ESI-MS/MS)测定食用植物油中游离棉酚的含量,实验以乙醇为提取溶剂提取食用植物油中的游离棉酚,采用Waters AQUITY UPLC BEH C18色谱柱进行分离,以乙腈-0.1%的甲酸水溶液作为流动相,梯度洗脱。在电喷雾离子源(ESI)负离子模式和多反应通道监测(MRM)模式下进行定量分析。结果表明:棉酚的质量浓度在0.005~5.0 μg/mL范围内线性关系良好,方法检出限LOD (S/N≥3)为10 μg/kg,定量限LOQ (S/N≥10)为50 μg/kg。以0.25、2.5、25 μg/g三个不同棉酚浓度进行加标后测得平均加标回收率为80.3%~112.6%,相对标准偏差小于11%,精密度0.42%。该方法灵敏度高,测定结果准确,回收率稳定,适用于确证检测食用植物油中的棉酚残留。
采用微波诱导活性炭催化技术对玉米油中的玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEA)进行脱除,主要考察了微波时间、活性炭添加量、ZEA初始含量以及微波功率对ZEA脱除效果的影响,并探究了该技术对食用油理化和营养品质的影响规律。结果表明:在微波处理2 min、活性炭添加量3%(活性炭/油)、微波功率210 W时,玉米油中的ZEA降解效果最佳,降解率高达90.24%,且活性炭可重复使用。在上述最优条件下,微波诱导活性炭处理对玉米油的品质影响较小。综上所述,微波诱导活性炭催化技术是一种简便高效的ZEA脱除方法,可为食用油的安全控制提供新的有效途径。
采用50/30μm DVB/CAR/PDMS型非极性萃取头和PA-85μm型极性萃取头对玉米霉变过程的挥发物进行富集,并采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行检测,以期找到霉变发生的特征挥发物。试验结果显示:3-辛酮、二氢-β-紫罗兰酮、榄香烯、棕榈酸、3-乙基苯酚、4-乙基愈创木酚等物质是储藏前期未检出或者含量较低、发热霉变后被检出且含量较高具有刺激性气味的物质,对这些物质进行检测,可以判断玉米霉变的程度及为预防玉米霉变提供参考。
研究相对湿度(RH)对大豆调和油(BSO)氧化酸败的影响。采用自组装氧化装置,在温度50℃、大气氧分压21 kPa、初始顶空率50%和室内光照强度(840 lx)的条件下,通过磷酸氢二钾溶液分别控制RH为50%、60%、70%、80%和90%,氧化BSO试样,测定不同氧化时间(t)时BSO的过氧化值(POV)和酸价(AV),由POV-t和AV-t回归曲线分析RH对BSO氧化酸败的影响。结果表明:BSO氧化酸败符合零级反应动力学特征,POV与AV随RH的增大和t的延长而升高;反应速率常数(k)随RH增大而增大。RH越大,氧化酸败速率越快,二者遵循二项式关系kPOV=-1E-05 RH2+0.002 4 RH-0.049 6和kAV=2E-07 RH2-2E-05 RH+0.000 5。因此,在生产、贮存、运输和消费过程中,应尽量降低BSO的贮存环境湿度,以减缓BSO的氧化酸败速率。
室温储存的亚麻籽油氧化变质时间为90 d左右,为了提高室温储存亚麻籽油的氧化稳定性,研究了合成抗氧化剂、天然抗氧化剂与复合抗氧化剂对室温储存亚麻籽油过氧化值变化的影响,并运用感官评价探讨复合抗氧化剂对亚麻籽油品质的影响。结果表明:0.2 g/kg TBHQ和0.2 g/kg VE复合添加并室温储存的亚麻籽油的氧化变质时间(以过氧化值约为6 mmol/kg为判定依据)由90 d延长到230 d,感官评价结果表明添加此组复合抗氧化剂不影响亚麻籽油的感官评分。
精炼一级大豆油进成品油罐,再分流到灌装车间的小油罐,在等待灌装期间或灌装后出现返色返酸现象。分析大豆油返色返酸原因,基于此得出从精炼设备配置、操作参数调整、脱色吸附剂选取方面防止返色返酸。为了达到企业包装油内控标准酸价(KOH)0.08 mg/g和色泽Y10/R1.3,精炼车间控制出油色泽在Y7/R0.7、酸价(KOH)在0.05 mg/g以下,基本上可满足市场消费者的需求。
植物油精炼的副产物——脱臭馏出物是提取和生产天然维生素E和植物甾醇的原料,针对油脂脱臭馏出物特殊的黏稠性状和复杂组分,对其中多环芳烃(PAHs)含量检测方法和样品前处理条件进行优化研究,建立了液液分配萃取-硅胶SPE柱净化-同位素稀释法-气相色谱串联质谱法(GC-MS)定量检测油脂脱臭馏出物中16种PAHs的方法。结果表明:油脂脱臭馏出物中16种PAHs的检出限和定量限分别为0.10~0.28 μg/kg和0.33~0.92 μg/kg,回收率为83.92%~11234%,方法检测灵敏度高、稳定性好、定性及定量准确,能很好地满足对脱臭馏出物中PAHs的检测。利用优化的检测方法分别对6个不同的脱臭馏出物样品中PAHs含量进行检测分析,结果发现脱臭馏出物中BaP、PAH4、PAH16的平均含量分别为11.89、217.19、2 268.85 μg/kg,其中LPAHs是主要的PAHs污染物,占PAH16总量的90.34%~95.61%。结果提示在利用油脂脱臭馏出物作为维生素E和植物甾醇的提取原料时应充分注意其多环芳烃的安全风险。
建立电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)同时测定富硒大米中5种微量元素和5种重金属元素的方法 ,研究市售富硒大米中10种元素的含量。分别对硝酸用量、过氧化氢用量、微波消解程序进行优化,得出优化前处理方法,并用质控样品进行验证。结果表明:优化的前处理条件为:7 mL硝酸,20 ℃升温5 min、恒温5 min,160 ℃升温5 min、恒温5 min,180 ℃升温5 min、恒温15 min。该方法简单快速、试剂用量少,准确性好,适用于富硒大米中多元素的同时测定;用该方法测定市场上随机购买的富硒大米,硒元素含量参差不齐,与其他4种微量元素(Zn、Fe、Co、Mo)没有明显的正相关或负相关关系,5种重金属(Pb、As、Hg、Cd、Cr)均在限量范围内。
为验证实验室粮食样品自动分样器的性能参数是否符合行业标准LS/T 3545-2017《粮油机械检验用分样器》的要求,开展了实验室粮食样品自动分样器缩分比误差、分样误差和重复性三项性能参数的验证。从验证结果看出,实验室粮食样品自动分样器三项性能参数均符合该标准的要求,且大部分参数优于该标准的要求。
对比了三种提取小麦DON方法的差异。采用振荡、超声和旋涡提取对充分混合的小麦粉状样品进行提取并测定。结果表明:三种提取方法的DON提取率都与提取时间呈正相关,旋涡法的最佳提取时间最短(4 min),超声法的最佳时间次之(15 min),振荡法的最佳时间最长(20 min)。振荡法和旋涡法测得的DON含量分别为(839.7±40.5)μg/kg和(804.8±28.9)μg/kg,两种方法之间无显著差异;超声法测得的DON含量为(760.6±36.0)μg/kg,明显低于其他两种方法。
2018年10月下旬,美国国际谷物化学师协会(AACCI)2018年年会(Cereals&Grains 18)在英国伦敦召开。笔者代表中储粮成都储藏研究院有限公司参加了此次会议。会议期间,我们深入了解了国际谷物食品领域最新研究进展,对会上交流的国际谷物化学和食品安全领域的研究现状与趋势进行了概括和总结,以期引起我国学术界、工业界和消费者等对全谷物食品和食品安全的关注,及对我国全谷食品发展未来的思考。
粮油仓储科技通讯,2019(1): 39-41
粮食加工,2019(3): 39-43
现代面粉工业,2019(2): 11-14
粮食加工,2019(3): 44-46
武汉轻工大学学报,2019(2): 50-54
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 51-53
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 63-65
粮食科技与经济,2019(2): 69-70
为满足大豆品质育种快速筛选的需求,本文详细探讨了利用近红外漫反射光谱法对大豆粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量实现快速测定的可行性。采用凯氏定氮法和索氏抽提法测定了120份大豆粗蛋白和粗脂肪的含量,分别采集大豆整粒和粉末两种状态的近红外光谱,然后运用化学计量学方法PLS建立近红外光谱与化学值之间的关系模型。其中粉末大豆样品建立的粗蛋白校正模型的决定系数R~2为0.978 7,校正标准误差RMSECV为0.003 8,该模型对24份待测样品进行测定的预测标准误差RMSEP为0.002 84;粗脂肪校正模型的R~2为0.934 1,RMSECV为0.003 69,RMSEP为0.003 53。整粒大豆建立的粗蛋白校正模型的R~2为0.872 4,RMSECV为0.009 07,RMSEP为0.007 49;粗脂肪校正模型的R~2为0.876 5,RMSECV为0.005 08,RMSEP为0.004 66。对比发现,建模样品的状态对近红外模型的预测性能有重要影响,样品在粉末状态下建立的粗蛋白和粗脂肪近红外模型的预测效果更好。另一方面,由于整粒样品建立的近红外模型的R~2均在0.87以上,因此当样品量较少没有足够样品可用于粉碎时,该模型可以满足对整粒大豆品质进行粗测的需求。该结果对大豆育种早代筛选工作具有重要意义。
现行食品中农药最大残留限量标准中涉及食品类别繁多,每类食品农药最大残留限量特点各异,尚未有针对粮食这一大类别农药残留限量的特点分析。本文重点介绍了我国粮食中农药残留限量总体状况,比对了GB 2763-2016、GB 2763.1-2018与GB 2763-2014标准中粮食农药残留限量的变化,包括农药种类、残留限量指标值、检测方法等内容,使广大粮油检测工作者全面系统了解粮食中农药残留限量现状,为今后监测工作提供帮助。同时在分析涉粮农药残留限量标准基础上,探讨了GB 2763-2016农残限量标准存在的问题,并提出了修改建议,对完善我国粮食农药残留限量标准具有现实意义。
了解深圳市居民面粉与面制品中偶氮甲酰胺及其分解转化产物联二脲、氨基脲的含量水平,获得深圳市致癌致畸物氨基脲的居民膳食暴露水平。2016年在深圳市超市、批发市场、农贸市场等共采集500份面粉及面制品,监测偶氮甲酰胺及其分解转化产物联二脲、氨基脲的含量。并结合深圳市居民膳食调查食物消费量计算深圳市居民面粉和面制品中氨基脲的暴露量。结果表明所采集的500份样品中:偶氮甲酰胺、联二脲、氨基脲的检出率分别为4.60%、25.8%、18.6%,含量范围为0.500~93.4 mg/kg、10.0~13900μg/kg、0.250~1100μg/kg;氨基脲的一般水平暴露量与高水平暴露量分别为0.005μg/kg-bw/d与0.248μg/kg-bw/d。面粉及面制品中的氨基脲暴露已超过水产品中的暴露,应慎重使用偶氮甲酰胺作为食品添加剂在面粉及面制品中使用,同时加强对面粉及面制品中氨基脲的监测。
建立超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法准确、快速检测玉米油中黄曲霉毒素(B1、B2、G1、G2)和玉米赤霉烯酮(ZEN)的含量,了解市售玉米油中B1、B2、G1、G2、ZEN污染状况。样品经乙腈:水(84:16,V:V)溶液超声离心提取后,通过多功能固相萃取柱进行净化处理,采用液相色谱-串联质谱法进行检测。结果 B1、B2、G1、G2的线性范围为0.1~20μg/L,ZEN的线性范围为3.0~200μg/L;方法回收率为74.4%~98.6%,相对标准偏差为3.9%~6.9%;B1、B2、G1、G2定量限为0.2μg/L,ZEN的定量限为6.0μg/L。市售的33份样品中,均没有检出B1、B2、G1、G2;玉米赤霉烯酮检出32份,检出率为97.0%。结论 该方法操作简单快速、重现性好,可用于玉米油中黄曲霉毒素和玉米赤霉烯酮的检测。
研制均匀性和稳定性符合要求的4种小麦粉标准物质,用于小麦的质量控制。将制备的成品经灭菌处理后于温度小于26℃、湿度小于60%的避光房间保存。采用电感耦合等离子体光谱法和质谱法对标准物质候选物的均匀性和稳定性进行考察。同时选取9家具有丰富定值经验的实验室对其化学成分进行协作定值。结果 确定了4种小麦粉标准物质中Cr、As、Cd、Hg、Pb、Ni、Cu、Se、K、Na、Ca、Mg、Mn、Fe、Zn和Al共16个元素的标准值和不确定度。结论 结果表明此4种标准物质的均匀性、稳定性、标准值的不确定度评定过程都达到JJF 1006-94《一级标准物质》相关技术要求,已被批准发布为国家级标准物质。
调查安徽省居民家庭内即食状态谷类食物脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(DON)污染情况并评估调查人群膳食DON暴露水平。在安徽省阜阳市选择2个村庄作为调查点,通过称重法获得305名调查对象在整个调查日内食用的所有即食状态谷类食物克数,并分别采样检测其中DON、3-乙酰脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(3-Ac-DON)、15-乙酰脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇(15-Ac-DON)、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇-3-葡萄糖苷(DON-3-G)含量。基于调查对象主要谷类食物个体消费量和各类食物DON平均含量,采用简单分布模型,计算每个个体膳食DON暴露量。结果:调查人群主要食用的谷类食物包括大米粥、馒头/花卷、面条、米饭、粑粑子。馒头/花卷和粑粑子中DON和DON-3-G均100%检出,总DON平均含量分别为454.9、457.7μg/kg,最高污染水平来自馒头/花卷样品,总DON含量为2 067. 8μg/kg。面条中DON和DON-3-G检出率分别为100%、71. 6%,总DON平均含量为75.5μg/kg。米饭和大米粥中两种物质检出率和含量均相对较低。调查人群膳食DON平均暴露量为2. 6μg/(kg·d),高于每日耐受摄入量(TDI)(1μg/kg体重),高端暴露水平(P90~P99)为4.0~6. 2μg/(kg·d),是TDI的4倍以上,调查人群中93. 8%的个体DON暴露量超过TDI。各年龄组DON暴露量无显著差异(P=0. 381)。以小麦为主要原料的食物对DON平均暴露量的总贡献率达94. 1%,其中馒头/花卷贡献率最高,为65. 4%。安徽省调查人群膳食DON暴露量较高,存在一定的健康风险,馒头/花卷和面条等小麦制品是主要暴露来源。
利用高效液相色谱-串联质谱建立杂粮豆类中11种真菌毒素(包括黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2、赭曲霉毒素A、T-2毒素、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、伏马毒素B1、B2和B3、玉米赤霉烯酮)同时检测的方法。实验对提取溶剂、提取时间和净化方式等进行优化,建立双体系联合提取方法,首先采用甲醇-水(70∶30,V/V)体系提取,再以乙腈-水(84∶16,V/V)体系二次提取,提取时间3 min,在此基础上采用C18吸附剂进行净化处理。结果表明,11种毒素的线性范围良好,相关系数大于0.999,添加回收率为70.0%~108%,相对标准偏差为1.3%~8.6%。所建方法简单、快速、灵敏度高、重复性好,可满足杂粮豆类中11种真菌毒素的同时检测需要。
为评价我国市售富硒大米中硒含量及其膳食暴露风险,于全国各地超市采集43个富硒大米样品,明确其中的硒含量水平及其对膳食安全带来的风险,采用非参数概率型评估方法分别对所研究的富硒大米中硒的摄入量进行估计,计算来自富硒大米的硒膳食暴露风险指数以分析其对消费者的风险水平。结果表明,富硒大米中硒含量范围为0.022~0.880mg/kg,平均值为0.160 mg/kg,其中仅有48.6%的样品符合富硒大米国家标准;不同人群经食用富硒大米的硒摄入量呈现出一定的年龄和性别差异;以硒耐受上限为评价标准,硒摄入风险均较低;若以硒适宜膳食摄入量为标准, 2~7岁年龄段人群的硒摄入风险极低,而7岁以上人群有过量摄入的风险。因此食用本文所研究的富硒大米对消费者相对安全,但应得到适当监控。
玉米易受霉菌感染发生霉变,影响食用安全。快速测定玉米霉变程度是控制其危害的前提。本研究拟利用基于气体传感器阵列的电子鼻技术,获取不同霉变程度玉米的特征气味信息,建立玉米霉变程度快速检测方法。辐照灭菌玉米分别接种5种谷物中常见有害霉菌,并于28℃和85%相对湿度环境中储藏15 d直至严重霉变。在第0、6、9、12和15 d,采集样品的气味信息的电子鼻特征响应信号,建立了玉米霉变程度的定性定量模型。结果表明,主成分分析(PCA)法可成功区分不同霉变程度的玉米样品。线性判别分析(LDA)对受单一霉菌侵染的不同霉变程度玉米样品的平均识别率达93.3%以上,全部样品达76.7%。样品中菌落总数的偏最小二乘回归分析(PLSR)模型的预测决定系数达0.777,预测均方根误差和相对分析偏差(RPD)分别为0.981 log CFU/g和2.12。结果表明,应用电子鼻技术快速检测玉米霉变具有一定可行性,下一步需要不断扩大样本量以提高方法的精度和可靠性。
比较大米蛋白和米渣蛋白对镉的结合能力,探究蛋白对镉的结合机理。通过蛋白对镉的结合试验、镉的脱除试验,比较两种蛋白对镉的结合能力,并用粒径仪、圆二色光谱仪(CD)、红外光谱仪(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线光电子能谱分析仪(XPS)等仪器分析蛋白与镉的结合机理。通过掩蔽蛋白羧基、氧化巯基后再对镉结合的试验,验证蛋白的羧基及巯基对镉结合的重要性。结果表明,米渣蛋白对镉的最大结合量为12.08 mg/g,被结合的镉120 min后脱除率达到最大,大米蛋白对镉的最大结合量为8.85 mg/g,被结合的镉60 min后脱除率达到最大。掩蔽蛋白羧基后,两种蛋白对镉的结合量较羧基掩蔽前均下降18%;氧化巯基后,大米蛋白和米渣蛋白较巯基被氧化前对镉的结合量分别下降40%和50%。SEM观察出,蛋白结合镉后发生聚集现象。与大米蛋白相比,米渣蛋白对镉的结合能力更强。此外,两种蛋白对镉的结合不仅是简单的物理吸附作用,蛋白中的巯基和羧基对镉的结合也具有重要作用。
S.R. Delwiche, I. Torres Rodriguez, S.R. Rausch, R.A. Graybosch
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is among the most common fungal diseases affecting wheat, resulting in decreased yield, low-density kernels, and production of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol, a compound toxic to humans and livestock. Human visual analysis of representative wheat samples has been the traditional method for FHB assessment in both official inspection and plant breeding operations. While not requiring specialized equipment, visual analysis is dependent on a trained and consistent workforce, such that in the absence of these aspects, biases may arise among inspectors and evaluation dates. This research was intended to avoid such pitfalls by using longer wavelength radiation than the visible using hyperspectral imaging (HSI) on individual kernels. Linear discriminant analysis models to differentiate between sound and scab-damaged kernels were developed based on mean of reflectance values of the interior pixels of each kernel at four wavelengths (1100, 1197, 1308, and 1394?nm). Other input variables were examined, including kernel morphological properties and histogram features from the pixel responses of selected wavelengths of each kernel. The results indicate the strong potential of HSI in estimating fusarium damage. However, improvement in aligning this procedure to visual analysis is hampered by the inherent level of subjectivity in visual analysis.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):18-24
Amene Nematollahi, Marzieh Kamankesh, Hedayat Hosseini,et al
Cereal products as the main group of food diet have most important effect on human health. Acrylamide as a dangerous toxic compound has highly potential to be form in carbohydrates and proteins-rich foods at high temperature. In this research, we have successfully analyzed the amount of acrylamide in the important group of cereal products. Efficient, sensitive and selective microextractiontechnique has been applied to extract acrylamide from cereal samples. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has been employed as powerful analytical instrument in the quantitation step. Parameters on the extraction procedure were studied and optimized using central composite design. The calibration curves showed high linearity (R2?=?0.998) in the range of 1–500?ng?g−1. Limit of detection and limit of quantitation were obtained 0.6?ng?g−1 and 2?ng?g−1, respectively. The average acrylamide levels for wafer, traditional flat bread, biscuit, cracker, cake, cookie and industrial leavened bread were 233.94, 218.26, 200.67, 190.50, 186.39, 156.10 and 100.22?ng?g−1 respectively. The acrylamide content in all tested sample was higher than 100?ng?g−1. Wafer samples showed the highest amount of acrylamide. The composition of cereal sample and baking time and temperature have directly affected on acrylamide level in sample.
Journal of Cereal Science,2019, 87(3):157-164
Collaborative Study Report: Automated Measurement of Wheat Flour Solvent Retention Capacity with the CHOPIN-SRC Instrument (AACCI Approved Method 56-15.01)
Arnaud Dubat, Mathilde Berra, and Byung-Kee Baik
Solvent retention capacity (SRC) is an analytical method used to measure the contribution to water absorption of the main functional flour polymers (gluten protein, starch, and pentosans). Originally established to evaluate soft wheat flour functionality in the United States, the method is gaining acceptance worldwide and is now applied to many wheat types and disciplines in wheat variety development and flour processing across the globe. The first approved standardized method recognized in the industry was AACCI Approved Method 56-11.02. However, this manual method is extremely operator-dependent, due to the need for consistent agitation during the initial hydration phase and intermittent agitation thereafter. Differences in human execution can introduce variation in results, making it difficult for SRC parameters to be effectively integrated into flour specifications. Laboratories have mechanized different parts of the method in attempts to improve accuracy and precision; however, no formal standardized solution has been introduced in the industry. To address this situation, CHOPIN Technologies developed an automated system, based on the concepts of the AACCI standard method, with the aim of eliminating all potential operator impacts on the test and standardizing tubes and centrifugation conditions. This method has been evaluated through a collaborative study involving 12 laboratories that analyzed 12 flour samples in duplicate with 4 solvents (water, sucrose, sodium carbonate, and lactic acid).
Cereal Foods World, 2019,64(3)
Application of atomic force microscopy in microscopic analysis of polysaccharide
Junqiao Wang, Shaoping Nie
This review gives a brief description of AFM technology involved in polysaccharideresearch in addition to discussion of factors that might influence polysaccharide imaging. More importantly, its contribution to research progress of a variety of well characterized polysaccharides, including pectin, xanthan, carrageenan, curdlan, scleroglucan, xyloglucan, arabinoxylan, starch, etc., and the detailed nanostructureinformation was summarized.
AFM provides a unique insight into polysaccharide studies in terms of morphological features and molecular characteristics, such as heights (diameters), width, contour length, end-to-end distance, polydispersity, etc. Besides, other promising aspects included probing molecular motion and assemblies, as well as visualizing conformation behavior under different conditions.
Trends in food science & technology ,2019,87(5),35-46
Pierluigi Plastina, Cinzia Benincasa, Enzo Perri,et al
Hydroxytyrosyl esters with short, medium and long acyl chains were evaluated for their ability to reduce nitric oxide (NO) production by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. Among the compounds tested, C18 esters, namely hydroxytyrosyl stearate (HtySte) and hydroxytyrosyl oleate (HtyOle), were found to decrease NO production in a concentration-dependent manner, while the other compounds, including the parent hydroxytyrosol, were ineffective in the tested concentration range (0.5–5?μM). Further study of the potential immune-modulating properties of HtyOle revealed a significant and concentration-dependent suppression of prostaglandin E2 production. At a transcriptional level, HtyOle inhibited the expression of inducible NO synthase, cyclooxygenase-2 and interleukin-1β. Moreover, HtyOle was identified for the first time in olive oil by-products by means of high performance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. By contrast, HtyOle was not found in intact olives. Our results suggest that HtyOle is formed during oil processing and represents a significant form in which hydroxytyrosol occurs.
Food chemistry,2019,279(5-1):105-113
Qin Zhao, Dan-Qi Cheng, Ming Tao,et al
In the present study, a rapid and effective method based on alendronate sodium grafted mesoporous magnetic nanoparticle (Fe3O4@ANDS) extraction for the determination of trans-resveratrol (TRA) in peanut oils was developed by coupling with HPLC-UV detection. The Fe3O4@ANDS was prepared via Lewis acid/base interaction which was simply carried out in mild aqueous condition without the using of organic solvent. The resultant Fe3O4@ANDS encompassed amino group on its surface, and it was employed as magnetic solid-phase extraction adsorbent for purification and enrichment of TRA from peanut oils through hydrogen bond interaction. Under the optimized conditions, the whole pretreatment process could be accomplished within 10?min without time-consuming concentrated and reconstituted process. The linearity range of the proposed method was 1–10,000?ng/g with satisfactory correlation coefficient (R2) of 0.9992. The recoveries in spiked oil samples were in the range of 78.6–118.9% with the RSDs less than 3.3% (intra-day) and 15.2% (inter-day). The limit of detection for TRA in peanut oils was 0.3?ng/g which was comparative to the reported methods by using LC-MS/MS detection. Finally, the established method was successfully applied to the analysis of TRA in several peanut oils with different brands from local market as well as other kinds of vegetable oils.
Food chemistry,2019,279(5-1):187-193
David Stadler, Francesca Lambertini, Christoph Bueschl,et al
Deoxynivalenol (DON) is considered to be one of the most important contaminants in cereals and food commodities produced thereof. So far it is not clear i) to which extent DON is degraded during baking and ii) if a degradation results in reduced toxicity. We have elucidated the fate of DON during baking of crackers, biscuits and bread, which were produced from fortified dough and processed under pilot plant conditions. Untargeted stable isotope assisted liquid chromatography (LC) high resolution mass spectrometry was used to determine all extractable degradation products. Targeted LC – tandem mass spectrometry based quantification revealed that DON was partially degraded to isoDON (1.3–3.9%), norDON B (0.2–0.9%) and norDON C (0.3–1.2%). A DON degradation of 6% (crackers), 5% (biscuits) and 2% (bread), respectively, was observed. In vitro translation experiments indicate that isoDON is less toxic than DON.
Food chemistry,2019,279(5-1):303-311
Wei Liu, Kangdi Zhang, Guolong Yang, Jingjing Yu
For simultaneous determination of lignans (i.e. sesamin, sesamolin and sesamol) in sesame oils, a highly efficient ultrasonic-assisted liquid–liquid microextraction (UALLME) technique was developed based on deep eutectic solvents (DESs) composed of choline chloride and p-cresol. Compared with the common polyols-based DESs (i.e. choline chloride-ethylene glycol), the phenolic DESs exhibited higher extraction efficiency for both polar lignans (i.e. sesamol) and non-polar lignans (i.e. sesamin and sesamolin) due to the π-π interaction between lignans and DES. After the UALLME process, DES phase was analyzed by HPLC-UV. Under optimized condition, all three lignans showed good linear calibration curves and low limit of detection. The recoveries were in the range of 97.3–120%, and the intra-day and inter-day precisions were less than 0.97%. Moreover, this method was used for simultaneous determination of lignans in 15 commercial oil samples. The results showed that the new microextraction technique achieved similar efficiency as the conventional liquid-liquid extraction method.
Food chemistry,2019,281(5-3):140-146
Simon Hammann, Ansgar Korf, Ian D. Bull, Heiko Hayen, Lucy J.E. Cramp
Minor lipids in cereals (such as phytosterols and alkylresorcinols) can be important for human nutrition and/or be used as biomarkers for cereal intake. However, the analysis of cereal lipids is very challenging due to the complex lipidome comprising several hundred individual compounds present over a wide range of concentrations.
Here we present a method for the profiling of cereal lipids using high temperature gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (GC/Q-TOF MS). The method was used to investigate the lipid profiles of 77 samples of bread wheat, spelt, einkorn, emmer, barley, rye and oats.
Distinct differences in the patterns of alkylresorcinols, free and conjugated sterols and tocopherols between the cereals could be observed. Furthermore, traces of tocomonoenols and diunsaturated and methyl-alkylresorcinols (not previously reported in cereals) could be detected. Finally, the lipid patterns in the cereals could be used to separate the cereals by Principal Component Analysis.
Food chemistry,2019,282(6-1):27-35
Rapid screening of ochratoxin A in wheat by infrared spectroscopy
Annalisa De Girolamo, Christoph von Holst, Marina Cortese, et al
The use of infrared spectroscopy for the screening of 229 unprocessed durum wheat samples naturally contaminated with OTA has been investigated. Samples were analysed by both Fourier Transform near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR, FT-MIR). Partial-Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) and Principal Component-Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification models were used to differentiate highly contaminated durum wheat samples from low contaminated ones and the performances of the resulting models were compared. The overall discrimination rates were higher than 94% for both FT-NIR and FT-MIR range by using a cut-off limit set at 2?µg/kg OTA, independently from the classification model used thus confirming the reliability of the two statistical approaches used. False compliant rates of 6% were obtained for both spectral ranges and both classification models.
These findings indicate that FT-NIR, as well as FT-MIR analysis, might be a promising, inexpensive and easy-to-use screening tool to rapidly discriminate unprocessed wheat samples for OTA content.
Food chemistry,2019,282(6-1):95-100
Agustín Londonio, Ezequiel Morzán, Patricia Smichowski
A study was undertaken to quantify the concentration of toxic and potentially toxic elements in samples of rice, rice crackers, rice noodles, infant cereals and rice vinegar available in the Argentine market. The determination of nine elements, namely, As, Cd, Cr, Hg, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, and Zn in 29 samples was performed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Element concentrations spanned the range (ng g−1): As, 67–858; Cd, <0.2–24.0; Cr, 36.6–937; Hg, <50; Ni, 38.6–1040; Pb, <2.0–139; Sb, <3.0–24.7; Se, <8.4–178 and Zn, 129–32400. Mercury was not detected in any of the analyzed samples. The highest concentration (32.4?µg?g−1) was found for Zn in infant cereals that according to the label were added by the manufacturer. To assess accuracy, NIST 1568a rice flour was analyzed and results were in good agreement with certified values.
Food chemistry,2019,283(6-3):149-154