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Volume 22,Issue 3,2014 Table of Contents

  • Display Type:
  • Text List
  • Abstract List
  • 1  Optimization of alkaline separation of glutinous rice starch and its characteristics analysis
    周显青 邓峰 张玉荣 胡育铭 陈赛赛
    2014, 22(3):1-5.
    [Abstract](795) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](405)
    Taking the glutinous rice flour as raw material,the response surface analysis methodology was used to optimize the alkaline method separation of glutinous rice starch. The optimum separation conditions were determined by Box-Behnken response surface methodology based on single factor test with the purity of glutinous rice starch as evaluation index. The results showed that the optimal separation conditions were room temperature, lye concentration 0.34%,liquid-material ratio 5:1and soaking time 4 h, under the conditions the purity of starch was up to 96.61%,with protein content less than 0.5%. The properties of glutinous rice starch were determined by scanning electron microscopy and rapid viscosity analyzer.
    2  Research on extraction of zein and its functional properties and application
    任婷婷 李艳娟 李书国
    2014, 22(3):6-10.
    [Abstract](863) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](360)
    The extraction of zein,its functional property and application in improvement of noodle's quality was investigated. The optimal extraction conditions were obtained by orthogonal test, which were: ethanol concentration 70%, time of ultrasonic treatment 120 min, solid-liquid ratio 1∶12, pH 11, and the extraction rate of zein was 86.6%. The results showed that the water holding capacity of zein was better than that of wheat gluten. The emulsibility and emulsion stability was slightly better than that of wheat gluten. The physical properties of noodles dough with addition of zein were carried out by texture analyzer. The result indicated that the stretching length and break work of the noodles with addition of zein was larger than that of the control group. The extensibility and chewiness was enhanced by the addition of zein. Similarly, the elasticity and chewiness of noodle was improved with high total score by zein. It was feasible for zein to be used as a natural wheat flour quality improver.
    3  Study on the effects of emulsifier on the quality of instant noodle dried by hot air
    吴翠彦 陈洁 刘真理 王艳丽 李芳
    2014, 22(3):11-14.
    [Abstract](753) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](278)
    The effect of five kinds of emulsifier, CSL-SSL, SSL, SE, GMS and CSL, on water absorption, cooking loss, maximum tensile force, TPA (hardness, gumminess, chewiness), and shear hardness of the instant noodle dried by hot-air was studied. The result showed that the effect of SSL and CSL-SSL on the noodle quality was the most obvious and the optimal contents of them were 0.2%.
    4  Extraction of dietary fiber from chickpea and the effect on luncheon meat
    马嫄 车振明 卢靖
    2014, 22(3):15-17.
    [Abstract](861) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](355)
    Chickpea residue is used as feed, fertilizer, or being abandoned that may cause serious waste of resource. Chickpea residue contains some water-insoluble dietary fiber. The residue was treated by acid combined with alkali. The optimal extraction of chickpea water-insoluble dietary fiber was obtained by orthogonal experiment. The result showed that the alkali dosage was 5 mL/g, alkali treatment time 70 min, temperature 80 ℃, acid dosage 2 mL/g, acid treatment time 80 min. The nitrite content in luncheon meat can be decreased significantly by adding 1.0 % chickpea dietary fiber.
    5  Application of high hydrostatic pressure technology in grain and bean processing
    刘明 谭斌 孙志坚 汪丽萍 吴娜娜 田晓红 于国萍
    2014, 22(3):18-23.
    [Abstract](794) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](415)
    The high hydrostatic pressure technology is a new non-thermal processing technology based on Pascal hydrodynamic theory. In recent years it is widely used in the field of materials, metallurgy, fruits, vegetables and meat processing. The main functions of the high hydrostatic pressure technology were microbial inactivation, modification of macromolecules, product quality and function improvement. The influence of high hydrostatic pressure technology on the organic ingredients, such as protein, starch and enzyme, in grain and bean, and the application were summarized. The prospect of high hydrostatic pressure technology in grain processing industry was also mentioned.
    6  Effect of conjugated linoleic acid on the rheological properties of dough and shape of steamed bread
    赵阳 张滢滢 陈海华 王雨生
    2014, 22(3):24-27.
    [Abstract](666) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](427)
    The effect of conjugated linoleic acid(CLA)on the rheological properties of dough and shape of steamed bread were studied by farinograph and extensograph. The results showed that farinograph and extensograph properties of the dough as well as the ratio of height to diameter and specific volume of steamed bread were significantly influenced by CLA. The water absorption rate and forming time of dough were decreased with the addition of CLA. The stability time and softening degree of dough reached the maximum and the minimum, respectively, with 0.50% of CLA.Energy of extension, maximum extension resistance and stretch ratio of the dough were raised while extensibility decreased by CLA. The specific volume of steamed bread was decreased while the ratio of height to diameter increased with CLA. The appearance quality of the steamed bread was the best with 0.25%~0.50% of CLA.
    7  Optimization of the processing parameters of crisp coated chopped peanut
    郭丽萍 李颖
    2014, 22(3):28-31.
    [Abstract](725) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](369)
    The crisp coated chopped peanut was prepared by microwave with popcorn coated with coating powder and chopped peanuts. The parameters was:the particle size of chopped peanut was less than 3 mm, popcorn′s puffing degree was 101.14 g/L, the layer number was 2, the concentration of sugar was 50%, the percentage of starch in coating powder was 30%, the microwave power was middle and the microwave time was 6 min. This product was crispy with the flavor of both of the peanuts and popcorn, which was a new wholesome snack food.
    8  Separation of proanthocyanidin from peanut seed coat with macroporous absorption resin
    姬娜 熊柳 孙庆杰
    2014, 22(3):32-35.
    [Abstract](708) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](468)
    The effect of four different macroporous absorption resins on the extraction of proanthocyanidin from peanut seed coat was compared. The optimum macroporous adsorption resin was screened out which was AB-8. The optimal conditions were: concentration of the sample was 2.5 mg/mL, loading flow rate was 0.5 mL/min. The proanthocyanidin was eluted with ethanol concentration of 20%, 30%, and 50%, and three levels of the liquid, PSPP1, PSPP2, and PSPP3, were obtained with the proanthocyanidin content 75.26%, 84.50%, and 90.18% respectively. The thin layer chromatography analysis showed that the purified liquid had three bands, initial inference as monomer, mixture of oligomers, and high polymers.
    9  Research on preparation of microcapsule of Alliums cepa. L. var. agrogatum Don essential oil
    贾帆 李宏涛 张海悦 高冷
    2014, 22(3):36-39.
    [Abstract](692) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](318)
    Take Alliums cepa. L. var. agrogatum Don (ACAD) essential oil as core material and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) as wall material, the oil was embedded with β-CD. The optimal technological process to prepare the microcapsule of ACAD essential oil was optimized by response surface methodology, with embedding rate as the index and the ratio of core to wall, mixing time and mixing temperature as the factors. The results showed that under the optimized condition (the ratio of core to wall was 1∶5.6, mixing time 2 h and mixing temperature 45 ℃),the embedding rate of the microcapsule was 41.56%.
    10  Effect of food processing on DON content in wheat product
    李娜 段晓亮 唐朝晖 沈晗 孙辉
    2014, 22(3):40-44.
    [Abstract](635) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](466)
    The wheat infected fusarium head blight with deoxynivalenol (DON) content exceeding the limits of Chinese national standard, was used as raw material. The DON content in wheat kernels, grinding components, flour products was detected by immunoaffinity column and high performance liquid chromatography. The change of DON content was compared and analyzed. The result showed that the DON content declined significantly in the edible parts after removing the chalky kernels. DON content decreased much more in boiled noodles than in steamed bread. For bakery, the decrease of DON content in cookie was much higher than that in bread.
    11  Study on the formation of acrylamide in glucose/asparagine low-humidity simulation system
    戴炳业 左洁 张永菊 于帆 顾姣 徐志祥
    2014, 22(3):45-49.
    [Abstract](832) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](363)
    The effect of reaction conditions on the acrylamide formation was studied by low-moisture glucose/asparagine simulation system. The 4 factors, heating temperature,time, the asparagine and glucose addition levels, were optimized and analyzed by response surface based on single factor test. The results showed that heating temperature and asparagine content had significant influence on the formation of acrylamide. In addition, when both of the addition levels of asparagine and glucose were 1.2 mmol, heated at 200 ℃ for 6.5 min, the maximum content of acrylamide was 674.0 nmol.
    12  Rapid determination of acrylamide in fried foods by flow injection-chemiluminescence method
    高向阳 赵琛 张娜 陈双
    2014, 22(3):50-53.
    [Abstract](782) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](301)
    In order to establish a new rapid, accurate and simple method which was aimed to determine the trace acrylamide in foods, take commercially available foodstuff as samples, the acrylamide was extracted from the samples. The extracted acrylamide from samples was determined by using its inhibition to luminol-potassium permanganate chemiluminescence system and the condition was optimized. The results showed that the linear ranges of this determination was from 1.0×10-10 to 1.0×10-4 mol/L, the correlation coefficient was 0.999 3, the detection limit was 3.40×10-13 mol/L. Recoveries were between 85.7% and 98.2%. The relative standard deviation was 2.4%(n=9). Compared to the tests taken by gas chromatography, there was no significant difference between the two methods after the F-test and t-test, with the confidence level of 95%. The method was easily to be automated because of the wide linear ranges and high sensitive. It was convenient, cheap and practicable and easy for site testing. It is suitable for determination of acrylamide in foods.
    13  Assessment of uncertainty in determination of trans fatty acids in vegetable oils by gas chromatography
    丁云连 王琴 薛庆海
    2014, 22(3):54-58.
    [Abstract](771) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](362)
    The trans fatty acids in vegetable oils were determined according to the national standard GB/T 22110-2008 Determination of trans fatty acids in food-Gas chromatographic method , and the uncertainty was assessed. The results showed that the trans fatty acids in vegetable oils could be determined accurately by the laboratory,and the extended relative uncertainty of the result was 4.2%(K=2); the repeatability of the result by gas chromatography was the largest percentage of the total uncertainty, which provide technical reference for such projects and controlling the accuracy in the future.
    14  Identification of unsound kernels in wheat based on image processing and neural network
    张玉荣 陈赛赛 周显青 王伟宇 吴琼 王海荣
    2014, 22(3):59-63.
    [Abstract](743) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](281)
    In order to identify accurately and fast the unsound kernels of wheat by image processing technology, a novel detection method was studied based on image features of unsound kernels and BP neural network. The images of unsound kernels were captured and some image processings (median filtering, morphological operations and image segmentation etc.) were performed to extract 54 parameters from three characteristic categories (shape, color and texture). 8 principal components vectors were extracted as the inputs of pattern recognition by principal component analysis. The neural network model was established for identifying unsound kernels of wheat. The results showed that the recognition rate of sound kernels, broken kernels, spotted kernels, sprouted kernels and insect damaged kernels was 93%,98%,100%,90% and 85%, respectively, and the average recognition rate was 93%. It is concluded that this method is an effective way to identity unsound kernels of wheat.
    15  Comparison of the determination methods of ascorbyl palmitate
    杜淑霞 司徒满泉 徐丽 滕晓焕
    2014, 22(3):64-66.
    [Abstract](687) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](522)
    The ascorbyl palmitate was determined by the improved iodimetry and compared with iodimetry and silicon molybdenum blue spectrophotometer method. The results showed that there were slight differences among the results determined by the common methods. The result by the iodimetry according to Food Additive Manual was leaning high and poor repeatability because of the turbid solution; the result by silicon molybdenum blue spectrophotometer method has a higher sensitivity, but needs more reagents and longer determination period. No significant difference between the results in GB 16314-1996 and iodometry at 5% level. The improved iodometry was easier to judge the end point of titration and had a higher precision, since the color change of the starch indicator was more obvious. This method is easy and quick, and can be used for the daily determination of the ascorbyl palmitate.
    16  Application of principal component analysis in texture quality evaluation of dried noodles
    汪礼洋 陈洁 吕莹果 石灯华 黄想平 李雪琴
    2014, 22(3):67-71.
    [Abstract](660) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](433)
    Eighty wheat flour samples from different regions of China were processed to dried noodles, and 10 texture parameters were studied by principal component analysis method for comprehensive evaluation of noodle quality. Five principal components, F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 were selected to construct an evaluation model, which effectively retained most information (89.508%) about the indexes. The comprehensive evaluation method of the score of principal component factor was validated by sensory score. Each principal component and the total score of principal component factor F were very significantly correlated to the total sensory score of noodles, respectively. The five principal components can be used to comprehensively evaluate the texture quality of dried noodles.
    17  Effects of vacuum freeze-drying on noodles′ quality
    王岸娜 张天鹏 吴立根
    2014, 22(3):72-75.
    [Abstract](700) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](354)
    The effects of vacuum freeze-drying on noodles quality were studied. Nuclear magnetic resonance experiments showed that the curing time for fresh noodles would be better controlled in the range of 8~16 min. At this time, starch and protein reacted fully with water, and the internal reticular structure became more stable. These holes inside the internal reticular structure were uniform with the diameter about 27.1 μm detected by SEM. The particles in the soup after cooking the curing freeze-dried noodles were smallest, which was mainly distributed from 0.10 μm to 2.00 μm.
    18  Research progress in glutamine and its bound peptide
    马洪龙 韩飞 李爱科 陈光
    2014, 22(3):76-81.
    [Abstract](712) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](289)
    Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid in human and other mammalian plasma, which plays an important role in the organism metabolism. Glutamine is unstable in acid and heating conditions, but the small peptides containing glutamine are very stable, which has a high value in use. The physiological functions and application of glutamine and its binding peptide, the advantages of gln-bound peptide, the method of production, and detection of glutamine were systematically described.
    19  Study on hydrolysis condition of winged bean with complex protease
    廖卢艳 蒋立文
    2014, 22(3):82-85.
    [Abstract](684) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](285)
    The protein of winged bean produced in Huaihua, Hunan was hydrolyzed by complex protease. The effect of the factors on hydrolysis degree was studied by single factor test and orthogonal test. The optimal conditions for complex protease hydrolysising winged bean protein were determined. The result showed that the optimal conditions were temperature 45 ℃, pH value 7.0, enzyme dosage 5%, and enzymolysis time 5 h. In these conditions hydrolysis degree can achieve 18.59%.
    20  Study on the fed-batch fermentation process of spinosad
    邹球龙 郭伟群 王超 胡翔 韩伟 张晓琳
    2014, 22(3):86-88.
    [Abstract](648) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](348)
    The fermentation process was optimized by controlling pH and fed-batch with the 30 L and 50 L fermentation tanks in order to increase the production of spinosad. The yield of spinosad reached to 1 050 μg/mL by the optimized method, which increased 82% compared with the control group of 575 μg/mL. This research provides the basis for the industrial production of spinosad.
    21  Detection of chicken and cattle derived ingredients in edible oil by PCR
    黄治国 赵斌 冯治平 邓杰 刘燕梅
    2014, 22(3):89-91.
    [Abstract](612) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](315)
    The application and the feasibility of PCR technology in detection of chicken and cattle derived ingredients in edible oil were studied. The result showed that chicken derived ingredient in the sample 5 and 6 was negative, and cattle derived ingredient in the sample 4 and 5 was negative. But chicken and cattle derived ingredients in the sample 1,2 and 3 were positive, and chicken derived ingredient in the sample 4 was positive while cattle derived ingredient in the sample 6 positive.All the results showed that it is feasible to detect animal derived ingredient in edible oil by PCR technology.
    22  Catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of α-galactosidase
    李楠 李苏红 徐杰 李润国 董墨思
    2014, 22(3):92-97.
    [Abstract](751) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](305)
    Alpha-galactosidase belongs to exoglycosidases, and widely exists in animals, plants and microorganisms. It is widely used in many fields such as food, feed, pharmaceutical and papermaking. The progress in catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of α-galactosidase is discussed. The application and development prospects in food processing are also reviewed.
    23  Lowering paddy temperature by equilibrium moisture theory and ventilation window
    李兴军 吴晓明 殷树德
    2014, 22(3):98-101.
    [Abstract](731) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](346)
    Combined the intelligent detection technology with ventilation window control model, the ventilation window region for lowering the temperature was constructed according to the principle of controlling aeration by CAE equation, the absolute humidity adsorption equilibrium curve of paddy and saturated humidity curve. The ventilator turned on when the air status point within the window region, turned off when outside. The unit energy consumption of aeration controlled by ventilation window was much less than that by man.
    24  Changes of fatty acid in brown rice stored in different temperature
    孙辉 包金阳 张蕊 姜薇莉
    2014, 22(3):102-105.
    [Abstract](750) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](295)
    The changes in fatty acid and their relationship with tasting quality of brown rice with different moisture content stored in three different temperatures, low temperature (15 ℃), quasi-low temperature (20 ℃) and high temperature (30 ℃) were studied. The results showed that the fatty acid value (FAV) of the brown rice from the industrial processing were higher than those husked in the laboratory and kept increasing during the storage, especially for the samples with high moisture content as 18.5%, increased dramatically. The changes in FAV of the samples whose moisture content were lower than 17.5% was not different between been stored in 15 ℃ and 20 ℃ for six months. The oleic acids increased significantly during storage, while linoleic acid decreased with highly significant negative correlation. The palmitic acid was in increasing trend at high temperature. The FAV related with edible quality significantly, which could be used to predict the edible quality of brown rice during storage.
    25  Local lateral ventilation for the grain in the bottom of warehouse
    张来林 任强 杨海民 刘玉东 杜建光 李东冬
    2014, 22(3):106-108.
    [Abstract](609) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](333)
    The principles, operations, application effects and precautions of local lateral ventilation were mainly introduced, which was suitable for cooling and mean temperature ventilations in the part that the grain temperature was high, between two ventilation ducts in the bottom of flat warehouses. The ventilation method is simple, easy to handle, with low cost and good ventilation effect.
    26  Application of OPC technology in weighing data acquisition system in grain depot
    何东华 黄晓健
    2014, 22(3):109-112.
    [Abstract](717) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](296)
    The weighing data from bulk weigher was obtained by OPC technology in order to integrate weighing acquisition system with information management system.The acquisition system established a connection with PLC through the data interface provided by the Siemens OPC Server. Data interaction was achieved between the two systems. The real-time and accuracy of the data exchange can meet the practical demand.
    27  Method and application of traceability system of inner-warehouse grain quality safety based on internet of things
    褚芳芳 杨小辉 孙鹏 臧传真
    2014, 22(3):113-116.
    [Abstract](837) [HTML](0) [PDF 0.00 Byte](433)
    A method of stored grain quality safety traceability based on the internet of things was provided. Each batch of grain was encoded according to the coding rule.The receive and deliver of grain and daily safekeeping information, especially the quality information, was collected by radio frequency identification(RFID), sensors, and so on. The information was analyzed, displayed in the form of graphics from different viewing angles, and generated a traceability report as a result. This method was proved easy to use and effective in application,which could settle the problem of the traceability of inner-warehouse grain quality safety, and takes an important step for traceability of grain from farm to fork.

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