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Volume 28,Issue 1,2020 Table of Contents

  • Display Type:
  • Text List
  • Abstract List
  • 1  Challenges and opportunities of edible vegetable oil market in China
    何东平 罗 质 高 盼
    2020, 28(1):1-5.
    [Abstract](485) [HTML](0) [PDF 250.59 K](750)
    The edible vegetable oil industry of China is developing rapidly and still faced with serious challenges. Based on the analysis of current situation of edible oil market development in China, insufficient of hazardous substances detection in the process of processing, lacking of systematic investigation about small varieties oils marketization, insufficient of nutritional evaluation of vegetable oil and deficient of special edible blending oil research for special population, in this paper, we proposed the opportunities and prospects in Chinese market of edible vegetable oil, the accurate and appropriate processing mode of fats and oils, systematically development of small varieties oils, research of the nutritive value of edible oils, and development of special edible blend oils for special populations. We hope this review would provide useful references and suggestions for promoting the high quality development of oil processing industry in China.
    2  Effects of peanut nutrition oil on monoamine oxidase activity and liver in cerebral cortex of SD rats
    赵康宇 曹 健 田 华 张立伟 郑竟成 罗 质 何东平
    2020, 28(1):6-10.
    [Abstract](475) [HTML](0) [PDF 745.63 K](894)
    To study the function of peanut nutrient oil supplemented with DHA algae oil and AA oil, SD rats were gavaged with peanut oil supplemented with different dose of DHA algae oil and AA oil, respectively the effects on monoamine oxidase activity in cerebral cortex and liver cell were examined after 8 weeks of continuous feeding. The results showed that the control group fed with peanut nutrient oil had significant difference compared with the normal peanut blending oil group (P<0.01). Peanut nutrient oil containing DHA algae oil and AA oil can significantly reduce the activity of monoamine oxidase in the cerebral cortex of SD rats, and effectively improve the symptoms of liver edema and cell inflammation in middle-aged SD rats, and slow down the rate of cell death. It can be speculated that the intake of appropriate amounts of DHA and AA can potentially reduce the risk of liver cirrhosis and fibrosis in the elderly people, and achieve the role of protecting the liver.
    3  Study on the trends of nutrients and harmful substance in rice bran oil processing
    曹 健 赵 菁 雷芬芬 郑竟成 罗 质 何东平
    2020, 28(1):11-16.
    [Abstract](602) [HTML](0) [PDF 481.95 K](1016)
    To understand the trends of nutrients and harmful substances in the processing of rice bran oil (RBO). Three batches of RBO samples from three RBO factories, including crude oil, degum ming, dewaxing, deacidification, decolorization and degreasing were collected, Measurement of its vita min E, oryzanol and sterol and two harmful substances. Study its trends. Two harmful matters including benzopyrene (BaP), 3-chloro-1,2-propanediol (3-MCPD) and three nutritional contents including vita min E, oryzanol, sterol were determined. The trends of these substances change were studied. The vita min E decreased by 37.92%, oryzanol decreased by 23.05%, sterol decreased by 22.69%, BaP content of RBO decreased by 97.61%, 3-MCPD decreased by 80.47%, when compared with crude oil. BaP and 3-MCPD are produced, 3-MCPD shows a decreasing trend, and vita min E, oryzanol, sterol are decrease with different degrees during the processing of RBO.
    4  Chemical composition and oxidation stability index of walnut oils from different production regions in China
    周张涛 高 盼 章景志 何东平
    2020, 28(1):17-22.
    [Abstract](461) [HTML](0) [PDF 243.73 K](904)
    A total of 16 walnut samples from different regions of China were analyzed, the fatty acid composition, triacylglycerol composition, polyphenol, tocopherol, phytosterol and oxidation stability index of the obtained walnut oil were determined. The results showed that the fatty acid composition of walnut oil in different regions of China was mainly linoleic acid (51.21%~68.97%), oleic acid (12.56%~26.04%), linolenic acid (6.82%~15.01%), and palmitic acid (3.05%~8.27%). The main triacylglycerol compositions were trilinolein (27.87%~39.47%) and oleoyl-linoleoyl-lynolenoyl-glycerol (17.07%~24.18%). The contents of trace accompaniments such as phytosterols, tocopherols and polyphenol were 540~1 594 mg/kg, 10~ 1 303 mg/kg, 345~2 579 mg/kg, respectively. According to the comparison with other regions, it can be suggested that the geographical location and climate of different planting regions lead to the differences in the composition of walnut oil. MLR analyses between oxidative stability index with fatty acid compositions and minor components revealed that linoleic acid, α-tocopherol and polyphenol were the main factors that affect the oxidative stability of the walnut oil.
    5  Study of blending oil formula design by principal component analysis
    董家合 初柏君 高 盼 焦山海 何东平
    2020, 28(1):23-29.
    [Abstract](416) [HTML](0) [PDF 210.49 K](802)
    Using principal component analysis, the 27 factors of 38 kinds of blended oils were analyzed, and the main factors affecting the rankingof blended oil products were obtained. According to the analysis results, in the formulation design of the blending oil, the raw material oil with higher oleic acid content such as camellia seed oil can be added as the preferred raw material oil; in view of the balanced demand of dietary fatty acids, it is possible to strengthen the addition of DHA and EPA This study provides the basis for the selection of base oils in blending oil formulation design.
    6  Technical innovation and industrial upgrading of Chinese dried noodle manufacturing industry
    魏益民 张 波 张影全 李 明 郭波莉
    2020, 28(1):30-33.
    [Abstract](380) [HTML](0) [PDF 192.61 K](1110)
    Through the analysis and induction of literatures and invention patents, this paper summarizes the progress and trend of development of Chinese Dried Noodle (CDN) industry, highlights technological innovations or important improvements combined with invention patents that have a greater impact, and demonstrates the role of technological revolution and model innovation during the development of industry. Driving by the "Made in China 2025" strategy, the authors point out the development direction of the CDN industry should be: to explore intelligence application on the basis of full realization of automation; to extend production scale under the premise of efficient management; to discuss the integration of industry and the change of industrial model under the high efficiency development of the main industry.
    7  Screening of quality modifying agent for frozen pizza crust
    李燮昕 王 鑫 刘世洪 张佳婕
    2020, 28(1):34-39.
    [Abstract](399) [HTML](0) [PDF 230.24 K](711)
    Frozen pizza crust was selected as the research object.The influences of natural konjak powder, soylecithin,edible glycerol and sorbitol on the adhesiveness, hardness, cohesion, elasticity, sensory elasticity and mastication of frozen pizza crust were studied by single factors testing and orthogonal testing. By the analysis of significance and orthogonal testing, the results showed that the optimal formula of modifying agent in the basic recipe was: konjak powder 0.60%, soylecithin1.20%, sorbitol 0.04%, edible glycerol 1.00%.
    8  Optimization of processing technology of sweet potato puree steamed bread by response surface method
    张凤婕 张天语 曹燕飞 杨 哲 张海静 李宏军
    2020, 28(1):40-45.
    [Abstract](462) [HTML](0) [PDF 793.53 K](728)
    With 20% sweet potato puree and wheat flour as raw materials, the effects of knead times, fermentation time and fermentation temperature on the quality of sweet potato puree steamed bread were studied.On the basis of single factor test, sensory evaluation was selected as the evaluation index, and response surface analysis was used to optimize the processing technology of sweet potato puree steamed bread.The results showed that the optimum technological formula of sweet potato puree steamed bread was as follows: 14 times of kneading, 18 min of fermentation and 33 ℃ of fermentation temperature. With special sweet potato flavor, the quality of sweet potato puree steamed bread is better under this condition.
    9  Research progress of grinding roller wear of pulverizer
    黄奇鹏 高杨杨 武文斌 孟 乐 李蒙蒙
    2020, 28(1):46-51.
    [Abstract](443) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.83 M](1188)
    Roller wear is an important cause of pilverizer failure. Roller wear is affected by many factors. In this paper, combined with the research on the abrasion of grinding roller, the wear mechanism of the soft roller caused by the soft particles of wheat was reviewed. The paper points out the influencing factors of the grinding roller wear from the characteristics of abrasive and grinding roller as well as the working conditions, and expounds the antifriction technology, which provides a reference for the study of the grinding and wear reduction technology of the grinding machine.
    10  The effect of temperature on stability of squeezed soybean oil
    刘志明 孙清瑞 唐彦君 马 萍 李洪亮
    2020, 28(1):52-57.
    [Abstract](350) [HTML](0) [PDF 594.91 K](696)
    The effect of temperature (T) on stability of squeezed soybean oil (SSO) were studied by four characterization parameters (CPs, conductivity, peroxide value, isovolumetric combustion heat and acid value) similarities and differences of CPs characterization results were further compared. Under the fixed conditions of relative humidity was 40%, partial pressure of oxygen was 21 kPa, illumination was 800 lx and initial headspace rate was 50%, regulated and controled T to 30 ℃, 40 ℃, 50 ℃, 60 ℃ and 70 ℃ respectively, SSO test samples were oxidized continuously in airtight container for a long time, four CPs at different oxidation time (t) were multiple measured in the same time, curve of CP~t was plotted, kinetic equation was regressed, rate constant (k) and apparent activation energy were calculated, the prediction model of metamorphic time was established and coincidence rate was verified. The results show that CP changed significantly with the increase of T and the extension of t, the oxidative rancidity of SSO has characteristic of simple series reaction, the prediction model of metamorphic time has a good coincidence, CP was different, and there was a big difference in k. The stability of squeezed soybean oil of SSO should be described by multiple CPs.
    11  Research progress on rapeseed green processing technology
    张 鑫 任元元 王 波 孟资宽 邹 育 张星灿 王拥军
    2020, 28(1):58-62.
    [Abstract](493) [HTML](0) [PDF 189.81 K](2122)
    Green processing technology has wide prospects in rapeseed industry. The research progress of process technologies including microwave, pulsed electric field, shelling, cold pressing, enzymatic hydrolysis, supercritical CO2 extraction, low temperature green refining combined with the utilization of by-products at home and abroad were introduced, and their application prospects were further prospected.
    12  Research and development of full nutrition formula food for special medical purposeof patients with chronic superficial gastritis
    任祥瑞 程 赞 史晓桐 王辰阳 赵晓燕 张晓伟 刘红开
    2020, 28(1):63-69.
    [Abstract](452) [HTML](0) [PDF 479.29 K](1053)
    Chronic superficial gastritis is the most common type of chronic gastritis which has caused people’s attention due to the large number of patients. As a kind of nutritional preparation, formula food for special medical use is playing an increasingly important role in clinical nutrition. However, the research of special medical formula food in China is far behind foreign countries, and the research of chronic superficial gastritis special medical formula food is very limited. In this paper, the progress of total nutritional formula for special medical purposes for chronic superficial gastritis was reviewed, and the current situation and future trends of special medical food were analyzed. The related products were made based on a large number of experiments, which could provide reference for the development of special medical formula food for chronic superficial gastritis.
    13  Quality analysis of potato tuber and potato granules of main cultivars in Liaoning province
    赵 月 吕 美 杨 华
    2020, 28(1):70-75.
    [Abstract](557) [HTML](0) [PDF 412.87 K](669)
    11 varieties of potato tubers planted in Liaoning province were selected as raw materials, The mud-making process was used to produce the potato granules. The tuber quality indicators (total starch, protein, reducing sugar, fat, crude fiber and amino acids) and granule powder functional indicators (iodine blue value, light transmittance, freeze-thaw stability, water holding and oil holding) were determined in this research. The results showed that the starch content of 11 potato varieties ranged from 67.9% to 73.4%. Among them, Atlantic and 919 had higher starch content, Zaodabai and Kexin 23 had lower starch content. Protein content varied greatly, Fujin and Youjin protein content was higher, while zhongshu No.5 protein content was the lowest. The content of reducing sugar is also quite different. The content of BQ25 and Atlantic is lower, and the content of Kexin 23 is higher. There was no significant difference in fat content.For crude fiber, Atlantic crude fiber content is lower, Kexin 23 crude fiber content is higher. The contents of isobright amino acids, phenylpropionic amino acids and tyrosine in 11 varieties were all higher than those of WHO “essential amino acid model standard”. Compared with other amino acids, 33, Atlantic, Shepody and Zhongshu No.5 had more amino acids. There were no significant differences in free starch content among 11 varieties of potato granules. But the light transmittance was quite different. 919 had the highest light transmittance, while BQ25 and the Atlantic had the lowest transmittance. The water evolution rates of Fujin, Kexin 23 and 33 were higher, while those of BQ25 and Atlantic were lower. The water-holding capacity and oil-holding capacity of the 11 varieties of potato granules were 7.3~8.1 g/mL and 7.6~8.6 g/mL respectively. The results can provide scientific basis for the development and application of potato tuber and potato granules in Liaoning Province.
    14  Research progress on the relationships between dietary fructose and health
    庞邵杰 綦文涛 宋 歌 王 勇 孙 辉
    2020, 28(1):76-80.
    [Abstract](398) [HTML](0) [PDF 189.82 K](2286)
    With the rapid development of fructose industry, dietary fructose intake of Chinese residents has increased steadily. Thus, it is particularly critical to investigate the status of dietary fructose intake and its relationship to health. The relationship between dietary fructose and chronic non-communicable diseases, such as obesity, dyslipidemia, diabetes, hypertension and gout were reviewed in this paper. The aim of this study is to provide reference for the fundamental researches and applications of fructose.
    15  Simultaneous detection of multi-elements in rapeseed by semi-digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
    魏正蓉 杨 微 李贵友 唐 懿
    2020, 28(1):81-86.
    [Abstract](410) [HTML](0) [PDF 338.82 K](658)
    In this paper, Semi-digestion-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry method was employed to detect concentration of Ca, Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Mn, Mg and As in rapeseed samples simultaneously. The condition of semi-digestion and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was optimized. Sample pretreatment was compared between semi-digestion and microwave digestion by t-test verification. The results show no significant difference between our method and the microwave digestion method mentioned in GB 5009.268. The relative standard deviation of our method is between 2.5% and 14.5%. The detection limit of 9 elements is between 0.001~0.14 mg/kg. The method has been applied to the determination of nine metal elements in rapeseed samples with satisfactory results.
    16  Study on automatically potentiometric titration simulating manual titration method for determination of fatty acid value of grain
    李维香 吕世懂 张继光
    2020, 28(1):87-93.
    [Abstract](504) [HTML](0) [PDF 264.30 K](1063)
    A more stable and reliable method of the fatty acid values determination in grain was studied based on the establishment of manual titration method associated with the automatic potentiometric titration. The GB/T 20569—2006 Guidelines for evaluation of paddy storage character for the sample pre-treatment was used, and the manual titration was replaced by automatic potentiometric titration to determine the free fatty acid in grain with KOH as the standard titration solution. At the same time, the change of pH values in test solution were determined during titration, following by the corresponding real time change curves of pH-titration volume which will be stopped at the set terminal PH values, and phenolphthalein indicator was used as the finish monitoring in the process of the titration. The results showed that the titration processes were not affected by man-made factors, and the accuracy has no significant difference compared with manual titration method, thus ensuring the determination results has better repeatability, reproducibility and stability, and with the wider application scope.
    17  Development and application of software system for dynamic analysis of grain condition cloud map
    张忠杰 尹 君 吴晓明 吴子丹 吴文福
    2020, 28(1):94-99.
    [Abstract](431) [HTML](0) [PDF 1.58 M](1029)
    Based on the theory of grain storage ecosystem, multi-field coupling and ventilation window, the dynamic analysis software of grain condition cloud map is researched and developed by WU model, sinusoidal model of grain temperature change, heat and mass transfer model and related empirical model. By drawing visual dynamic cloud maps of grain condition, combining with the warehouse types, grain storage characteristics and regional environment, the state and change of grain storage can be analyzed and predicted, then the quantity and quality can be distinguished. In addition, the software system has been applied and improved in the national warehouse inventory in 2018 and 2019. It provides effective technical support and tool services for the realization of the whole process of grain storage quantity and quality safety management.
    18  Study on the tropism of six species of insect pests in stored grain to different colors
    董 震 齐艳梅 伍 祎 曹 阳 郑 丹 方江坤 黄呈兵 汪中明
    2020, 28(1):100-104.
    [Abstract](422) [HTML](0) [PDF 414.70 K](831)
    The tropism of six species of insect pests in stored grain to six kinds of colours was researched in laboratory by color correction. The results showed that the tropism of six species of insect pests in stored grain to different colors mostly changed with time, and the behavioral responses of the Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)、Tribolium confusum Jacquelin du Val、Sitophilus oryzae (linnaeus)、Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky to different colors were significantly different within a specific period of time (P≤0.05). Red、orange and black had obvious attracting effect on Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), with the highest trapping rates of 76.23%、39.55%、49.57%; Red and black had obvious attracting effect on Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, with the highest trapping rates of 38.48%、38.67%. The Liposcelis bostrychophila Bodonnel and Liposcelis decolor (Pearman) showed evasiveness to the most of the six colors tested. Red and purple had evident evasive effects on the Liposcelis bostrychophila Bodonnel and Liposcelis decolor (Pearman), with the highest evasive rates of 70.29% and 54.46%. The results can provide reference for the development of color traps to trap and monitor pests in stored grain.
    19  Application analysis of water source heat pump technology for low-temperature grain storage
    杨晓帆 张文彦 李 辉 李 琛
    2020, 28(1):105-109.
    [Abstract](300) [HTML](0) [PDF 411.13 K](654)
    The principle of water source heat pump technology for low-temperature grain storage and the factors affecting its applicability were analyzed in this paper. And the installation and use of water source heat pump technology for low-temperature grain storage in China were further collated and analyzed. The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical basis for grain storage enterprises in different regions in selecting water source heat pump technology for low-temperature grain storage.
    20  Warehousing operation flow and optimization scheme of a provice grain depot
    吴兴阳 文宗川
    2020, 28(1):110-115.
    [Abstract](466) [HTML](0) [PDF 348.64 K](913)
    Under the background of the rapid development of modern grain logistics, according to the basic connotation of storage management, taking a provincial grain depot as the research object, this paper analyzed its current situation of storage operation process from the aspects of warehousing operation, warehousing operation and outgoing operation, pointed out the problems existing in its storage operation process, and analyzed the causes of these problems. Therefore, the optimization schemes for a provincial grain depot operation process were put forward, such as perfecting warehousing operation process, updating and renovating warehouse facilities and equipment, and strengthening post skills training of stuff. We expected this paper can provide theoretical support for the improvement and optimization of grain storage process.
    21  Investigation analysis on information construction of grain storage in national depot in Liaoning province
    刘长生 李 专 高树成 贾国强 李 佳 李 玉
    2020, 28(1):116-119.
    [Abstract](371) [HTML](0) [PDF 287.46 K](741)
    In order to grasp the situation, problems and solutions of information construction of grain storage in Liaoning province, a systematic investigation was carried out on 13 representative national warehouses in the province. The results show that the main contents of information construction in national warehouses include digital electronic temperature measurement system, grain surface video monitoring system , grain situation remote monitoring technology , early warning system for grain situation monitoring and analysis , grain quantity monitoring system , automatic ventilation control system, intelligent access and storage management system, wireless transmission technology of storage data, etc. The main problems include a large number of "isolated islands" in grain storage data, the lack of information construction funds in grass-roots units, the outdating of grain storage facilities, the aging of employee and the lack of compound talents. It is suggested that the information construction of national storage should be carried out step by step through overall planning, adopt the mode of joint investment, equip or improve the supporting facilities and equipment for grain storage, and build the information technology personnel team, etc.
    22  Investigation analysis on information construction of grain storage in national depot in Liaoning province
    何东平 高 盼
    2020, 28(1):c-1-c-1.
    [Abstract](270) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.31 M](413)
    In order to grasp the situation, problems and solutions of information construction of grain storage in Liaoning province, a systematic investigation was carried out on 13 representative national warehouses in the province. The results show that the main contents of information construction in national warehouses include digital electronic temperature measurement system, grain surface video monitoring system , grain situation remote monitoring technology , early warning system for grain situation monitoring and analysis , grain quantity monitoring system , automatic ventilation control system, intelligent access and storage management system, wireless transmission technology of storage data, etc. The main problems include a large number of "isolated islands" in grain storage data, the lack of information construction funds in grass-roots units, the outdating of grain storage facilities, the aging of employee and the lack of compound talents. It is suggested that the information construction of national storage should be carried out step by step through overall planning, adopt the mode of joint investment, equip or improve the supporting facilities and equipment for grain storage, and build the information technology personnel team, etc.

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