Abstract:The sequence character of insertion site of transgenic wheat exogenous gene sGNA was analyzed by genome-walking and the Nested-PCR methods, and the method of detection of sGNA gene transform event specificity was established. The random primers were supplied by Takara and the specific primers were designed based on the sGNA sequence. The boundary sequences of sGNA were cloned by genome-walking, and located on genome A by the homologous recombination. The Ubi promoter and bar gene of the plasmid with exogenous gene sGNA were cut off during the integration process, and two series of NOS genes were remained, the deletion was resulted in 4 500~4 520 bp, and insertion of a segment of base sequence was discovered between 4 786 bp to 4810 bp, which resulted the rearrangement of wheat genome sequence. The accuracy of the insertion site information was verified, so it′s effective and feasible of genome-walking for the detection of safety and identification of transgenic wheat.