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Volume 27,Issue 3,2019 Table of Contents

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  • Text List
  • Abstract List
  • 1  Effect of complex proteins on the properties of textured wheat protein
    林家永 谭 云 陈文雅
    2019, 27(3):1-7.
    [Abstract](575) [HTML](0) [PDF 230.76 K](1386)
    The current situation of research on processing of rice, rice products and rice deep processing in China in 2018 was expounded. It is pointed out that although great progress has been made in the research of rice quality, processing technology, quality control, nutritional fortified rice, reconstituted rice and special purpose rice, it is still necessary to further strengthen the research work on rice processing. It also puts forward the suggestions for further development in order to provide reference for rice production, processing, scientific research and policy formulation.
    2  Effect of variety characteristics of Sichuan local rice on the quality of instant rice noodle
    张星灿 白菊红 康建平 任元元
    2019, 27(3):8-14.
    [Abstract](694) [HTML](0) [PDF 252.04 K](865)
    The effect of variety characteristics of Sichuan local rice on the quality of instant rice noodle was studied by detecting the basic component, sensory quality, cooking quality and texture characteristics of rice with seven varieties of high-quality hybrid rice selected from the experimental site of Sichuan academy of agricultural science as the objects, and the rice from ordinary Sichuan rice flour industry as control samples. The correlation between rice variety index and rice noodle quality was established by correlation analysis. The results showed that the effects of rice varieties on sensory evaluation, cooking quality and texture characteristic of instant rice noodle were significant. There was significant positive correlation between the content of amylose and the texture characteristics, sensory indexes (tough and chewy, smoothness, flavor) and comprehensive score. The broken rate and rehydration time of rice flour had significant negative correlation with amylose content and protein content of rice, while positive correlation with amylopectin content and crude fat content of rice (P<0.05 or P<0.01). When the amylose content of rice was 21.40% ~25.61%, the processed rice noodle had the best sensory quality, hardness, tensile length and broken rate. The quality of rice noodle processed by three varieties of rice, 4 #, 5 #, 6 #, by the experimental method were better than the others, which provided a reference for further standardization of Sichuan instant rice noodle.
    3  Study on preparation of glucomannan oligosaccharides by hydrolyzing Konjac powder with immobilized β-mannanase
    2019, 27(3):15-19.
    [Abstract](574) [HTML](0) [PDF 281.41 K](748)
    Taking Konjac powder as raw material, glucomannan oligosaccharides was prepared by hydrolyzing Konjac powder with immobilized β-mannanase. The experimental results showed that the reaction time, Konjac powder concentration, reaction temperature, enzyme amount and pH had different effects on the preparation of glucomannan oligosaccharides, in which the influence of concentration of Konjac powder and reaction time was larger than that of enzyme amount and pH. The optimal process conditions for the preparation of glucomannan oligosaccharides by hydrolyzing Konjac power with immobilized enzyme by orthogonal test were as follows: substrate concentration 1.5%, enzyme dosage 80×103 U/g, reaction time 6 h, reaction temperature 75 ℃, and pH 3.5. The yield of glucomannan oligosaccharide was 29.5%.
    4  Research progress on extraction and application of peony seed oil
    郭乃妮 王天瑞 李 倩
    2019, 27(3):20-23.
    [Abstract](668) [HTML](0) [PDF 212.73 K](1259)
    Peony seed oil contains various components such as linolenic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid and stearic acid. The content of unsaturated fatty acids is over 90%, and the α-linolenic acid content is reach about 40%, which is much higher than olive oil. Peony seed oil has high research value. The main composition, main extraction methods and application of peony seed oil were reviewed, and the prospects for the research and development of peony seed oil were forecasted.
    5  Determination of 5 trace elements and 5 heavy metal elements in selenium-rich rice by microwave digestion-ICP-MS
    罗科丽 曾峰景 刘冰洋 陈丽仪
    2019, 27(3):24-28.
    [Abstract](607) [HTML](0) [PDF 203.97 K](1049)
    The method for determination of five trace elements and five heavy metals in selenium-rich rice was set up by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and the content of ten elements in selenium-rich rice from the market was studied. The optimum pretreatment method was obtained by optimizing the amount of nitric acid, the amount of hydrogen peroxide and the microwave digestion procedure, and the quality control sample was used to verification. The results showed that the optimal pretreatment conditions of the method were: 7 mL nitric acid, heating up time to 20 ℃ was 5min and constant temperature for 5 min, heating up time to 120 ℃ was 5min and constant temperature for 5min, heating up time to 180 ℃ was 5 min and constant temperature for 15 min. The method was simple and fast, with a little reagent and good accuracy. It was suitable for simultaneous determination of many elements in selenium-rich rice; the selenium contents of selenium-rich rice which purchased randomly from the market were different. There was no obvious positive or negative correlation with the other four trace elements (Zn, Fe, Co, Mo). The five heavy metals (Pb, As, Hg, Cd, Cr) were within the limits.
    6  Evaluation of uncertainty in determining mercury content in spinach by automatic mercury analyzer
    张 巍 刘 青 赵晶晶
    2019, 27(3):29-35.
    [Abstract](528) [HTML](0) [PDF 336.78 K](676)
    According to determining the mercury in spinach powder, the possible uncertainties were analyzed and evaluated. The mathematical model of uncertainties was established to quantify and synthesize the components of uncertainty. The extended uncertainty of mercury in spinach was obtained by automatic mercury analyzer. The results showed that the mainly uncertainty sources of final results were successively determination process of mercury quality in samples, the measurement deviations, the weigh deviations and measured repeatability. The contribution to the uncertainty of the determination process were successively standard curve fitting, preparation of stock solution and standard series working solution. Operating strictly follow the rules and calibrating appliance regularly can reduce uncertainty. The mercury content in spinach powder is expressed as (26.061.67) µg/kg.
    7  Breeding of bacitracin high-producing strains by low-energy plasma implantation mutagenesis and optimization of fermentation conditions
    张金峰 文 玥 余 宇 柴小涛 任世英 罗楚平 李相前
    2019, 27(3):36-45.
    [Abstract](575) [HTML](0) [PDF 493.96 K](756)
    Bacitracin high-producing strains were bred by low energy plasma implantation mutagenesis and the fermentation condition was optimized with bacillus licheniformis as original strain. When the mutagenesis time was 15 s, the lethal rate of the strain was 80%, and the positive mutagenesis rate was 38%. After several rounds of breeding, a high-yield mutant strain C15 was obtained, and the yield reached 638.47 U/mL, which was 38.89% higher than the original strain. The optimum conditions of fermentation were determined via single factor and orthogonal experiments: the carbon source was 40.0 g/L corn starch, nitrogen source was 80.0 g/L soybean cake powder, and the temperature, initial pH and rotating speed was 37 ℃, 7.0 and 280 r/min, respectively. Under the optimum conditions, the yield reached 880.87 U/mL. The verification test was carried out in a 50 L fermenter, and the final cumulative bacitracin yield of the mutant strain reached 927.36 U/mL. Low-energy plasma implantation mutagenesis, as a new and efficient microbial breeding method, has a wide prospect in the field of strain improvement.
    8  Study on change of mold content and volatile component in paddy during early period of storage
    张 威 詹 展 周 涛 王平坪 贺艳萍 舒在习
    2019, 27(3).
    [Abstract](620) [HTML](0) [PDF 239.62 K](887)
    Indica paddy harvested in summer was stored in a high & large warehouse. The change rules of fungi content and volatile component of stored paddy during early period of storage were investigated by plate count method and headspace solid phase micro-extraction - gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS), respectively. The results showed that from August 2017 to February 2018, the grain temperature trended downward along with the air temperature and the temperature in the warehouse. During storage, moisture in the paddy rice fluctuated, which were all below the limit moisture (13.5%) for safe storage of indica rice. The initial carrying fungi content of rice was 4.67 1g cfu/g, which decreased to 3.00 l g cfu/g in November 2017, but changed a little as storage prolonged. For volatile component in paddy rice, variety and contents of esters dramatically increased in November 2017, but greatly decreased in February 2018. The content of nonanal increased obviously in February 2018.
    9  Simulation study on water retention and cooling effect in high & large warehouse with span of 24 meters by transverse ventilation
    俞晓静 王远成 戚禹康 石天玉 魏 雷
    2019, 27(3):46-51.
    [Abstract](581) [HTML](0) [PDF 639.41 K](658)
    Transverse ventilation is a new type of ventilation for large warehouse, which effect of water retention and cooling is rarely studied either at home or abroad. Based on the theory of heat and mass transfer in porous medium, the temperature variation and water migration in the grain bulk during transverse ventilation in different air temperature and humidity conditions is predicted by numerical simulation. The optimal ventilation condition of water retention and cooling is obtained by analyzing the distribution of temperature and moisture in the grain bulk in the condition of different air temperature and time. The result provides theoretical guidance for reasonable operation in mechanical ventilation.
    10  Study on transverse ventilation technology for water holding and cooling of high quality rice in Hunan
    陈金男 李倩倩 毕文雅 姜俊伊 陈渠玲 张源泉 陈昌勇 石天玉
    2019, 27(3):52-55.
    [Abstract](602) [HTML](0) [PDF 378.27 K](775)
    The processes of ventilation and cooling during grain storage will lead to decrease of grain moisture in different degrees. With the advantage of transverse grain cooling and ventilation, the high quality rice was tested by covering film on the surface of grain pile and cooling with axial draught fan in Hunan province to ensure the quality of grains was kept, which saved energy, reduced economic losses and achieved the goal of green ecological grain storage.
    11  Application of transverse grain-cooling ventilation technology in paddy storage in long-span warehouse
    杨冬平 于素平 齐国忠 巴瑞新
    2019, 27(3):56-59.
    [Abstract](560) [HTML](0) [PDF 908.06 K](739)
    The application of transverse ventilation technology for cooling grain in long-span warehouse (3624) was studied. The result showed that the ventilation path was more than four times of that by tradition ventilation, the cold-heat exchange more sufficient, with lower energy consumption. After ventilation the temperature in grain pile was more uniform in grain height direction.The average difference of temperature gradient along the cool air direction was less than 0.3 ℃/m. The cooling efficiency and temperature uniformity was better in long-span warehouse by transverse grain-cooling ventilation technology.
    12  Evaluation of storage effect of paddy by inner circumfluence temperature-control in high & large warehouse in Jilin
    祁智慧 张海洋 张正毅 孙凤阳 田 琳 唐 芳
    2019, 27(3):60-71.
    [Abstract](612) [HTML](0) [PDF 594.45 K](825)
    Inner circumfluence temperature-control technology is a new grain storage technology developed in recent years, which was applied in many storage enterprises. However, a large number of practices have shown that due to the influence of geographical and climatic conditions, the application effect of the technology varies in different regions. Rice stored in large warehouse with inner circumfluence temperature- control system in Jilin province was selected to monitor regularly grain condition and quality. The results show that inner circumfluence temperature-control technology combined with cotton quilt cover can effectively control the temperature and humidity of the grain warehouse and grain stack. These measures can ensure low temperature storage throughout the year, which can delay the decline of rice quality and reduce water loss and the possibility of the occurrence of mildew and pests, to achieve safe and green grain storage, which has important guiding significance for the safe storage of grain in Northeast China and the promotion and application of inner circumfluence temperature-control technology.
    13  Separation, identification and characteristics analysis of dominant mould in stored rice
    葛志文 方宝庆 邱伟芬 周建新
    2019, 27(3):72-77.
    [Abstract](573) [HTML](0) [PDF 2.62 M](943)
    The rice stored in Changsha (in Hunan province) and Xiangyang (in Hubei Province) was chosen as the object to separate the dominant mold from the stored rice and purify them, and record the colony morphology in Salt Czapek Dox Agar. The microstructure characteristics of the main dominant mold were photographed by Zeiss microscope respectively. The main dominant mold were identified at the genetic level by extracting and sequencing the DNA, which were aspergillus flavus, aspergillus niger, aspergillus albicans, aspergillus glaucus and penicillium chrysogenum.
    14  Early warning and disposal of condensation in paddy bulk in spring
    杨晓帆 章 铖 宋宏铭 何 荣
    2019, 27(3):78-83.
    [Abstract](610) [HTML](0) [PDF 3.46 M](834)
    The amount of food loss caused by condensation in the storage process during the post-harvest period in China is huge. Seasonal alternation is an important factor in causing condensation on grain bulk. The areas which are prone to condensation during winter-spring alternation are found out and early warned by analyzing the temperature and humidity data of the granary and the graph, and the relationship between the dew point and the temperature and humidity. It provides a theoretical basis for improving China's grain monitoring system, guiding the practice of grain storage and ensuring food security.
    15  Investigation on occurrence and distribution of three fungivore pests in stored grain
    赵欣欣 王殿轩 白春启 李 慧 阎 磊 张 浩 吕建华 邵小龙 贺艳萍
    2019, 27(3):84-89.
    [Abstract](628) [HTML](0) [PDF 207.73 K](935)
    The samples were collected from 505 stored grain enterprises, including grain depots,flour mills, rice mills,feed mills and some farmer and so on which are located in 77 cities in twelve provinces, including Hainan, Guangdong, Yunnan, Fujian, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei, Henan, Shandong, Liaoning, Shanxi, Heilongjiang, which are main grain storage eco-regions in China. Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens) and ahasverus advena (Waltl) occurred in all of the investigated provinces. Typhaea stercorea were collected from all of the provinces except Heilongjiang, Hunan and Shanxi province. The detection rates of A. advena, T. stercorea and C. ferrugineus were 18.81%, 11.48% and 45.94% respectively. The detection rate of C. ferrugineus was much higher than that of A. advena and T. stercore. The detection rate of C. ferrugineus in Hainan province was similar with that of A. advena and T. stercorea. The detection rate of C. ferrugineus in Shandong province was less than that of A. advena. The occurrence rates of C. ferrugineus and A. advena in Heilongjiang were the same. The detection rate of C. ferrugineus (14.29–69.81%) was much higher than A. advena (3.03–6.17%) and T. stercorea (0–33.92%) in other provinces. The occurrence rate of C. ferrugineus was much higher than that of A. advena and T. stercorea in most provinces in China.
    16  Improve grain logistics layout and create " the Belt and Road" international grain logistics channel
    邱 平 冀浏果 刘雍容 严云修
    2019, 27(3):90-96.
    [Abstract](551) [HTML](0) [PDF 199.57 K](772)
    The Belt and Road Initiative provides a great opportunity for the transformation and upgrading of China’s agriculture and leading it to the global agricultural. To improve the grain logistics layout based on the B&R Initiative is highly important to make full use of the resources at home and abroad. It is also of great significance to promote cooperative development of China's agriculture and international. Based on the analysis of the present situation of China’s grain logistics development, grain import and export, the international major grain logistics channels, and combined with the 13th Five-Year plan for grain logistics and Belt and Road Initiative, the overall idea to construct the international grain logistics channel was put forward, including connection to the international railway channel, optimization of the routes and the port layout, construction and operation of the ocean import and export channel, improvement of the logistics efficiency of international channel node and strengthening the research on China's grain import network optimization. It provides a reference and valuable decision-making basis for the optimization of the domestic grain logistics layout and the construction of the international grain logistics channel along the Belt and Road.
    17  Status, constraints and countermeasures of grain industry in Yunnan under the background of “the Belt and Road”
    杨蕙铭 李 辉 亢 霞 李腾飞 杨琨瑜 邵志凌 李林开 文韵漫 杨 瑾 周宏礼 董梦雪 闵亚玲
    2019, 27(3):97-100.
    [Abstract](506) [HTML](0) [PDF 222.88 K](828)
    The difference of grain resources between Yunnan province and the "Belt and Road" countries is large with strong industrial complementarity and broad prospects for technological exchanges and investment, and huge space for industrial cooperation. However, the foreign cooperation of grain industry is faced with many risks, such as national policy, political risk, cultural difference and so on. To promote the cooperation of grain industry between China and the "Belt and Road" countries, we need to set up the overall view of "focusing on the global and harmonious development", uphold the concept of "long-term cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win", strengthen the overall layout, adhere to the development strategy of the relevant organizations to take the lead, science and technology, talent first, "internet" + escort, trade and investment follow up.

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