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Volume 25,Issue 5,2017 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Study on the feasibility of improving modern production level of rice noodle industry
    2017, 25(5):1-4.
    [Abstract](790) [HTML](330) [PDF 682.50 K](537)
    Rice noodles industry is rapidly developing in China and it has made gratifying achievements in the research and development of products variety, quantity, production technology and equipment. However, the modern production level of rice noodles is still backward compared with wheat flour noodles industry. The actuality of rice noodle production in our country was summarized. Combined with the actual production, the practical and feasible solutions for the supply of raw materials, rice noodles production technology and equipment and other difficulties were put forward according to technological innovation ideas in order to provide a reference for enhancing the modernization level of rice noodles production.
    2  Research progress of noodles as traditional staple food in China
    何承云 葛晓虹 孙俊良 李光磊 师玉忠 梁新红
    2017, 25(5):5-7.
    [Abstract](698) [HTML](319) [PDF 959.45 K](528)
    Chinese noodle processing was one of the main contents of accelerating industrialization construction of traditional staple food. The academic thesis and the patents about noodle processing in recent years were collected and teased out. The development history of noodle processing in China was summarized. According to the research projects in the field of noodle processing supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the support and the emphases of the research in the field of noodle processing in China was discussed. The main problems existed in the production of noodles were discussed. The direction and prospect of future industrialization development of noodles are analyzed expecting to provide a reference for the research of domestic noodle processing and industrial production.
    3  Effect of the processing technology on the quality of dried noodle made of whole wheat flour with the bran treated by enzyme
    汪丽萍 刘 姣 刘艳香 田晓红 刘 明 谭 斌 翟小童 吴娜娜
    2017, 25(5):8-13.
    [Abstract](808) [HTML](303) [PDF 2.22 M](593)
    In order to improve the quality of dried noodle made of whole wheat flour with the bran treated by enzyme, the influences of processing technology (water addition, mixing time, water temperature, curing temperature and curing time) on the cooking and sensory quality of the noodles was studied by single factor experiment. The result indicated that the effects of processing technology on sensory quality of the noodles were significant, while were not on cooking quality. According to the single factor experiment, the optimal process condition were: water addition 40%, mixing time 3 min, water temperature 20 ℃, curing temperature 30 ℃ and curing time 30 min. The water addition of whole wheat noodle was 3%~7% higher than that of wheat noodles. The sequence of the effect of processing technology on quality of the dried noodle was water addition > curing temperature > mixing time > curing time > water temperature. The proper process control can effectively improve the quality of the whole wheat dried noodle with enzymatic treatment bran.
    4  Optimization of processing conditions of black beans carrot juice tofu by orthogonal experiment
    张 馨 杨豫斐 谭孟娜 何述栋
    2017, 25(5):14-18.
    [Abstract](677) [HTML](314) [PDF 855.03 K](559)
    A kind of tofu with a strong antioxidant capacity was developed with black beans and carrots as the main raw materials. The processing conditions for black beans carrot juice tofu were optimized by orthogonal experiment with the texture properties, sensory evaluation, yield and water-retaining property as the indexes. The single factor experimental results indicated that the hardness and yield increased with the increase of black bean milk concentration and amount of coagulant. The glueyness, yield, water-retaining property were decreased with the increase of carrot juice quantity, the sensory acceptability was the highest when the additive amount was 15% (V/V). The order of the factors affecting the antioxidant capacity was the ratio of bean to water>carrot juice quantity>amount of coagulant, respectively. The optimal process condition was: the ratio of bean to water 1∶5(W/V), carrot juice quantity 15%(V/V), amount of coagulant 0.8%(W/V). Under this condition, tofu had the best antioxidant capacity.
    5  Research progress of wheat gluten protein
    王岸娜 陈丛丛 吴立根
    2017, 25(5):19-23.
    [Abstract](852) [HTML](376) [PDF 752.53 K](653)
    Wheat gluten protein is a nutrient-rich and inexpensive vegetal protein source, and it has wide applications in the food and non-food areas. The rheology and thermal stability of the natural wheat gluten protein is relatively poor, which has some restrictions to some extent in its scope of applications. Therefore, it is particularly important for the development of its new application value. The effects of some factors on wheat gluten protein structure and functional properties were summarized, and several modification methods of wheat gluten protein were discussed to improve its application value.
    6  Research progress on the shrinkage of steamed bread
    于国莉 刘长虹 贾 峰
    2017, 25(5):24-26.
    [Abstract](593) [HTML](338) [PDF 504.09 K](517)
    For a long time, the shrinkage of steamed bread is one of the key problems that affect its quality. The mechanism of the shrinkage is still unclear, though it can be solved through adjusting the processing technologies, ingredients and the quality of flour. According to the previous studies on the shrinkage, related research was summarized and prospected.
    7  Research on antioxidant capacity of Walnut oil during the storage process
    彭星星 乔茜华 张红云 高海军 高敬铭 戴冠苹 秦祎芳
    2017, 25(5):27-31.
    [Abstract](768) [HTML](332) [PDF 1.27 M](530)
    Taking walnut oil as the test material, its antioxidant activity in the storage process was studied. The results showed that unoxidized walnut oil showed good antioxidant ability. The inhibition rate of walnut oil on DPPH· radical increased with the increase of the concentration of walnut oil. The inhibition rate of walnut oil on DPPH· reached 50% when the concentration of walnut oil was 147.0 mg/mL; the inhibition rate of walnut oil on OH· reached 50% when the concentration of walnut oil was 340.83 mg/mL; the average inhibition rate of walnut oil and VC on O2.- was almost in the same level when the concentration of walnut oil and VC was 1.0mg/mL. The inhibition rate of walnut oil on DPPH· and OH· decreased obviously after it was oxidized. The scavenging activity of walnut oil in the same concentration oxidized for different time on superoxide anion radical (O2.-) declined gradually with the increase of the time. The average inhibition rate of walnut on O2.- dropped from 55.53% to 15.43% after 30 days being oxidized. In a word, the unoxidized walnut oil had good antioxidant ability. However, their antioxidant ability decreased as oxidation time increased.
    8  Overview of extracting and deep processing of edible beef tallow
    王家升 张 慧 丁秀臻 孙思远 赵 飞 李向阳
    2017, 25(5):32-36.
    [Abstract](737) [HTML](348) [PDF 976.49 K](506)
    Beef tallow and its deep processing products are widely used in food industry because of its good stability, gas retention and unique flavor. As the main edible animal fats, beef tallow is getting more and more attention from people. The physicochemical properties and chemical composition of beef tallow were introduced, and the existing extraction, deep processing technology and application were reviewed in order to provide a reliable basis for further development and utilization of beef tallow products.
    9  Research progress on processing and comprehensive utilization of rice bran
    徐 浩 张海玲 顾广东 朱昌保
    2017, 25(5):37-41.
    [Abstract](700) [HTML](311) [PDF 768.16 K](531)
    Rice bran is the by-product of the processing of rice with rich output, but without being utilized properly. The resource of rice bran is summarized in the aspects of the main components and the research progress on its comprehensive utilization. At the same time, some opinions and suggestions on the future development of comprehensive utilization of rice bran resource in China is proposed.
    10  Optimization of extraction technology for polysaccharide from fructus choerospondiatis by microwave-assisted enzymetic method
    刘 霞 廖梅香 张 洁 林银顺 范小娜
    2017, 25(5):42-46.
    [Abstract](671) [HTML](305) [PDF 2.68 M](559)
    The technology of extracting polysaccharide from fructus choerospondiatis by microwave-assisted enzymetic method was optimized by Box-Benhnken central composite design and response surface analysis based on the single factor experiment with enzyme dosage, pH, enzymolysis temperature and microwave extraction time as the factors and the extraction yield of polysaccharides as the response value.The results showed that the optimal conditions of extraction were as followings: enzyme dosage 1.2% , pH 5.5, enzymolysis temperature 45 ℃ ,and microwave extraction time 8 min. Under the conditions, the yield of polysaccharide from fructus choerospondiatis was up to 42.56%.
    11  Simultaneous and rapid determination of propionic acid, sorbic acid,benzoic acid and dehydroacetic acid in food by gas chromatography
    高海军 范自营 张红云 高敬铭 郭 静
    2017, 25(5):47-51.
    [Abstract](904) [HTML](515) [PDF 1.64 M](1347)
    The method of simultaneous and rapid determination of propionic acid, sorbic acid, benzoic acid, dehydroacetic acid and their corresponding salt content in food by gas chromatography was established by liquid-liquid extraction purification, which was applicable to the detection of solid non ester kind food. The result showed that the recovery rate of propionic acid was 85.1%~91.3%, the average recovery of the other three kinds of preservatives was 95.2%~99.4%; the maximum coefficients of variation (CV, n=6) in laboratory were less than or equal to 4.7%; the detection limit of the four kinds of preservatives were all below 0.002g/kg. With the interference of impurity, they can be further confirmed by different polar capillary column. The method has the advantages of wide application range, high detection efficiency, good reproducibility, high accuracy and low detection limit, and the application is of great significance for the supervision and inspection of food safety in China.
    12  Early prediction of fungus hazard during corn storage
    欧阳毅 祁智慧 李春元 张海洋 唐 芳
    2017, 25(5):52-55.
    [Abstract](707) [HTML](292) [PDF 1.81 M](547)
    A method of early prediction of fungus hazard in corn during storage was established by research on the relationship between the change of moisture content and temperature and fungal growth in stored corn. The corn samples with moisture contents of 12.2%,12.9%,13.5%,13.9%,14.7% and15.7%, respectively, were stored in incubators at 10,15,20,25,30,35 ℃ respectively for 180 d. Some samples were taken every 10 d to determine the changes of fungus. The results showed that no fungal was detected in the sample with moisture content of 12.2% stored at six different temperatures. There was a small amount of fungi detected in the sample with moisture content of 12.9% stored for half a year at the high temperatures of 30 ℃ and 35 ℃, which was basically considered to be safe because the effect on quality was very little. The corn with moisture content of 13.5% and 13.9% were safe after stored under the temperature of 25 ℃ and 20 ℃ for half a year. Fungi were detected in the samples with moisture content of 14.7% and 15.7% stored above 20 ℃ the growth accelerated gradually with the raise of the moisture. Storage below 15 ℃ can inhibit the growth of fungi. After fitting power function, prediction curves of moisture contents, temperatures and fungal growth starting time were obtained which can forecast short- term safety storage period for high moisture corn.
    13  Research on the pretreatment conditions for determination of vitamin A in feed
    2017, 25(5):56-58.
    [Abstract](626) [HTML](287) [PDF 609.60 K](470)
    The effect of the main factors in pretreatment, such as sample weight, sample preparation method and extraction method, on the reliability of the determination of vitamin A was researched by orthogonal experiment.The result showed that the optimal pretreatment conditions for determination of vitamin A in feeds were that the test was conducted by saponification with 10 g sample without being shaken or shaped.
    14  Cloning, expression and purification of recombinant antigen CP4-EPSPS
    邓汉超 刘玉琛 邓国标 刘 晋 周向阳
    2017, 25(5):59-61.
    [Abstract](723) [HTML](330) [PDF 1.28 M](589)
    A bacterial expression vector containing CP4-EPSPS exogenous gene was constructed and expressed efficiently in E.coli BL21(DE3). SDS-PAGE showed that the target protein was completely soluble in the cell supernatant liquor. The supernatant was collected and further purified by nickel column affinity chromatography. The purity of CP4-EPSPS protein was above 85%, and the protein concentration was 0.9 mg/mL determined by Brandford method. The protein expression and purification system can provide stable immune antigen for the transgenic plants, food and other antibody for protein detection, and also provide a stable material basis for the preparation of protein standard material.
    15  Influence of storage conditions on the germination energy and germination rate of paddy
    彭 毛 张 欣 左文杰 周 荧 魏建林
    2017, 25(5):62-65.
    [Abstract](688) [HTML](325) [PDF 1.44 M](562)
    The effects of different conditions (conventional mode, low temperature and quasi - low temperature) on the germination energy and germination rare of high quality paddy with different moisture contents storage within two years were studied by the test of simulation environment of large grain warehouse. The samples were taken from the upper, middle and lower layers of the paddy bulk in each of the quarter of the warehouse. The results showed that the moisture content decreased with the time, at last stopped between 12.0%~14.0%, which was not significant with the storage condition. The change range of germination energy was generally greater than that of the germination rate, but their change trends were basically the same. The variation of germination energy was more obvious, ie, the order of the change range of germination rate was the conventional storage> quasi - low temperature storage> low temperature storage, and the germination rate of the upper layer decreased obviously with the storage time, while the middle and the lower layer changed little. After comparing the reduction of germination rate of the paddy with two kinds of moisture content stored for two years in three different storage conditions, the result showed that the effect of moisture content was insignificant on the paddy stored in low temperature and quasi - low temperature environment, but the in conventional mode, the reduction of germination rate of the paddy with high moisture content (≥16.0%) decreased more than that with normal moisture content (≤14.7%).
    16  Research on changes of paddy quality in temperature controlled storage by air conditioner
    高树成 刘长生 赵 旭
    2017, 25(5):66-70.
    [Abstract](655) [HTML](313) [PDF 2.25 M](579)
    The storage process of control temperature by air conditioner in the warehouse was researched aimed at the problems such as the high temperature inside warehouse, the upper grain temperature rising quickly and grain quality becoming stale rapidly during the paddy storage in summer in north area. The changes of temperature, moisture content and quality indexes of the top layer paddy were analyzed. The result showed that the moisture content, germination rate and tasting score of the top layer paddy reduced gradually with the increase of storage time, compared experimental warehouse with control warehouse, which showed negatively liner correlated with storage time; while the fatty acid value increased gradually and positively liner correlated with storage time; amylose and storage time showed the trend of ascended at first and then declined. The change ranges of quality targets in the test warehouse were obviously less than those in the control warehouse during the storage period. When stored for nineteenth months, the quality of the grain in the test warehouse was better than that in the control warehouse; The upper grain temperature was kept below 20 ℃without pest, and moisture content loss in the grain was decreased and deterioration of grain quality was delayed. The safe storage of paddy at quasi low temperature was realized, which have obviously economical and social benefits.
    17  Discussion on mechanical model of vertical lifting section of clamping belt conveyor
    马建宇 李永祥 王明旭 靳航嘉
    2017, 25(5):71-74.
    [Abstract](641) [HTML](302) [PDF 1.30 M](599)
    Based on the general mathematical model of the clamping force of the belt conveyor in lifting section, the improved model to avoid the material leakage caused by the lateral movement of the belt was deduced. Based on the Hertz contact theorem, the mathematical model of elastic bulk material thickness in vertical lifting section, the relationship between the squeeze forces obtained by the material of outermost layer and the center (centroid) was deduced. The model was tried to apply in design of wheat transport machine, and was validated by the calculation. The model makes a partial improvement on the existing empirical formula of the clamping belt conveyor and the accuracy of the calculation, which provided theoretical support for the design, research and optimization of the specific parts of the belt machine, as well as other similar clamping conveyors.
    18  Research and optimization of mobile equipment for corn cleaning and drying
    李永祥 位艳芳 王明旭 王少英
    2017, 25(5):75-79.
    [Abstract](689) [HTML](321) [PDF 1.36 M](540)
    To solve the problem of cleaning and drying corn directly after corn being harvested,a kind of integration equipment for corn cleaning and drying was developed, and the main parameters were calculated. The temperature field and flow field in drying cylinder were simulation analyzed by dynamic analysis software Fluent. The process parameters of the rotary cylinder of the dryer were optimized by orthogonal test to obtain the optimal parameters.

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