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Volume 22,Issue 4,2014 Table of Contents

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  • Abstract List
  • 1  Study on physicochemical properties of six kinds of beans starch
    汪丽萍 刘艳香 田晓红 刘明 吴娜娜 谭斌
    2014, 22(4):1-5.
    [Abstract](713) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](326)
    Starches were extracted from mung beans, phaseolus vulgaris, red bean, pea, british red kidney beans and lentils by wet-grinding method. Their physicochemical properties were analyzed by compared with wheat and rice starches as the control groups. The results showed that starch's particles of the beans were similar with bigger granularity, and circular or elliptic shape, and good uniformity. There was significant difference of moisture, ash and protein between each of the beans prepared under the same conditions. The contents of amylose and retrograded starch among the beans starch had little difference, each above 40%. The starch swelling power and solubility increased along with the rise of temperature. There was significant difference in light transmittance among the beans starch which was better than that of wheat starch and rice starch. There was significant difference in gelatinization characteristics among the beans starch. Among the beans starch, there were no significant differences in thermal characteristics, and their crystallinity of the starch molecule were close, so did the gelatinization. There were significant difference in physicochemical properties between beans starch and wheat or rice starch.
    2  Optimization of the processing technology for extraction of protein from rice residue by ultrasonic-assisted enzyme method
    尹亚军 张翔宇 廖卢艳 张喻
    2014, 22(4):6-9.
    [Abstract](863) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](293)
    In order to increase protein content, rice residue, as a by-product in starch sugar process, was processed by ultrasound-assisted amylase treating. The effects of ultrasonic power, ultrasonic temperature, liquid-solid ratio, enzyme amount, enzymatic time on rice protein purity were investigated by single factor analysis. The technical parameters were further optimized by orthogonal experiment. The result showed the optimal condition was as follows: ultrasonic power 120 W, ultrasonic temperature 60 ℃, enzyme amount 50 U/g, liquid-solid ratio 12∶1 and enzymatic time 140 min. Under the above-mentioned optimum condition, the verification tests demonstrated that the purity and the recovery rate of protein were 82.4% and 87.5% respectively.
    3  Analysis on the granule appearance and microstructure of micronized starch
    易军鹏 任广跃 李欣 李丹 陈媛媛
    2014, 22(4):10-14.
    [Abstract](819) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](403)
    Edible starches from potato, cassava and corn were micronized to different granularity by the vacuum ball-milling machine. Particular tokens were made on the changes of starch's granularity, appearance, aggregation structure, etc. SEM analysis indicated that the appearance of starch granule changes evidently during the ball-milling treatment. The granule broke at the areas of stress concentration first, such as disfigurements, flaws and crystal areas. When the milling time increases, the homeostasis of micronization and conglobation existing together was appeared; furthermore, it can be seen that the decrease of the starch granules size is not only from the surface layer step by step, but lots of thicker layers desquamate around the granule, and many layers take breakdown from the core during the process of the micronized treatment.
    4  Optimization of the insect bread formula by orthogonal experiment
    徐晨 赵晨霞
    2014, 22(4):15-18.
    [Abstract](897) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](374)
    Edible insects could be added to bread as nutrition supplements, since they were rich in protein, to improve the nutritional value and edibility. The effect of different insect serous fluid, improvers, yeast and white sugar on the edible quality of bread was studied by orthogonal test based on single factor test and sensory evaluation. The optimal additive varieties and the formula was that the amount of zophobas morio serous fluid was 15 mL, the bread improver 1.5 g, yeast 1.5 g and white sugar 15 g.
    5  Research on the flour pneumatic conveying system with multipoint feeding
    刘宝华 李振亮 李亚 苏俊明
    2014, 22(4):19-21.
    [Abstract](715) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](394)
    Flour pneumatic conveying system with multipoint feeding was designed for the specific requirement that material need to store for a period of time before mixing process. To ensure the continuous feeding, several flour tanks were applied for the storage and feeding. The parameters, include pipe diameter, velocity, mixture ratio of air to material, air volume and power of the fan need when the system ran, were determined. The system operation was monitored by Kingview, which improved the automatic operation in the process greatly.
    6  Purification of unsaturated fatty acids from camellia oil
    刘华鼐 叶勇
    2014, 22(4):22-25.
    [Abstract](816) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](365)
    The method of urea adduction fractionation was used to purify the oleic acid and linoleic acid in camellia oil. Saturated fatty acid ethyl esters, ethyl oleate and ethyl linoleate were separated by stepwise cooling. The effect of crystallization temperature in the first and the second stage and urea amount on the oleic acid yield was reviewed. The optimal technical parameter were the first stage crystallization temperature was 5 ℃, and the second one was -10 ℃, the urea amount was 1∶1. The yield of oleic acid was 86.19% and linoleic acid 82.17%. The result showed that the first stage crystallization temperature was the main factor to affect purification. The separation and purification of oleic acid and linoleic acid were realized, which settled a good foundation for the application of camellia oil in the food and pharmaceuticals.
    7  Oxidative stability of enzymatically produced caprylic acid and rapeseed oil-based structured lipids
    栾霞 王瑛瑶 郭咪咪 段章群
    2014, 22(4):26-30.
    [Abstract](855) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](316)
    The properties and oxidative stability of structured lipids (SLs) synthesised by rapeseed oil (RSO) with caprylic acid (CA) was studied. The effects of different antioxidants including α-TOH homologues (25~1 000 mg/kg), tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ, 25~200 mg/kg), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT, 25~200 mg/kg), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA, 25~200 mg/kg), ascorbyl palmitate (AP, 25~200 mg/kg) and propyl gallate (PG, 25~200 mg/kg) on the oxidative stability of SLs were investigated. The results showed that the induction time (IT) of RSO and SLs were 7.0 h and 6.0 h at 110 ℃ respectively, meanwhile, the oxidative stability of SLs by adding α-tocopherol was barely improved (r=0.169), however, the addition of TBHQ, PG, BHT, BHA or AP could significantly improve oxidative stability of SLs(r was equal to 0.994, 0.948, 0.975, 0.974 and 0.985 respectively). There was a considerable increase in peroxide value (PV), conjugated diene (CD) content and p-anisidine value (AV) of SLs and RSO during heating 15 days at 60 ℃, while no obvious difference(P>0.05)in increase degree of PV or AV of RSO and SLs, but significant(P<0.05)in CD.Because of the insertion of CA in SLs, the number of saturated fatty acid was increased and the oxidative stability improved; on the other hand, the concentration of antioxidant in raw oil was diluted and the oxidative stability reduced.
    8  Study on the variation of physicochemical indexes of cottonseed oil during frying
    常明 付循照 刘睿杰 金青哲 王兴国
    2014, 22(4):31-33.
    [Abstract](888) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](342)
    Cottonseed oil is one of the common edible oils in our country, whose fatty acid composition endows the oil with good frying stability and shortening property, the fried foods with good appearance and rich in nutrition. During the frying process, water and oxygen could cause the hydrolysis, oxidation, polymerization, cracking and a series of complex chemical reactions in oils. Therefore, the physical and chemical indicators of the oils would be changed.The acid value, peroxide value, carbonyl value, p-anisidine value and the content of polar substances of the cottonseed oil were determined during the process of frying chicken. The result showed that the variation of polar substances, acid value, carbonyl value and conductivity was linear with the frying time, which indicated the change of the cottonseed oil quality.
    9  Research progress in interfering mechanism of whole cereal food on type II diabetes
    赵琳 李宗军 吴硕 伍鹤 刘安然
    2014, 22(4):34-37.
    [Abstract](752) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](381)
    Whole cereal food is one of the healthy foods which develop rapidly in recent years in the world. The importance of whole cereal food in prevention and control of diabetes was summarized, as well as the intervention mechanism of occurrence and development of type II diabetes which mainly involved the insulin sensitivity, inflammation and gut microbes. Further more, suggestions on the development and application of whole cereal foods in our country were provided.
    10  Nutritional function and application of chickpea
    赵堂彦 孟茜 瞿恒贤 江洪海 王琴 顾瑞霞
    2014, 22(4):38-41.
    [Abstract](875) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](390)
    The research progress in nutritional composition, pharmacological action and functional food applications of chickpea was summarized. The function of chickpea in decreasing blood sugar and blood lipid,anti-tumor, antioxidant was introduced from traditional Chinese medicine and modern pharmacological point of view. The application of chickpea as a nutrition enhancer in a series of soybean beverage, bean yogurt and health food was also introduced. Its unique edible value and the nutritional function will be developed and utilized,and its prospect of application will be further extended.
    11  Study on extraction of flavonoids from wheat germ assisted by ultrasonic
    李良玉 曹荣安 于伟 贾鹏禹
    2014, 22(4):42-47.
    [Abstract](799) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](334)
    The wheat germ flavones were extracted by ultrasonic-assisted response surface method based on single-factor experiment. The influence of the factors such as ultrasonic power, the ratio of material to water, and ultrasonic temperature and time on the extraction of wheat germ flavones was studied and the result from quadratic regression orthogonal rotary test was analyzed by SAS 8.2 statistical analysis system. The result showed that the optimal condition was ultrasonic power 346 W, ratio of material to water 29∶1, ultrasonic temperature 61.6 ℃ and ultrasonic time 31.2 min. The extraction yield of wheat germ flavones was 73%±0.5%.
    12  Antibacterial mechanism and effects of botanical food preservatives and their application in food fresh-keeping
    张媛媛 李艳利 李书国
    2014, 22(4):48-53.
    [Abstract](809) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](362)
    Due to their good safety,strong antibacterial property and abundant resources,natural botanical food preservatives have become one of the attractive research fields in food preservation. The variety, antibacterial effect and mechanism of several kinds of botanical food preservatives and their application in food preservation were systematically introduced. The botanical preservatives include proteins,peptides, polysaccharides and flavonoids, polyphenols, terpenes, essential oils and enzymatic hydrolysates in some plant materials themselves. Although many fruit in research of botanical food preservatives have been achieved, some problems, such as identification of antimicrobial active constituents,dosage-effect, synergistic effects between different antimicrobial active components and the mechanism, risk analysis and so on, still existed. Some suggestions about research, development and application of botanical food preservatives were put forward.
    13  Determination of benzo (α) pyrene content in foods by MAE-LC-MS/MS
    2014, 22(4):54-57.
    [Abstract](897) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](312)
    Benzo (α) pyrene (B (α) P)content in foods was determined by MAE-LC-MS/MS.The samples were pre-treated by MAE, separated by reversed-phase column, with mobile phase acetonitrile-water (70∶30, V/V), flow rate 0.2 mL/min, detected by series triple quadrupole electrospray positive ion MRM mode, taken B (α) P 252.3→224.3, B (α) P-d12 264.4→232.4 as quantitative ion pair, quantitated them by B (α) P-d12 internal standard. The result showed that B (α) P detection limit was 0.01 μg/kg, the linear range of standard curve was 0~10 μg/mL, the correlation coefficient was 0.999 9 , good precision:RSD within day<0.5% , RSD between days<1%, recovery rate 97%~103 %. The method can be used to determine B (α) P content in foods.
    14  Determination of phosphate in wheat flour products by microwave digestion-ion chromatography
    杨笑 陈波
    2014, 22(4):58-60.
    [Abstract](790) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](368)
    Phosphate in wheat flour products, which was pretreated by microwave digestion technique, was determined by ion chromatography equipped with a conductivity detector. The chromatographic column was IonPac AS19(4×250 mm)and the mobile phase was 35 mmol/L KOH solution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. The result showed that the recovery rate for this method was 97.0%~115.0% and the relative standard deviation was less than 0.5% .The linear regression coefficientwas higher than 0.999 within the concentration range of 1.0〖KG-*3〗~50.0 mg/L. As a simple and rapid testing, this method showed satisfied accuracy and was suitable for the determination of phosphate in wheat flour products.
    15  Soxtec system applied in the determination of the content of vegetable oil insoluble impurities
    张春娥 张蕊 张丽
    2014, 22(4):61-62.
    [Abstract](930) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](347)
    In order to improve the efficiency of determination of insoluble impurities content, and to save washing time of oil splotch on the surface of filter paper, Soxtec Soxlet leaching apparatus was researched to substitute the method of washing splotch on the filter paper surface prescribed in GB/T 15688-2008, and the results obtained with the two different methods were compared. The result showed that the result from Soxtec leaching test was precise and had good reproducibility, and at least 5 h shorter with continuous treatment of 6 samples, less reagents amount and pollution. For dark grease without decoloration, the pigment on filter paper can be washed off completely by Soxtec leaching. Therefore, Soxtec Soxhlet leaching apparatus will achieve the higher efficiency when analyzing the content of insoluble impurities in several oil samples.
    16  Investigation of the Japonica rice harvested in 2013 in Jiangsu province
    陈建伟 张祎 贾继荣
    2014, 22(4):63-65.
    [Abstract](833) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](304)
    Grain harvest quality investigation and grain quality forecast is an important basic work to serve the grain purchase and the agriculture, countryside and farmers. The quality of the Japonica rice harvested in Jiangsu province in 2013 was introduced. The survey data showed that the average brown rice rate was 81.5%,which was 0.3% higher than that in 2012, the head rice rate was 67.6%, improved by 2.9%,imperfect grain was 3.1% ,which declined compared to last year. In the province, the overall quality was better than last year, the North was better than the South; the standard-reaching rate of high quality varieties increased.
    17  Research progress in application of electrochemical biosensor in determination of pesticide residues
    戴炳业 唐清华 胡燕 史修娟 徐志祥
    2014, 22(4):66-71.
    [Abstract](872) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](391)
    Pesticide residues have brought serious threat to the environment and human health. Therefore, it is imperative to develop a rapid, sensitive and efficient method for detection of the pesticide residues. With the advantages of good sensitive, selective, convenient and low cost, electrochemical biosensors have been widely used in the analytical field. The sample pretreatment methods and the recent development of electrochemical biosensor application in pesticide residues detection were reviewed.
    18  Status of grain quality safety in China and countermeasures of supervision system
    张庆娥 杨军
    2014, 22(4):72-75.
    [Abstract](862) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](328)
    The present situation of grain quality safety was analyzed and scientifically evaluated, including the operation on quality supervision system about grain production, harvest, purchase and storage, existing problems. Some thought on innovation of food quality safety supervision were proposed. The countermeasure on construction of quality supervision system closed to perfect was suggested.
    19  Preliminary analysis of insertion site of transgenic wheat exogenousgene and the establishment of detection method
    段晓亮 许兰杰 刘志勇 梁荣奇
    2014, 22(4):76-81.
    [Abstract](941) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](337)
    The sequence character of insertion site of transgenic wheat exogenous gene sGNA was analyzed by genome-walking and the Nested-PCR methods, and the method of detection of sGNA gene transform event specificity was established. The random primers were supplied by Takara and the specific primers were designed based on the sGNA sequence. The boundary sequences of sGNA were cloned by genome-walking, and located on genome A by the homologous recombination. The Ubi promoter and bar gene of the plasmid with exogenous gene sGNA were cut off during the integration process, and two series of NOS genes were remained, the deletion was resulted in 4 500~4 520 bp, and insertion of a segment of base sequence was discovered between 4 786 bp to 4810 bp, which resulted the rearrangement of wheat genome sequence. The accuracy of the insertion site information was verified, so it′s effective and feasible of genome-walking for the detection of safety and identification of transgenic wheat.
    20  Kinetic model of microbial oils produced by fermenting corn stover hydrolysate
    徐洪章 叶小金 薛冬桦
    2014, 22(4):82-85.
    [Abstract](723) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](336)
    The dynamics of microbial oils fermented from corn stover hydrolysate was studied. The mathematic model of thalli growth and microbial oils synthesis during the fermentation of microbial oils changed along with the time was built based on Logistic equation and Luedeking-Piret equation. The test value was validated with the model. The compositions of unsaturated fatty acid in microbial oils were analyzed by the gas chromatography. The results indicated that the corn stover was used as a raw material, mortierella isabellina as a strain, after aerobic intermittent fermentation, the biomass and content of microbial oils reached 10.63 g/L and 49.53% respectively. A good coincidence between models calculation values and experimental data was observed, therefore, the model equations can really reflect the process of the microbial oils fermentation.
    21  Study on extraction of insoluble dietary fiber from sweet potato residue by aspergillus niger fermentation
    田亚红 常丽新 贾长虹 孟繁博
    2014, 22(4):86-88.
    [Abstract](827) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](314)
    The sweet potato residue was fermented with aspergillus niger to extract insoluble dietary fiber (IDF). The effects of fermentation time, solid-liquid ratio and inoculation amount on the extraction yield of IDF were investigated. The result showed that the optimal extraction condition was: fermentation time 120 h, solid-liquid ratio 1∶40 and inoculation amount 6%. Under the condition, the yield of IDF was 24.39%. The water holding capacity and swelling capacity of the dietary fiber were 4.33 g/g and 3.57 mL/g respectively.
    22  Research progress in determination of specific heat of cereal and oilseed
    郑亿青 张来林 李兴军 姜平
    2014, 22(4):89-94.
    [Abstract](809) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](385)
    The specific heat of grains is an important engineering parameter for calculating the heat transfer during drying and storing aeration. The concept of specific heat, empirical formulas for calculating and the recent main methods for its determination was introduced. The measurement of specific heat of cereal and oilseeds, and the relationship between the specific heat and moisture content, temperature, and the variety were summarized.
    23  Relativity of stored wheat conductivity change based on image processing
    刘莉 王若兰 王志山 张丽丽 曹志帅
    2014, 22(4):95-97.
    [Abstract](835) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](371)
    The conductivity of the wheat stored at different temperatures was detected and the surface image of wheat was collected by scanner. The correlation between conductivity and color character of wheat during storage was analyzed. The result showed that the values of R,G,B, and I, and conductivity were highly correlated with storage time. I value was the most significantly correlated with conductivity. The mathematic model of rui xing number 1 was y= 1.3E-16x^8.461 3, Y represents conductivity value and X represents I value, R^2 = 0.869, while the mathematic model of zheng mai 8998 was y= 1.7E-18x^9.278 5,R^2 = 0.913, and that of the two kinds of wheat was y=1.0E-8x^4.593 2,R^2=0.676.
    24  Effect of boring pests on the activity of wheat amylase and peroxidase
    张玉荣 吴琼 周显青 王海荣 张鸿一
    2014, 22(4):98-102.
    [Abstract](930) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](312)
    The effect of three boring pests, maize weevil,rice weevil and lesser grain borer, on amylase and peroxidase (POD) activity, and the variation was studied in order to provide quantitative parameters for grain storage scientifically. Some quantity of mixed wheat stored in Henan province for two years were taken as a test sample, which were to be infected by each kind of borers with different densities for different periods of time. The falling number and POD activity were measured at different infection time, the relativity with pest population density and infection time was analyzed. The result showed that the falling number was in the trend of increase and POD activity in the trend of decrease along with three main kinds of boring pests population density increasing and the infection time prolonging. The correlation analysis shows that the falling number was significant positive correlate with the infection time,POD activity was significant negative correlate with the infection time and the falling number, while both of them showed non-significant correlate with pest population density.
    25  Research on quality variation of wheat stored in bunker
    2014, 22(4):103-106.
    [Abstract](738) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](305)
    Quality indexes and the variations of the wheat in bunker during storage were tested to research the grain storage performance of the bunker, and investigate the suitability of the bunker storage in the grain and oil normal storage age limit regulated by the state. The research showed: there was no significant difference in the storage quality indexes' decline rate between the bunker with the capacity above 10 000 t and large warehouse, even the decline rate in some bunkers were lower than that in large warehouse; after storage for 3~5 years, both of the wheat's color and smell were normal, the tasting score was above 70 points, and the gluten water absorption was higher than 180%, which meant the wheat was suitable for longer storage. However, the grain quality declined faster in small bunker than that in large warehouse. A few indexes were tested to find that it was slightly unsuitable to store any longer and should be delivered as soon as possible.
    26  Design and construction of feature information database for biological hazard in stored grain
    王贵财 史卫亚 张德贤 王峰
    2014, 22(4):107-110.
    [Abstract](802) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](345)
    The feature information database of stored grain biological hazard was constructed by Visual Studio.NET 2008 and SQL Server 2008 based on the status quo and attendant problems of agricultural database according to prevention level of stored grain biological hazard, grain storage requirements and granary actual situation. The database collected stored grain biological hazard information and presented running interfaces. The future research work was analyzed and prospected.
    27  Application of inert dust in paddy storage
    潘德蓉 李燕羽 曹阳 卢德杰
    2014, 22(4):111-113.
    [Abstract](883) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](418)
    The application of inert dust in paddy storage in the condition of high temperature and high humidity was studied. The new technology to mix inert dust with the paddy of the surface layer (150 mg/kg) and set insect prevention line was compared with common practice grain storage technology. The results indicated that during 19 months, the insect density was 4 head/kg paddy in the treatment warehouse on October 2013, and at that time the fumigation with aluminium phosphide was carried out. There was nearly no insect in the warehouse till April 2014.To the control warehouse, the insect density was 28 head/kg in July 2013, and 24 head/kg in October 2013, and 16 head/kg in April 2014, and three times of fumigations with aluminium phosphide were implemented in corresponding month. So with the application of inert dust the fumigations in treatment warehouse was 2 times less than in the control′s, therefore reduce the grain loss and save labor. No adverse effects on grain quality occurred. So the application of the inert dust in grain storage area presentes good prospects, deserved popularization.
    28  Application of technology to control temperature by air-conditioner in storage of paddy with high moisture content
    陈素君 赵国武 陈刚
    2014, 22(4):114-116.
    [Abstract](745) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](347)
    Since the instability of the rice quality during the storage, the temperature in large warehouse stored bulk paddy with high moisture content was controlled by air-conditioner. The average temperature of the top-layer was controlled below 20 ℃ to create low-temperature storage environment which effectively stopped the temperature rise, inhibited the propagation of pests and mildew, reduced the storage pollution, stabilized the grain quality, decreased the moisture loss and therefore improved the economic and social benefit.

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